DISCLAIMER: This is alpha quality at best. Next steps will include proper packaging, refactoring testing etc
Once a package is uploaded to the Ubuntu archive (dput) it triggers a series of tests and rebuilds across multiple packages in the archive. Said package won't be able to migrate until it has build properly and all its dependencies have had successfull tests
This is a very simple view but this is what we call package migration.
When a package does't migrate, one would wonder why? what is its excuse?
Browsing and looking at https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html can give excellent insight and help resolve the problem right away but in a lot of case, it could takea long time to find why a package is not migrating due the amount of packages trying to migrate at the same time abd blocking each others
Wouldn't it be great to have a visual representation of these excuses?
This tool leverage the excuses database located here https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.yaml.xz
This tool also uses the package per team mapping relevant to Canonical's internal teams which could help to show excuses per team. The content comes from http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/m-r-package-team-mapping.html
Finally this python program leverage pyvis python library https://github.com/WestHealth/pyvis https://pyvis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
visual is available as a snap and installing it should be as simple as
$> snap install visual-excuses
Otherwise it can also be installer as a standard pip python package
$> git clone https://github.com/mclemenceau/visual-excuses.git
$> cd visual-excuses
$> pip3 install .
Then run visual-excuses for all team or one specific team
$> visual-excuses
$> visual-excuses --team foundations-bugs
If you want to list available team
$> visual-excuses
$> visual-excuses --list-team
Control are fairly intuitive with the mouse to zoom in and out of the picture
Arrows : go in the direction of the problem, follow the arrow to find the reason a package isn't migrating
Blue items: represents autopkgtest failures related excuses, light blue means another package autopkgtest failure is blocking the migration. Dark blue mean this package autopkgtest are failing. Moving the mouse over the dot will show the exact failure and allow to click on hyperlink to go there.
Red items: missing builds. moving the mouse over the dot will show which architecture are missings