This project is in its early stage of development, stuff may change completely and BC cannot be guaranteed.
All the packages found in this repository won't be released on public registries until we reach a minimum level of stability.
In the meantime, you can create a new project running:
composer create-project mep-agency/symfony-web-toolkit-skeleton PROJECT_PATH -n --repository="{\"type\": \"vcs\", \"url\": \"[email protected]:mep-agency/symfony-web-toolkit-skeleton.git\"}" --stability dev
Or create a project to manage deployments on a Kubernetes cluster with:
composer create-project mep-agency/web-toolkit-k8s-cli-project PROJECT_PATH -n --repository="{\"type\": \"vcs\", \"url\": \"[email protected]:mep-agency/web-toolkit-k8s-cli-project.git\"}" --stability dev