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Clojars Project

Jar-packaged version of Swagger-UI for ring-based clojure web-apps (and other JVM apps).


Add the dependency to your project.clj file and you have full Swagger-UI ready in /swagger-ui on classpath. You can override the index.html-page by putting a new page into your local resources/swagger-ui-directory. The default URI for the api-docs is /api/api-docs but this can be changed by providing config.json.

You might also be interested in Ring-Swagger. It provides a ring handler (ring.swagger.ui/swagger-ui) which can be used to create ring handler to serve the Swagger-ui. The handler will dynamically serve config.json with provided options so you can define api-docs path from Clojure.


Example using Compojure-api and setting custom urls for swagger-docs and swagger-ui.

(defapi app
    :swagger-docs "/swagger-docs")
    :title "Sample Api"
    :description "Compojure Api sample application")


Initialize the submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update

New swagger-ui version

pushd ext/swagger-ui
git fetch
git checkout <new tag>
git add ext/swagger-ui # Update submodule to point into new swagger-ui
vim project.clj # Edit version
git add project.clj
diff -u resources/swagger-ui/swagger-initializer.js ext/swagger-ui/dist/swagger-initializer.js
# Fix local index.html
git commit -m "New version"
git tag -a "v2.y.z" -m "v2.y.z"
git push --tags origin master # Push new tags and master
lein do clean, install



swagger-ui Copyright 2020-2021 SmartBear Software Inc.

SwaggerUI is licensed under Apache 2.0 license. SwaggerUI comes with an explicit NOTICE file containing additional legal notices and information.


Follows Swagger-UI versions, except if build fix is required, then a build identifier (.e.g -1, starting from 1), can be appended.

These scripts

Copyright © 2014-2023 Metosin Oy

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.