Bu proje, çeşitli veri bilimi ve makine öğrenmesi alanlarında uygulamalar içermektedir. Aşağıda, her bir konunun alt başlıkları listelenmiştir.
Clustering 🌐
- Music Genres - Spotify
- Credit Scoring Case
- Topic Model
Classification 🏷️
- Add (Reklam)
- E-Commerce
- Fashion MNIST
- Hospital Appointment
- Sarcasm
Regression 📈
- Advertising with Multi-Linear Regression
- Diamond Price
- Student Marks
- Tips
Time Series ⏳
- Currency Exchange Rate Forecast
- Google Stock Time Series
- Netflix Time Series Analysis
Computer Vision 🖼️
- Face Detection
- Hand Detection
- Text Detection
NLP (Doğal Dil İşleme) 🗣️
- NLP Sherlock
- NLP Corona News
- NLP Zafer Hoca News
Recommendation System ⭐
- Book Recommendation
- Fashion
- News
Deep Learning 🧠
- Pneumonia (image classification)
- Cat and Dogs
- Butterfly