README for instruction and settings of functions.
All paths and addpath were set for the experimenter computer, if you need to use the function, change the paths and the addpaths according to your own machine and relevant paths.
Events are determined by their trigger value which is the following:
- 10 = image 1
- 11 = image 2
- 12 = image 3
- 13 = image 4
- 20 = fixation cross
- 24 = Offset
- 50 = Image onset of Recall
Image offset of recall has 50 as trigger on both day 1 and day 2, so precising the day is important
Events are in the header of each script as for example;
event = \[10 11 12 13\]
This would be images 1, 2, 3 and 4.
All functions exhibit a structure of configuration with a config struct. Usually the required settings are specified in the function header or help sometimes config take the value of another variable for a subfunction config will work for all functions and scripts.
All scripts have the settings parameters at the top of the script. Only changing those is sufficient to modify most paramenters of the scripts and subfunctions and subscripts that are associated. Core scripts are in the folders corresponding to each figure, and their dependencies and subfunctions necessary to the script are in the Toolbox folder.
To change accuracy simlpy change the variable 'acc' or 'byacc' in most
scripts. to have all trials = 'all'
to have only accurate trials = 'acc'
to have only non accurate trials = 'nacc'
All figures of the supplementary material can be obtained with the scripts
provided for Figures 1, 2 and 3 just by changing the settings provided
in the header of each script.
For example to obtain TFA of images 1 and 2 simply change
event = [10 11]