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List of public talks by Meltwater Engineering: meetup presentations, recorded conference talks, slides.

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Public Meltwater Engineering Presentations.

This is a compiled list of public talks by Meltwater Engineering: meetup presentations, recorded conference talks, slides, etc.

We try to keep the list up-to-date.

Meltwater Engineers: Please open a Pull Request to add a public presentation.





  • 2019-12-05 dotJS | Andy Desmarais | Testing native js web components (slides) (video)
  • 2019-12-05 rug::b usergroup Berlin | Sebastian Spier | Repo-Rot is Real!
  • 2019-12-04 MeetUp Kubernetes Göteborg: Local Kubernetes with kind (slides)
  • 2019-11-28 DevOpsDays Berlin: From Developers and Operations to DevOps and Autnomous teams (slides)
  • 2019-11-18 Presentation at CNCF End User Summit, KubeCon, San Diego: Scalability Testing of a Production Kubernetes Cluster (slides)
  • 2019-11-05 Presentation at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Docker Beyond the Classroom (slides)
  • 2019-10-17 DevOpsDays Edinburgh: From Developers and Operations to DevOps and Autnomous teams (slides) (video)
  • 2019-09-05 MeetUp Kubernetes Göteborg: Kubernetes Web UIs (slides)
  • 2019-08-27 MeetUp CloudNativeGbg: Multi-tentant user management with Helm CloudNativeGbg #4 - Automation in Cloud Native Environments
  • 2019-08-27 MeetUp CloudNativeGbg: An introduction and demo of Kustomize CloudNativeGbg #4 - Automation in Cloud Native Environments
  • 2019-06-11 Kubernetes and CNCF Finland Meetup: Getting Developers to Adopt Your Service (slides)
  • 2019-05-19 Cloud Native Rejekts Barcelona: Getting Developers to Adopt Your Service (slides)
  • 2019-05-19 Cloud Native Rejekts Barcelona: Knowing what your Kubernetes cluster is doing (slides)
  • 2019-05-19 Cloud Native Rejekts Barcelona: Zero downtime upgrades of Kubernetes (slides)
  • 2019-05-09 MeetUp Kubernetes Göteborg: (Dress Rehearsal) Getting Developers to Adopt Your Service (slides) (video)
  • 2019-05-09 MeetUp Kubernetes Göteborg: (Dress Rehearsal) Knowing what your Kubernetes cluster is doing (slides) (video)
  • 2019-05-09 MeetUp Kubernetes Göteborg: (Dress Rehearsal) Zero downtime upgrades of Kubernetes (slides) (video)
  • 2019-04-11 MeetUp CloudNativeGbg: Running k8s with kops on AWS (slides) (video)
  • 2019-04-11 MeetUp CloudNativeGbg: Managing users in multi-tenant Kubernetes Cluster (slides) (video)
  • 2019-02-21 MeetUp Javaforum Göteborg (JUG GBG): Co(ol)routines - kotlin at speed (slides) (video)


  • 2018-12-20 MEST: Taming the Outside in Outside-Insight Applications (slides)
  • 2018-11-09 Elixir Meetup Berlin: Elixir Deployment at Meltwater (slides)
  • 2018-11-09 Elixir Meetup Berlin: gen_rmq - Simpler RabbitMQ Consumers and Publishers in Elixir (slides)
  • 2018-11-09 Elixir Meetup Berlin: Dependency Tracking with dependabot (slides)
  • 2018-11-08 Data Council AI: Building a Knowledge Graph Platform from Billions of Unstructured Online Sources Using AI-Meltwater (slides) (video)
  • 2018-10-10 DevOps Budapest Meetup: To a billion messages and beyond — A story about the evolution of Meltwater’s log ingestion pipeline (slides) (video)
  • 2018-08-28 Gothenburg Artifical Intelligence Alliance (GAIA) Meetup: Optimizing neural networks using genetic algorithms (slides) (video)
  • 2018-06-12 Java Barcelona Conference: Begin Event Sourcing with Lagom (slides)
  • 2018-04-10 Gothenburg Artifical Intelligence Alliance (GAIA) Conference: Predicting Response Time in a Large-scale Information Retrieval System (slides) (video)
  • 2018-02-24 Lonestar ElixirConf: User Centered API Versioning (slides) (video)
  • 2018-01-11 Elixir Meetup Berlin: (Dress Rehearsal) User Centered API Versioning (slides)


  • 2017-11-16 Open Data Science Conference, AI platform to mine competitive intelligence from billions of unstructured online sources (video) (slides)
  • 2017-06-30 Alan Turing Institute: Outside Insight, The Meltwater Data Science Platform (slides)


List of public talks by Meltwater Engineering: meetup presentations, recorded conference talks, slides.



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