🎛 Core smart contracts of meTokens
yarn install
Compile contracts:
yarn compileCI
Run test suite:
yarn hardhat test
Add a vault and approve it in the registry
yarn hardhat add-vault --diamond <Diamond address> --registry <VaultRegistry address> --vault <new Vault address> --network <"mainnet" or "goerli">
Register a hub
yarn hardhat register-hub --diamond <Diamond address> --vault <Vault address> --asset <ERC20 asset address> --base-y "224" --reserve-weight 32 --network <"mainnet" or "goerli">
Retrieve hub Info
yarn hardhat hub-info --diamond <Diamond address> --id 2 --network <"mainnet" or "goerli">
- metoken susbcribe to a hub
yarn hardhat subscribe --diamond <Diamond address> --id 2 --network <"mainnet" or "goerli">
- metoken mint
yarn hardhat mint --diamond <Diamond address> --network <"mainnet" or "goerli">