This project is devoted to explore Computer Vision video techniques to track cars across multiple cameras at a single intersection and multiple intersections spreading out in a mid-size city.
The dataset used is a subset of 3 sequences of the AI City dataset. This dataset offers 3.25 hours of videos showing road intersections and driving vehicles. 40 cameras were used in 10 different intersections. The dataset also offers the frame-by-frame bounding boxes of each vehicle, giving a total of 229,680 bounding boxes for 666 different vehicles.
In addition to the main challenge, in this repository there are several studies done such as background estimation and optical flow estimation and representation. The corresponding detailed expositions are inside the w1, w2, w3 and w4 folders. However, all the code corresponding to the main challenge is in the w5 folder.
Week 1 - Database, Evaluation Metrics and Representation
Week 2 - Background Estimation
Week 3 - Object Detection and Tracking
Week 4 - Optical Flow Estimation and Object Tracking
This module has been done by 4 students of the MSc in Computer Vision for the M6-Video Analysis module:
Members | Contact | GitHub |
Igor Ugarte Molinet | [email protected] | igorugarteCVM |
Juan Antonio Rodríguez García | [email protected] | joanrod |
Francesc Net Barnès | [email protected] | cesc47 |
David Serrano Lozano | [email protected] | davidserra9 |
In this repository we present TrackNet, a model capable of detecting and tracking cars across intersections in more than one camera. The model is based on a Faster R-CNN with ResNeXt101 backbone, Deep SORT with some refinements and Triplet Metric Learning with ResNet50 backbone for the object Re-ID.
The model pipeline is the following:
All the model justification and results are in the following slides: SLIDES
Or in the following paper (both in pdf and LaTeX format): PDF / LaTeX
The first step of the model is to run a finetuned Faster R-CNN with ResNext101 backbone to predict the position of the cars frame-by-frame with theit bounding boxes. We reach a top Average Precision of 0.9852 on the c010 of S03.
Once the cars are detected we tested several tracking algorithms (Max Overlap, SORT, Deep SORT) to track and relate the bounding boxes which are from the same car along the frames. The best performing technique was Deep SORT wtih an average IDF1 of 0.7447 over all the sequences.
Once all the cars have been assigned to a track along the same camaera, TrackNet relates them to be able to identify the same car in different cameras.
To do so, the model uses a Triplet Network with ResNet50 as backbone to implement Deep Metric Learning computing features from every tracklet. Once each tracklet has an embedding the Re-ID model matches all the similar tracklets from different cameras ensuring a cross-match condition. TrackNet is able to achieve and average IDF1 of 0.4733.
This code is implemented in Python3.6+, Detectron2 and Pytorch
If you want to reproduce our results, please dowload the datasets from AI City Challenge 22 and put them in a folder called data outside the repository folder:
├── data
├── AICity_data
├── train
├── S01
├── S03
├── S04
├── mcv-m6-2022-team2
├── w1
├── w5
├── utilities
The user has the ability to select which training sequences (S01, S03...) want by switching the train_seq parameter of the the AICity object in the w5/ file. The pipeline creates a data folder inside w5 in which all the predictions are stored divided in different folders depending on the training sequences. Furthermore, the user has the ability of running just some parts of the pipeline just by comenting the corresponding lines of the w5/ file.
So to run TrackNet run:
$ python w5/