Standard reaction Gibbs energy estimation for biochemical reactions
- python == 2.7
- numpy >= 1.6.2
- scipy >= 0.14
- oct2py >= 3.1 (dependent on Octave)
- Open-Babel >= 2.3.1
- ChemAxon's Marvin >= 5.11
- Matlab >= 7
- python == 2.7
- numpy >= 1.6.2
- scipy >= 0.14
- Open-Babel >= 2.3.1 ('babel' must be in PATH, including python bindings)
- ChemAxon's Marvin >= 5.11 ('cxcalc' must be in PATH)
For more information on the method behind component-contribution, please view our open access paper:
Noor E, Haraldsdóttir HS, Milo R, Fleming RMT (2013) Consistent Estimation of Gibbs Energy Using Component Contributions, PLoS Comput Biol 9:e1003098, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003098
Please, quote this paper if you publish work that uses component-contribution.
- compounds.tsv - table of all KEGG compounds, their name and InChI (used only in Matlab code)
- fixed_mapping.tsv - table mapping some KEGG compound IDs to BiGG IDs (overriding the InChI-based mapping)
- formation_energies_transformed.tsv - table of biochemical formation energies (used for training CC)
- kegg_additions.tsv - table of compounds that are missing from KEGG together with their InChI
- kegg_compounds.json.gz - JSON of all KEGG compounds including their InChI and names
- redox.tsv - table of reduction potentials (used for training CC)
- TECRDB.tsv - table of K'eq values from the NIST database (
- install 32-bit python2.7
- recommended version Winpython
- you must install the 32-bit version since OpenBabel is not compiled for 64-bit windows
- make sure to register the python interpreter before installing openbabel python bindings
- add
to PATH: instructions
- install OpenBabel (version 2.3.2)
- install OpenBabel python (version 1.8) bindings
- optional: install Octave
- Not required for the Matlab version of component-contribution
- instructions
- there is no need to use "pip" to install oct2py as it is already part of winpython
- installer
- add
- optional: install "Marvin Suite" by ChemAxon
- Marvin is only required for adding structures of new compounds that are not in the KEGG database
- instructions
- add
to PATH - you will need to get a license to use ChemAxon (it is free for academic use)
- as root:
apt-get install openbabel octave
- as root:
pip install -U numpy scipy oct2py
- optional: install "Marvin Suite" by ChemAxon
- Marvin is only required for adding structures of new compounds that are not in the KEGG database
- instructions
- add
to PATH, e.g. using a symbolic link from/usr/bin/cxcalc
- you will need to get a license to use ChemAxon (it is free for academic use)