api-typescript-generator / Modules / openapi
- OpenApiComponents
- OpenApiContact
- OpenApiDocument
- OpenApiEncoding
- OpenApiExample
- OpenApiExpandedSchema
- OpenApiExternalDocumentation
- OpenApiInfo
- OpenApiLicense
- OpenApiLink
- OpenApiMediaType
- OpenApiOAuthFlow
- OpenApiOAuthFlows
- OpenApiOperation
- OpenApiParameter
- OpenApiRequestBody
- OpenApiResponse
- OpenApiSecurityScheme
- OpenApiServer
- OpenApiServerVariable
- OpenApiTag
- OpenApiFormats
- OpenApiHeader
- OpenApiHttpMethod
- OpenApiParameterIn
- OpenApiParameterStyle
- OpenApiPathItem
- OpenApiPaths
- OpenApiPrimitiveTypes
- OpenApiSchema
- OpenApiSchemaPrimitiveValue
Ƭ OpenApiFormats: "int32"
| "int64"
| "float"
| "double"
| "byte"
| "binary"
| "date"
| "date-time"
| "password"
| "email"
Available JSON Schema formats.
Ƭ OpenApiHeader: Omit
, "name"
| "in"
OpenAPI Header Object.
Ƭ OpenApiHttpMethod: typeof openApiHttpMethods
OpenAPI HTTP method.
Ƭ OpenApiParameterIn: "query"
| "header"
| "path"
| "cookie"
Parameter locations.
Ƭ OpenApiParameterStyle: "matrix"
| "label"
| "form"
| "simple"
| "spaceDelimited"
| "pipeDelimited"
| "deepObject"
The type of serialization to use for the parameter.
Ƭ OpenApiPathItem: { description?
: string
; parameters?
: OpenApiParameter
[] ; servers?
: OpenApiServer
[] ; summary?
: string
} & { [K in OpenApiHttpMethod]?: OpenApiOperation }
Describes the operations available on a single path. A Path Item MAY be empty, due to ACL constraints. The path itself is still exposed to the documentation viewer but they will not know which operations and parameters are available.
Ƭ OpenApiPaths: Record
, OpenApiPathItem
Holds the relative paths to the individual endpoints and their operations. The path is appended to the URL from the Server Object in order to construct the full URL. The Paths MAY be empty, due to Access Control List (ACL) constraints.
Ƭ OpenApiPrimitiveTypes: "null"
| "number"
| "integer"
| "string"
| "boolean"
JSON Schema primitive types.
Ƭ OpenApiSchema: boolean
| OpenApiExpandedSchema
The OpenAPI schema.
Ƭ OpenApiSchemaPrimitiveValue: string
| number
| boolean
| null
• Const
openApiHttpMethods: readonly ["get"
, "put"
, "post"
, "delete"
, "options"
, "head"
, "patch"
, "trace"
List of HTTP methods defined by OpenAPI.