The client library is available on GitHub.
Below is an example of how you can install the client:
go get
The following code can be used to create an instance:
package main
import (
func main() {
var m *mnubo.Mnubo
// Creating new client with client id and secret.
m = mnubo.NewClient("<%= clientKey %>", "<%= clientSecret %>", "<%= hostname %>")
// Creating new client with a static token that you manage yourself
m = mnubo.NewClientWithToken("YOUR_STATIC_TOKEN", "<%= hostname %>")
This client was built on go 1.11 but it should work on prior versions of go as well.
go get
package main
import (
type SelectOperation struct {
Count string `json:"count"`
type SimpleQuery struct {
From string `json:"from"`
Select []SelectOperation `json:"select"`
type SimpleOwner struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Age int `json:"age"`
type SimpleObject struct {
XDeviceID string `json:"x_device_id"`
XObjectType string `json:"x_object_type"`
Color string `json:"color"`
type XObject struct {
XDeviceID string `json:"x_device_id"`
type EventWithObject struct {
XObject XObject `json:"x_object"`
XEventType string `json:"x_event_type"`
Speed float32 `json:"speed"`
type SimpleEvent struct {
XEventType string `json:"x_event_type"`
Speed float32 `json:"speed"`
func main() {
var m *mnubo.Mnubo
var res interface{}
var exist mnubo.EntitiesExist
// Creating new client with client id and secret.
// Get them by going to the Security app:
// Creating new client with a static token that you manage yourself
// Create one by going to the Security app:
m = mnubo.NewClientWithToken("YOUR_STATIC_TOKEN", "YOUR_HOST_URL")
// Activate compression (optional).
// See:
// Two modes are available:
// - request Useful when ingesting a lot of data (will compress using `gzip.BestSpeed`)
// - response Useful when retrieving a lot of data (will ask for response to be gzipped)
comp := mnubo.CompressionConfig{
Request: true, // will send "Content-Encoding: gzip"
Response: true, // will send "Accept-Encoding: gzip"
m.Compression = comp
// Update the default timeout.
// The default Go http client will hang until a request has been fulfilled
// (potentially leaving the client hanging if the server is having issues).
// This setting allows to set the timeout for the client.
// Be careful that, when using Search module, some queries can take longer to return.
// Updating the timeout to a longer duration is advised for some queries.
m.Timeout = time.Second * 10 // The default value when creating a new client.
// Exponential backoff.
// You should not need to alter the default configuration.
// The following is useful if you need further tweaking in case
// the SmartObjects platform is not available.
m.ExponentialBackoff = mnubo.ExponentialBackoffConfig{
MaxElapsedTime: time.Hour * 2, // duration after which backoff will eventually fail
NotifyOnError: func(e error, duration time.Duration) {
// log something if you want.
// duration will contain the duration since the first call was tried, until now
// Creating the data model is crucial to SmartObjects.
// Below you can find the helpers to manipulate the data model through the client.
// Creating / Updating / Deleting Event Types
et := []mnubo.EventType{
Key: "Engine Run",
DisplayName: "Engine Run",
Description: "When engine is running",
Origin: "rule",
m.Model.UpdateEventType("Engine Run", mnubo.EventType{
DisplayName: "Engine Run",
Description: "The engine is running",
m.Model.DeleteEventType("Engine Run")
// Create, Update Timeseries
ts := []mnubo.Timeseries{
Key: "speed",
Description: "This is the speed of the car",
DisplayName: "Speed",
EventTypeKeys: []string{"Engine Run"},
Type: mnubo.TimeseriesType{
HighLevelType: "DOUBLE",
m.Model.UpdateTimeseries("speed", mnubo.Timeseries{
Description: "This is the general speed of the car",
DisplayName: "Car Speed",
// To deploy a timeseries to production, you can use the main helper function:
// Create, Update, Delete Object Types
ot := []mnubo.ObjectType{
Key: "Car",
DisplayName: "Car",
Description: "This the car",
m.Model.UpdateObjectType("Car", mnubo.ObjectType{
DisplayName: "Voiture",
Description: "Voiture is car in French",
// Create, Update Object Attributes
oa := []mnubo.ObjectAttribute{
Key: "color",
DisplayName: "Color",
Description: "Color of attribute",
Type: mnubo.AttributeType{
HighLevelType: "TEXT",
ContainerType: "none",
ObjectTypeKeys: []string{"Car"},
m.Model.UpdateObjectAttribute("color", mnubo.ObjectAttribute{
DisplayName: "Colour",
Description: "Colour of attribute",
// Deploy an owner attribute to production
// Create, Update Owner Attributes
owa := []mnubo.OwnerAttribute{
Key: "Age",
DisplayName: "Age",
Description: "Age of the owner",
Type: mnubo.AttributeType{
HighLevelType: "TEXT",
ContainerType: "none",
m.Model.UpdateOwnerAttribute("age", mnubo.OwnerAttribute{
DisplayName: "Age",
Description: "The age of the owner",
// Deploy an owner attribute to production
// Reset the data model in sandbox
// Be careful with this operation as it will reset and wipe all data not pushed to production.
// Export the data model
var dm mnubo.DataModel
// Create, Update, Delete Owners
ow := "[email protected]"
so := SimpleOwner{
Username: ow, // Username is mandatory, the rest depends on the data model
Age: 18,
m.Owners.Create(so, &res)
Username: ow,
Age: 19,
}, &res)
// Update Owner Password
m.Owners.UpdateOwnerPassword(ow, "new-password")
// Check if owners already exist
m.Owners.Exist([]string{ow, "[email protected]"}, &exist)
// Create, Update, Delete Objects and check if they exist
ob := "16EAD3C6-48FB-4F34-BC7E-5C45519E2F40"
sob := SimpleObject{
XDeviceID: ob, // x_device_id is mandatory, the rest depends on the data model
Color: "red",
m.Objects.Create(sob, &res)
XDeviceID: ob,
Color: "blue",
}, &res)
m.Objects.Exist([]string{ob}, &exist)
// Claim / Unclaim objects
var cr []mnubo.ClaimResult
oop := []mnubo.ObjectOwnerPair{
XDeviceID: ob,
Username: ow,
m.Owners.Claim(oop, &cr)
m.Owners.Unclaim(oop, &cr)
// Sending events
ewo := EventWithObject{
XObject: XObject{
XDeviceID: "car-1",
XEventType: "speed-update",
Speed: 65.9,
var re mnubo.SendEventsReport
seo := mnubo.SendEventsOptions{
ReportResults: false, // Report details about success / failure of events
ObjectsMustExist: false, // Event will fail if given device does not exist
m.Events.Send([]EventWithObject{ewo}, seo, &re)
// Send batch of events from one device
e := SimpleEvent{
XEventType: "speed-update",
Speed: 65.9,
m.Events.SendFromDevice("car-2", []SimpleEvent{e}, seo, &re)
// Check if an array of events exist
m.Events.Exists([]string{"A7D81DE5-4988-4291-B53C-AC5E91C9242B"}, &exist)
// Getting Datasets for querying
var ds []mnubo.Dataset
// Creating a MQL
var sr mnubo.SearchResults
qs := `{ "from": "event", "select": [ { "count": "*" } ] }`
m.Search.CreateBasicQueryWithString(qs, &sr)
q := SimpleQuery{
From: "event",
Select: []SelectOperation{
Count: "*",
// Or if you prefer a typed structure
m.Search.CreateBasicQuery(q, &sr)
// Validate Query
var qv mnubo.QueryValidation
m.Search.ValidateQuery(q, &qv)
m.Search.ValidateQueryWithString(qs, &qv)