The ResourceControllerDSC module allows you to control other DSC resources by adding a Maintenance Window so Set-TargetResource will only run during that window. Also allows you to supress a reboot when a resource does not have the option.
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- ResourceController: Provides the ability to add a maintenance window and supress reboots. Maintenance windows and Supress reboots only effect Set-TargetResource. Get and Test will always run for reporting.
[String] InstanceName (Key): A unique name to give the resource.
[String] ResourceName: The name of the resource you want to run.
[Scriptblock] Properties: A Scriptblock that returns a Hashtable of the properties for the resource you are calling.
[Credential] Credentials: Credentials you want to use as properties in the Properties Scriptblock.
- [String] Name: The name of the credential. Used to reference the credential in the properties.
- [PSCredential] Credential: The Credential object.
[MaintenanceWindow] MaintenanceWindow: Object representing a maintenance window DaysofWeek Week Days
- [string] Frequency: The frequency the schedule should run. { Daily | Weekly | Monthly }
- [DateTime] StartTime: The start time the resource is aloud to run Set-TargetResource when the day is inside the maintenance window
- [DateTime ] EndTime: The end time the resource is aloud to run Set-TargetResource when the day is inside the maintenance window
- [DateTime] StartDate: The date the resource is aloud to run Set-TargetResource.
- [DateTime] EndDate: The date the resource will no longer run Set-TargetResource.
- [String[]] DaysofWeek: The days of week Set-TargetResource will run. { Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday }
- [int[] Week: The week in the month you want Set-TargetResource to run. {0} represents the last week of the month. { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }
- [int[]] Days: The day in the month you want Set-TargetResource to run. {0} represents the last day of the month. { 0-31 }
[bool] SupressReboot: Whether you should supress a forced reboot. { True | False }
- Removed parameter validation to avoid potential issues with ValidateScript
- Added Credential object to use in the properties.
- Converted Properties from a Hashtable to a Scriptblock so it can handle more object types like arrays. If you want to use a PsCredential then you set the value to [PsCredential]:< Name>. This will replace that string with the credential object matching the name of the credential passed in the Credential parameter.
Converted resource parameters to there desired type.
Breaking Change: Fixed variable names in DSCResource
Breaking Change: Add ResourceVersion to support systems with multiple versions installed.
- Fixed bug: Test-MaintenanceWindow would fail if one Maintenance Window of an array of windows was outside the window.
Initial release with the following resources:
- ResourceController