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Change to separate pybind files as per Brille
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mducle committed Apr 22, 2020
1 parent 0ca5e8f commit 13e323d
Showing 7 changed files with 294 additions and 213 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ add_subdirectory(${PyBind11_DIR})


pybind11_add_module(${LIBMCPHASE_PYTHON_MODULE} MODULE src/libmcphase/libmcphase.cpp)

# Adds C++ libraries to Python module
target_include_directories(${LIBMCPHASE_PYTHON_MODULE} PUBLIC src/include)
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/libmcphase/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

libmcphase.cpp # This must be first

215 changes: 6 additions & 209 deletions src/libmcphase/libmcphase.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,223 +6,20 @@
* This program is licensed under the GNU General Purpose License, version 3. Please see the LICENSE file

#include "cfpars.hpp"
#include "cf1ion.hpp"
#include "ic1ion.hpp"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace libMcPhase;
using namespace pybind11::literals;

namespace { // Anonymous namespace for local functions

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::Blm> Blm_names = {
{"B22S", cfpars::Blm::B22S}, {"B21S", cfpars::Blm::B21S}, {"B20", cfpars::Blm::B20}, {"B21", cfpars::Blm::B21}, {"B22", cfpars::Blm::B22},
{"B44S", cfpars::Blm::B44S}, {"B43S", cfpars::Blm::B43S}, {"B42S", cfpars::Blm::B42S}, {"B41S", cfpars::Blm::B41S},
{"B40", cfpars::Blm::B40}, {"B41", cfpars::Blm::B41}, {"B42", cfpars::Blm::B42}, {"B43", cfpars::Blm::B43}, {"B44", cfpars::Blm::B44},
{"B66S", cfpars::Blm::B66S}, {"B65S", cfpars::Blm::B65S}, {"B64S", cfpars::Blm::B64S}, {"B63S", cfpars::Blm::B63S},
{"B62S", cfpars::Blm::B62S}, {"B61S", cfpars::Blm::B61S}, {"B60", cfpars::Blm::B60}, {"B61", cfpars::Blm::B61}, {"B62", cfpars::Blm::B62},
{"B63", cfpars::Blm::B63}, {"B64", cfpars::Blm::B64}, {"B65", cfpars::Blm::B65}, {"B66", cfpars::Blm::B66} };

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::Type> type_names = {
{"Alm", cfpars::Type::Alm}, {"Blm", cfpars::Type::Blm}, {"Llm", cfpars::Type::Llm}, {"ARlm", cfpars::Type::ARlm} };
static const std::string type_err = "Invalid type name, must be one of 'Alm', 'ARlm', 'Blm', 'Llm', 'Vlm' or 'Wlm'";

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::Units> unit_names = {
{"meV", cfpars::Units::meV}, {"cm", cfpars::Units::cm}, {"K", cfpars::Units::K} };
static const std::string unit_err = "Invalid unit, must be one of 'meV', 'cm', or 'K'";

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::MagUnits> mag_unit_names = {
{"bohr", cfpars::MagUnits::bohr}, {"cgs", cfpars::MagUnits::cgs}, {"SI", cfpars::MagUnits::SI} };

static const char* cfpars_init_str = "Construct a cfpars object\n"
" args (one of):\n"
" J - total angular momentum of multiplet\n"
" ionname - name of ion, e.g. 'Pr3+'\n"
" kwargs:\n"
" unit - energy units of parameters. one of 'meV' (default), 'cm' or 'K'\n"
" type - type of parameters one of 'Alm', 'ARlm', 'Blm' (default), 'Llm' 'Vlm', or 'Wlm'\n"
" see online documentation or McPhase webpage for definitions\n"
" Blm - value of parameters, e.g. cfp = cfpars('Pr3+', B20=0.1, B22=-0.01, B40=0.001)\n";

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, ic1ion::CoulombType> coulomb_names = {
{"Slater", ic1ion::CoulombType::Slater}, {"CondonShortley", ic1ion::CoulombType::CondonShortley}, {"Racah", ic1ion::CoulombType::Racah} };

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, ic1ion::SpinOrbType> spinorb_names = {
{"Zeta", ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Zeta}, {"Lambda", ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Lambda} };

template <typename T> T set_enum(std::string key, std::unordered_map<std::string, T> enum_map, std::string errmsg) {
auto it = enum_map.find(key);
if (it == enum_map.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
} else {
return it->second;

void cf_parse(cfpars *cls, py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
if (!args && !kwargs) {
if (args && args.size() > 0) {
try {
double J = args[0].cast<double>();
} catch (py::cast_error) {
try {
std::string ionname = args[0].cast<std::string>();
} catch (py::cast_error) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid first argument: must be the ion name as a string "
"or the total angular momentum quantum number J");
else if (kwargs.contains("J")) {
else if (kwargs.contains("ionname")) {
if (kwargs.contains("type")) {
cls->set_type(set_enum(kwargs["type"].cast<std::string>(), type_names, type_err));
if (kwargs.contains("unit")) {
cls->set_unit(set_enum(kwargs["unit"].cast<std::string>(), unit_names, unit_err));
if (kwargs) {
for (auto const &bname : Blm_names) {
if (kwargs.contains(bname.first.c_str())) {
cls->set(bname.second, kwargs[bname.first.c_str()].cast<double>());

cfpars *cfpars_init(py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
cfpars *cls = new cfpars;
cf_parse(cls, args, kwargs);
return cls;

cf1ion *cf1ion_init(py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
cf1ion *cls = new cf1ion;
cf_parse(static_cast<cfpars*>(cls), args, kwargs);
return cls;

ic1ion *ic1ion_init(py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
ic1ion *cls = new ic1ion;
cf_parse(static_cast<cfpars*>(cls), args, kwargs);
if (kwargs.contains("zeta")) {
cls->set_spinorbit(kwargs["zeta"].cast<double>(), ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Zeta);
if (kwargs.contains("slater")) {
cls->set_coulomb(kwargs["slater"].cast<std::vector<double>>(), ic1ion::CoulombType::Slater);
return cls;

} // Anonymous namespace
void wrap_cfpars(py::module &);
void wrap_cf1ion(py::module &);
void wrap_ic1ion(py::module &);

PYBIND11_MODULE(libmcphase, m) {
m.doc() = "Python bindings for libMcPhase";

py::class_<cfpars> pycfpars(m, "cfpars");

py::enum_<cfpars::Units>(pycfpars, "Units")
.value("meV", cfpars::Units::meV)
.value("cm", cfpars::Units::cm)
.value("K", cfpars::Units::K);

py::enum_<cfpars::Normalisation>(pycfpars, "Normalisation")
.value("Stevens", cfpars::Normalisation::Stevens)
.value("Wybourne", cfpars::Normalisation::Wybourne);

py::enum_<cfpars::Type>(pycfpars, "Types")
.value("Alm", cfpars::Type::Alm)
.value("Blm", cfpars::Type::Blm)
.value("Llm", cfpars::Type::Llm)
.value("ARlm", cfpars::Type::ARlm);

.def(py::init<const std::string &>(), py::arg("ionname"))
.def(py::init<const double &>(), py::arg("J"))
.def(py::init(&cfpars_init), cfpars_init_str)
.def_property("unit", &cfpars::get_unit, [](cfpars &self, std::string unit) { self.set_unit(set_enum(unit, unit_names, unit_err)); },
"energy unit of the parameters")
.def_property("type", &cfpars::get_type, [](cfpars &self, std::string type) { self.set_type(set_enum(type, type_names, type_err)); },
"type of CF parameters. When changed, parameters values will be automatically converted.")
.def_property("ion", &cfpars::get_name, &cfpars::set_name, "ion type. If reset, parameters will be updated by scaling by Stevens factors.")
.def_property("J", &cfpars::get_J, &cfpars::set_J, "the total angular momentum quantum number of this multiplet")
.def_property_readonly("normalisation", &cfpars::get_normalisation, "normalisation of CF parameters")
.def_property_readonly("alpha", &cfpars::alpha, "the 2nd order Stevens operator equivalent factor")
.def_property_readonly("beta", &cfpars::beta, "the 4th order Stevens operator equivalent factor")
.def_property_readonly("gamma", &cfpars::gamma, "the 6th order Stevens operator equivalent factor")
.def_property("B22S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B22S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B22S, v); })
.def_property("B21S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B21S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B21S, v); })
.def_property("B20", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B20); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B20, v); })
.def_property("B21", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B21); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B21, v); })
.def_property("B22", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B22); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B22, v); })
.def_property("B44S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B44S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B44S, v); })
.def_property("B43S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B43S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B43S, v); })
.def_property("B42S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B42S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B42S, v); })
.def_property("B41S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B41S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B41S, v); })
.def_property("B40", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B40); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B40, v); })
.def_property("B41", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B41); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B41, v); })
.def_property("B42", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B42); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B42, v); })
.def_property("B43", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B43); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B43, v); })
.def_property("B44", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B44); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B44, v); })
.def_property("B66S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B66S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B66S, v); })
.def_property("B65S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B65S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B65S, v); })
.def_property("B64S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B64S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B64S, v); })
.def_property("B63S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B63S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B63S, v); })
.def_property("B62S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B62S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B62S, v); })
.def_property("B61S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B61S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B61S, v); })
.def_property("B60", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B60); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B60, v); })
.def_property("B61", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B61); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B61, v); })
.def_property("B62", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B62); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B62, v); })
.def_property("B63", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B63); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B63, v); })
.def_property("B64", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B64); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B64, v); })
.def_property("B65", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B65); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B65, v); })
.def_property("B66", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B66); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B66, v); });

py::class_<cf1ion, cfpars> pycf1ion(m, "cf1ion");

.def(py::init<const std::string &>(), py::arg("ionname"))
.def(py::init<const double &>(), py::arg("J"))
.def(py::init(&cf1ion_init), cfpars_init_str)
.def("hamiltonian", &cf1ion::hamiltonian, "the crystal field Hamiltonian", "upper"_a=true)
.def("eigensystem", &cf1ion::eigensystem, "the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the crystal field Hamiltonian");

py::class_<ic1ion, cfpars> pyic1ion(m, "ic1ion");

.def(py::init<const std::string &>(), py::arg("ionname"))
.def(py::init(&ic1ion_init), cfpars_init_str)
.def("set_coulomb", [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> val, std::string type) { self.set_coulomb(val,
set_enum(type, coulomb_names, "Invalid normalisation, must be one of: Slater, CondonShortley, Racah")); })
.def("set_spinorbit", [](ic1ion &self, double val, std::string type) { self.set_spinorbit(val,
set_enum(type, spinorb_names, "Invalid normalisation, must be one of: Zeta, Lambda")); })
.def("set_ci", &ic1ion::set_ci)
.def("get_coulomb", &ic1ion::get_coulomb)
.def("get_spinorbit", &ic1ion::get_spinorbit)
.def("get_ci", &ic1ion::get_ci)
.def("hamiltonian", &ic1ion::hamiltonian, "the crystal field Hamiltonian")
.def("eigensystem", &ic1ion::eigensystem, "the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the crystal field Hamiltonian")
.def_property("zeta", [](ic1ion const &self) { return self.get_spinorbit(); }, [](ic1ion &self, double v) { self.set_spinorbit(v, ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Zeta); })
.def_property("slater", [](ic1ion const &self) { return self.get_coulomb(); }, [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> v) { self.set_coulomb(v, ic1ion::CoulombType::Slater); })
.def("zeeman_hamiltonian", &ic1ion::zeeman_hamiltonian, "the Zeeman Hamiltonian")
.def("calculate_boltzmann", &ic1ion::calculate_boltzmann, "")
.def("calculate_moments", &ic1ion::calculate_moments, "")
.def("magnetisation", [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> H, std::vector<double> Hdir, double T, std::string unit) { return self.magnetisation(H, Hdir, T,
set_enum(unit, mag_unit_names, "Invalid magnetic unit, must be one of: 'bohr', 'cgs', or 'SI'")); })
.def("susceptibility", [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> T, std::vector<double> Hdir, std::string unit) { return self.susceptibility(T, Hdir,
set_enum(unit, mag_unit_names, "Invalid magnetic unit, must be one of: 'bohr', 'cgs', or 'SI'")); });

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/libmcphase/pycf1ion.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
/* pycf1ion.cpp
* Python bindings for the cf1ion class of libMcPhase
* (C) 2020 Duc Le -
* This program is licensed under the GNU General Purpose License, version 3. Please see the LICENSE file

#include "cf1ion.hpp"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include "pycfpars.hpp"

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace libMcPhase;
using namespace pybind11::literals;

void cf_parse(cfpars *cls, py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs);

cf1ion *cf1ion_init(py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
cf1ion *cls = new cf1ion;
cf_parse(static_cast<cfpars*>(cls), args, kwargs);
return cls;

void wrap_cf1ion(py::module &m) {

py::class_<cf1ion, cfpars> pycf1ion(m, "cf1ion");

.def(py::init<const std::string &>(), py::arg("ionname"))
.def(py::init<const double &>(), py::arg("J"))
.def(py::init(&cf1ion_init), cfpars_init_str)
.def("hamiltonian", &cf1ion::hamiltonian, "the crystal field Hamiltonian", "upper"_a=true)
.def("eigensystem", &cf1ion::eigensystem, "the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the crystal field Hamiltonian");

139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions src/libmcphase/pycfpars.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
/* pycfpars.cpp
* Python bindings for the cfpars class of libMcPhase
* (C) 2018 Duc Le -
* This program is licensed under the GNU General Purpose License, version 3. Please see the LICENSE file

#include "cfpars.hpp"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "pycfpars.hpp"

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace libMcPhase;

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::Blm> Blm_names = {
{"B22S", cfpars::Blm::B22S}, {"B21S", cfpars::Blm::B21S}, {"B20", cfpars::Blm::B20}, {"B21", cfpars::Blm::B21}, {"B22", cfpars::Blm::B22},
{"B44S", cfpars::Blm::B44S}, {"B43S", cfpars::Blm::B43S}, {"B42S", cfpars::Blm::B42S}, {"B41S", cfpars::Blm::B41S},
{"B40", cfpars::Blm::B40}, {"B41", cfpars::Blm::B41}, {"B42", cfpars::Blm::B42}, {"B43", cfpars::Blm::B43}, {"B44", cfpars::Blm::B44},
{"B66S", cfpars::Blm::B66S}, {"B65S", cfpars::Blm::B65S}, {"B64S", cfpars::Blm::B64S}, {"B63S", cfpars::Blm::B63S},
{"B62S", cfpars::Blm::B62S}, {"B61S", cfpars::Blm::B61S}, {"B60", cfpars::Blm::B60}, {"B61", cfpars::Blm::B61}, {"B62", cfpars::Blm::B62},
{"B63", cfpars::Blm::B63}, {"B64", cfpars::Blm::B64}, {"B65", cfpars::Blm::B65}, {"B66", cfpars::Blm::B66} };

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::Type> type_names = {
{"Alm", cfpars::Type::Alm}, {"Blm", cfpars::Type::Blm}, {"Llm", cfpars::Type::Llm}, {"ARlm", cfpars::Type::ARlm} };
static const std::string type_err = "Invalid type name, must be one of 'Alm', 'ARlm', 'Blm', 'Llm', 'Vlm' or 'Wlm'";

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::Units> unit_names = {
{"meV", cfpars::Units::meV}, {"cm", cfpars::Units::cm}, {"K", cfpars::Units::K} };
static const std::string unit_err = "Invalid unit, must be one of 'meV', 'cm', or 'K'";

void cf_parse(cfpars *cls, py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
if (!args && !kwargs) {
if (args && args.size() > 0) {
try {
double J = args[0].cast<double>();
} catch (py::cast_error) {
try {
std::string ionname = args[0].cast<std::string>();
} catch (py::cast_error) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid first argument: must be the ion name as a string "
"or the total angular momentum quantum number J");
else if (kwargs.contains("J")) {
else if (kwargs.contains("ionname")) {
if (kwargs.contains("type")) {
cls->set_type(set_enum(kwargs["type"].cast<std::string>(), type_names, type_err));
if (kwargs.contains("unit")) {
cls->set_unit(set_enum(kwargs["unit"].cast<std::string>(), unit_names, unit_err));
if (kwargs) {
for (auto const &bname : Blm_names) {
if (kwargs.contains(bname.first.c_str())) {
cls->set(bname.second, kwargs[bname.first.c_str()].cast<double>());

cfpars *cfpars_init(py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
cfpars *cls = new cfpars;
cf_parse(cls, args, kwargs);
return cls;

void wrap_cfpars(py::module &m) {

py::class_<cfpars> pycfpars(m, "cfpars");

py::enum_<cfpars::Units>(pycfpars, "Units")
.value("meV", cfpars::Units::meV)
.value("cm", cfpars::Units::cm)
.value("K", cfpars::Units::K);

py::enum_<cfpars::Normalisation>(pycfpars, "Normalisation")
.value("Stevens", cfpars::Normalisation::Stevens)
.value("Wybourne", cfpars::Normalisation::Wybourne);

py::enum_<cfpars::Type>(pycfpars, "Types")
.value("Alm", cfpars::Type::Alm)
.value("Blm", cfpars::Type::Blm)
.value("Llm", cfpars::Type::Llm)
.value("ARlm", cfpars::Type::ARlm);

.def(py::init<const std::string &>(), py::arg("ionname"))
.def(py::init<const double &>(), py::arg("J"))
.def(py::init(&cfpars_init), cfpars_init_str)
.def_property("unit", &cfpars::get_unit, [](cfpars &self, std::string unit) { self.set_unit(set_enum(unit, unit_names, unit_err)); },
"energy unit of the parameters")
.def_property("type", &cfpars::get_type, [](cfpars &self, std::string type) { self.set_type(set_enum(type, type_names, type_err)); },
"type of CF parameters. When changed, parameters values will be automatically converted.")
.def_property("ion", &cfpars::get_name, &cfpars::set_name, "ion type. If reset, parameters will be updated by scaling by Stevens factors.")
.def_property("J", &cfpars::get_J, &cfpars::set_J, "the total angular momentum quantum number of this multiplet")
.def_property_readonly("normalisation", &cfpars::get_normalisation, "normalisation of CF parameters")
.def_property_readonly("alpha", &cfpars::alpha, "the 2nd order Stevens operator equivalent factor")
.def_property_readonly("beta", &cfpars::beta, "the 4th order Stevens operator equivalent factor")
.def_property_readonly("gamma", &cfpars::gamma, "the 6th order Stevens operator equivalent factor")
.def_property("B22S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B22S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B22S, v); })
.def_property("B21S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B21S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B21S, v); })
.def_property("B20", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B20); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B20, v); })
.def_property("B21", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B21); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B21, v); })
.def_property("B22", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B22); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B22, v); })
.def_property("B44S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B44S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B44S, v); })
.def_property("B43S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B43S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B43S, v); })
.def_property("B42S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B42S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B42S, v); })
.def_property("B41S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B41S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B41S, v); })
.def_property("B40", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B40); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B40, v); })
.def_property("B41", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B41); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B41, v); })
.def_property("B42", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B42); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B42, v); })
.def_property("B43", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B43); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B43, v); })
.def_property("B44", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B44); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B44, v); })
.def_property("B66S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B66S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B66S, v); })
.def_property("B65S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B65S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B65S, v); })
.def_property("B64S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B64S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B64S, v); })
.def_property("B63S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B63S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B63S, v); })
.def_property("B62S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B62S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B62S, v); })
.def_property("B61S", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B61S); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B61S, v); })
.def_property("B60", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B60); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B60, v); })
.def_property("B61", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B61); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B61, v); })
.def_property("B62", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B62); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B62, v); })
.def_property("B63", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B63); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B63, v); })
.def_property("B64", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B64); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B64, v); })
.def_property("B65", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B65); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B65, v); })
.def_property("B66", [](cfpars const &self) { return self.get(cfpars::Blm::B66); }, [](cfpars &self, double v) { self.set(cfpars::Blm::B66, v); });

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/libmcphase/pycfpars.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
/* pycfpars.hpp
* Headers for python bindings for the cfpars class of libMcPhase
* (C) 2020 Duc Le -
* This program is licensed under the GNU General Purpose License, version 3. Please see the LICENSE file

#pragma once

template <typename T> T set_enum(std::string key, std::unordered_map<std::string, T> enum_map, std::string errmsg) {
auto it = enum_map.find(key);
if (it == enum_map.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
} else {
return it->second;

static const char* cfpars_init_str = "Construct a cfpars object\n"
" args (one of):\n"
" J - total angular momentum of multiplet\n"
" ionname - name of ion, e.g. 'Pr3+'\n"
" kwargs:\n"
" unit - energy units of parameters. one of 'meV' (default), 'cm' or 'K'\n"
" type - type of parameters one of 'Alm', 'ARlm', 'Blm' (default), 'Llm' 'Vlm', or 'Wlm'\n"
" see online documentation or McPhase webpage for definitions\n"
" Blm - value of parameters, e.g. cfp = cfpars('Pr3+', B20=0.1, B22=-0.01, B40=0.001)\n";

70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/libmcphase/pyic1ion.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
/* pyic1ion.cpp
* Python bindings for the ic1ion class of libMcPhase
* (C) 2018 Duc Le -
* This program is licensed under the GNU General Purpose License, version 3. Please see the LICENSE file

#include "cfpars.hpp"
#include "ic1ion.hpp"
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include "pycfpars.hpp"

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace libMcPhase;

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, cfpars::MagUnits> mag_unit_names = {
{"bohr", cfpars::MagUnits::bohr}, {"cgs", cfpars::MagUnits::cgs}, {"SI", cfpars::MagUnits::SI} };

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, ic1ion::CoulombType> coulomb_names = {
{"Slater", ic1ion::CoulombType::Slater}, {"CondonShortley", ic1ion::CoulombType::CondonShortley}, {"Racah", ic1ion::CoulombType::Racah} };

static const std::unordered_map<std::string, ic1ion::SpinOrbType> spinorb_names = {
{"Zeta", ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Zeta}, {"Lambda", ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Lambda} };

void cf_parse(cfpars *cls, py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs);

ic1ion *ic1ion_init(py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
ic1ion *cls = new ic1ion;
cf_parse(static_cast<cfpars*>(cls), args, kwargs);
if (kwargs.contains("zeta")) {
cls->set_spinorbit(kwargs["zeta"].cast<double>(), ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Zeta);
if (kwargs.contains("slater")) {
cls->set_coulomb(kwargs["slater"].cast<std::vector<double>>(), ic1ion::CoulombType::Slater);
return cls;

void wrap_ic1ion(py::module &m) {

py::class_<ic1ion, cfpars> pyic1ion(m, "ic1ion");

.def(py::init<const std::string &>(), py::arg("ionname"))
.def(py::init(&ic1ion_init), cfpars_init_str)
.def("set_coulomb", [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> val, std::string type) { self.set_coulomb(val,
set_enum(type, coulomb_names, "Invalid normalisation, must be one of: Slater, CondonShortley, Racah")); })
.def("set_spinorbit", [](ic1ion &self, double val, std::string type) { self.set_spinorbit(val,
set_enum(type, spinorb_names, "Invalid normalisation, must be one of: Zeta, Lambda")); })
.def("set_ci", &ic1ion::set_ci)
.def("get_coulomb", &ic1ion::get_coulomb)
.def("get_spinorbit", &ic1ion::get_spinorbit)
.def("get_ci", &ic1ion::get_ci)
.def("hamiltonian", &ic1ion::hamiltonian, "the crystal field Hamiltonian")
.def("eigensystem", &ic1ion::eigensystem, "the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the crystal field Hamiltonian")
.def_property("zeta", [](ic1ion const &self) { return self.get_spinorbit(); }, [](ic1ion &self, double v) { self.set_spinorbit(v, ic1ion::SpinOrbType::Zeta); })
.def_property("slater", [](ic1ion const &self) { return self.get_coulomb(); }, [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> v) { self.set_coulomb(v, ic1ion::CoulombType::Slater); })
.def("zeeman_hamiltonian", &ic1ion::zeeman_hamiltonian, "the Zeeman Hamiltonian")
.def("calculate_boltzmann", &ic1ion::calculate_boltzmann, "")
.def("calculate_moments", &ic1ion::calculate_moments, "")
.def("magnetisation", [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> H, std::vector<double> Hdir, double T, std::string unit) { return self.magnetisation(H, Hdir, T,
set_enum(unit, mag_unit_names, "Invalid magnetic unit, must be one of: 'bohr', 'cgs', or 'SI'")); })
.def("susceptibility", [](ic1ion &self, std::vector<double> T, std::vector<double> Hdir, std::string unit) { return self.susceptibility(T, Hdir,
set_enum(unit, mag_unit_names, "Invalid magnetic unit, must be one of: 'bohr', 'cgs', or 'SI'")); });

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