Fast and low memory API for HTML (node.js).
Returns HTML tokens one-by-one. Does not build DOM (Document Object Model).
npm install sahtml
var SAHtml = require('sahtml').SAHtml;
var parser = new SAHtml('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Example</title></head><body><img src="/logo.png"/><a href="/">Hello World</a></body></html>'),
while ((token = != 'eof') {
{ type: 'doctype', value: 'html', pos: 0 }
{ type: 'tagDef', name: 'html', pos: 15 }
{ type: 'tagDefEnd', pos: 20 }
{ type: 'tagDef', name: 'head', pos: 21 }
{ type: 'tagDefEnd', pos: 26 }
{ type: 'tagDef', name: 'title', pos: 27 }
{ type: 'tagDefEnd', pos: 33 }
{ type: 'string', value: 'Example', pos: 34 }
{ type: 'tagClose', name: 'title', pos: 41 }
{ type: 'tagClose', name: 'head', pos: 49 }
{ type: 'tagDef', name: 'body', pos: 56 }
{ type: 'tagDefEnd', pos: 61 }
{ type: 'tagDef', name: 'img', pos: 62 }
{ type: 'tagAttr', name: 'src', value: '/logo.png', pos: 67 }
{ type: 'tagDefAutoEnd', pos: 82 }
{ type: 'tagDef', name: 'a', pos: 84 }
{ type: 'tagAttr', name: 'href', value: '/', pos: 87 }
{ type: 'tagDefEnd', pos: 95 }
{ type: 'string', value: 'Hello World', pos: 96 }
{ type: 'tagClose', name: 'a', pos: 107 }
{ type: 'tagClose', name: 'body', pos: 111 }
{ type: 'tagClose', name: 'html', pos: 118 }
type may be one of:
- tagDef — tag definition (e.g. '<a'), token contains name field.
- tagAttr — attribute definition (e.g. 'href="/"'), token contains name field and may contain value field if attribute has a value.
- tagDefEnd — end of tag definition ('>').
- tagDefAutoEnd — auto end of tag definition ('/>').
- tagClose — tag close (e.g. ''), token contains name field.
- string — decoded html string, contains value field.
- doctype — doctype (e.g. ''), contains value field.
- comment — comment (e.g. ''), contains value field.
- cdata — XML CDATA (e.g. ''), contains value field.
- eof — enf of file.
Every HTML token contains pos field, containing offset from beginning of the string to the token position.