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What is the Evolution Project?
This started as a project to standaradize settings variable names, and to ensure smoother Add-On compatibility with said standardized naming. It began with post 3.809 bug-fixes and has had a few other bug-fixes, as well as a few feature additions/changes, and has evolved into a full-fledged experimental collar system that may likely become our release version in the future.
Evolution branch version 3.841 is now included in OpenCollar Full Release 3.9. Go to the main User Guide for documentation on OpenCollar version 3.9. Introduction |
OpenCollar (OC) is a set of scripts for a D/s collar similar to other scripted collars in Second Life.
Unlike the other collars, however, OpenCollar is open source.
You are free to copy and redistribute the OC scripts, provided that you leave them full perms. Read the entire OpenCollar License in the notecard accompanying the scripts.
The OpenCollar architecture is plugin-based, allowing for new features to be added in the future. Features not found in other collars
menu-driven support for the Restrained Love Viewer (formerly Restrained Life Viewer), usually referred to as RLV
ability to automatically punish a sub for saying any word from a list you specify
optional group control, in addition to control by owners and secondary owners (secowners)
menu-driven color and texture settings
automatic updates
best of all, free open-source code!
Please report any bugs you find to Issues. Important
OpenCollar automatically sets the command prefix to the wearer’s initials. Enter the wearer’s initials before all the commands below. For example, if Greta Grumpsalot were wearing the collar, she would prefix all commands with her initials "gg", typing for example "ggnadu" rather than simply "nadu". Use the prefix command (section 4.0, below) to change the prefix if one other than the default initials is desired.
To give a command to two or more subs at once, use * in place of the usual prefix. For example, *kiss makes all the subs near you in whom you have some degree of ownership (as owner, secowner or member of owning group) give you a kiss. The additional prefix # is for subs who also own other subs: commands prefixed by # will work on the collars of all subs in your neighborhood in whom you have rights directly or indirectly, but not on your own collar. Getting Started
Begin using Evolution by picking up an Evolution Branch Updater on the R&D Wall at the OpenCollar HQ.
Recommended: Erase the contents of your defaultsettings notecard, then reset all scripts (right-click, edit - keep the box open - up top of VIEWER (not edit box) look for "Build" & click it, drop down to "Scripts" & over to "Reset Scripts" and click that, then click "ok" in the pop-up.
This is not essential, but strongly recommended.
Q: Why? A: Old settings were formatted differently, and often new settings were added with varying formats. Those will be ignored and not used by the new system. Leaving them in will increase storage overhead, reducing the available memory of the new settings script. Q: But I designed a collar with special settings. Will this effect that? A: Yes. You can change over to the Evolution format in new designs, by following the guidelines in Evolution Default Settings. Q: I have set several custom settings in collars that I wear, and do not want to lose them. A: Make paper note of your settings that you would like to keep, then see Evolution Default Settings.
What’s New
Wow. There are several changes in Evolution from 3.8, but most of them are internal "workings" modifications that the average collar wearer will not even notice. Those, I will not bother listing here, lest I risk never completing this documentation. Unified Settings Format
In Evolution, all settings will be prefixed in a uniform manner, to be used by all add-ons and core scripts, alike.
<design>_<script>=<token><value><token>~<value> Where
<design> = collar design specific appendix, this is located at the trunk of the root prim’s description, following the 2nd tilde (~), and ending with "_"
<script> = abbreviated name of the script that will use these settings, the portion of script name that follows "OpenCollar - " It is important for scriptors to note that the script name MUST begin with "OpenCollar - " for this to work properly (spacing is also important).
<token> = The setting to affect.
<value> = What to set the token to.
EX: oc_color=Base<1,1,1>Ring~<0,0,0> would set the oc_ collar colors for "Base" element prims to white, and "Ring" element prims to black.
Exceptions: Prefix & Locked status are used by many scripts, and will say "Global" in place of script name. How to Set Defaults
New person-finder handler
Some may be aware, others may have not noticed - that Name2Key methods didn’t work for a few months. This was how we obtained the uuid for someone who was either in another region, or not even online. A stable solution is in-region people-finding, which does not rely on any database of SL names & keys. Evolution uses this "fool-proof" method, which does limit to your region, but is also stable and not subject to database removals. This also allows for a confirmation step when adding owners. You can now add: owners, secowners, blacklist, and/or exceptions "others" people via menu, or chat command.
Chat command usage: <prefix>owner Jan - will: "fetch" every avi in the region whose name begins with "Jan" & provide a menu of names to click (or a message if no "Jan" is found). Once clicked the person selected will receive a confirmation dialog, and must click yes to accept, or they can click no, ignore, or just wait a few minutes and it will decline. This is also a new feature, and applies to adding owners and secowners - they must click yes, or they will not be added into owners. Blacklist & exceptions adding will not induce the confirmation dialog, as that would be counter-productive. Manual adding to the settings notecard: the following line would add Jane Doe to the blacklist: User_auth=blacklist~00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,Jane Doe the zeros represent the UUID, aka "key" of the avatar. more than one can be added, placing a comma between every uuid and name limitation: there is a hard 250 character limit on strings being read from the notecard. What that means is that any text following "User_" in the notecard, after the 250th character, will be dropped. This should only affect excessively long rlv lock and owner lists, currently - and I'm working on a viable solution.
RLV Exceptions Chat Commands Simplified
All Exceptions commands begin with <prefix>ex
<prefix>ex - pulls up the Exceptions menu. <prefix>ex add - pulls up the Exceptions Add-a-person menu <prefix>ex Jane Doe:recvim=exempt - adds an exemption for Receive IMs from Jane Doe. <prefix>ex Jane Doe:recvim=enforce - prevents IM receiving from Jane Doe. <prefix>ex Jane Doe:item1=enforce:item2=exempt - Apply exempt to item1 & enforce to item2 for Jane Doe. <prefix>ex add Jane Doe - Add Jane Doe to the others list, without setting any exemptions - Ex: Jane Doe can be even just "Ja" and it will search for all avis in region beginning name of "Ja" ... no longer requires uuid entry.
Bug Fixes
So many that I cannot even remember all of them.
Hover text color changing issue resolved.
New owner messages after changing prefix no longer use default (initials) prefix.
Leash options in notecard properly stored in leash settings for resets.
new feature <prefix>verbose=off chat command to eliminate menu-prompt fallback to chat - effects only the user(s) who issues this command - so that one can turn it off, while others may still receive the fallback. <prefix>verbose=on - reverses a prior off for that person.
leash textures now hidden from the collar regular texture selection menu
new feature adding "others" to the exceptions list can now be done via chat command <prefix>add Jane Doe>
"hog wild" error messages in collars where the wearer is not primary owner, fixed.
OpenCollar Sub AO menu is now accessible via the collar menu.
RLV attachment/layer lock status now reflects proper lock status after re-logs.
Leashes on posts will no longer "vanish" after 2 or 3 re-logs, and if said object vanishes between logs, leash will unleash itself and clear out the "I am leashed" variable, so that you may again be leashed immediately.
Name2Key fixed, as described above.
camera script error on resets fixed.
leash gravity reversal fixed (leash won't "fly" after reset).
Changes in Evolution since 3.836
<prefix>menu -- gives you the main menu, from which you can access and issue nearly all commands