A pocket timeline solution for DOTween Pro. Configure and organize complex tween animations directly in the Inspector.
- Required: PRO version of DOTween.
- Download the
file from the Releases page. - Import it into your project via Assets > Import Package.
Add the component DOTween > DOTween Timeline to your GameObject (use a separate GameObject for each animation sequence).
Tweens will play automatically, but you can also control them from code:
[SerializeField] private DOTweenTimeline timeline;
var tween = timeline.AsSequence().Pause();
tween.OnComplete(() => Debug.Log("OnComplete"));
Sequence.InsertCallback(), but it's a component.
- Add the component DOTween > DOTween Callback to your GameObject.
- Configure the delay and optional id
- Set the onCallback UnityEvent in the Inspector or from code:
[SerializeField] private DOTweenCallback callback;
callback.onCallback.AddListener(() => Debug.Log("Callback"));