A static Vue website documenting where to find various API information for with Mcity applications.
Mcity-api uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [Vue.js] - Used for our dashboard front end.
- [S3] - Storage of redirect objects
- [Cloudfront] - Hosting https versions of creation app.
Setup S3 Bucket as public (read), and enable static website hosting. Set base object to index.html and error object as index.html
Create a Cloudfront distribution Set alternative domain names to your new domain (ex. api.um.city) Set up an SSL certificate through ACM for this domain
Copy env_sample to .env and populate the VUE_APP values
$ npm run build
Copy files from Dist folder to S3 bucket
Invalidate Cloud front cache
This application is maintained by Tyler Worman ([email protected]) if you'd like to contribute, please create a pull request for features/fixes on this repository.