chore: sync main to deps #697
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Oct 8, 2024 in 0s
All 335 tests pass in 2s
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github-actions / Test Results
335 tests found
There are 335 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > When the download fails > reports the correct error
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > should add a mod to the configuration
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > should report unexpected errors
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > should report when a file cannot be found for the version and exit
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > should send the correct debug message
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > should skip the download if the mod already exists
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > should work when the retry succeeded
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > when an incorrect platform is chosen in interactive mode > and the user chooses an alternative option > it should call add again with the new platform
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > when an incorrect platform is chosen in interactive mode > and the user chooses to cancel > it should exit after the prompt
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > when an incorrect platform is chosen in quiet mode > it should exit after an error message has been shown
src/actions/add.test.ts ‑ The add module > when the mod can't be found > it should handle with the correct interaction
src/actions/change.test.ts ‑ The change action > calls the correct telemetry
src/actions/change.test.ts ‑ The change action > calls the install module
src/actions/change.test.ts ‑ The change action > changes the version in the config
src/actions/change.test.ts ‑ The change action > empties the lockfile
src/actions/change.test.ts ‑ The change action > ignores mods that are not installed
src/actions/change.test.ts ‑ The change action > removes the local installations
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > Sets the appropriate debug messages for latest
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > Sets the appropriate debug messages for specific version
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > calls the correct telemetry
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > downloads a missing mod
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > downloads a mod with a different hash
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > handles the case when there is nothing to do
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > installs a new mod with a release type override
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > installs a new mod with no release type override
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when a mod cannot be found > reports the correct message
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when a remote file is not found > reports the correct message
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when an unexpected error occurs > throws it on
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when fetching a missing installation fails > reports the correct error
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when fetching a missing mod file fails > passes the correct error
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when the download fails during an update > shows the correct message
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when there are unknown files > checks if all files are managed
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when there are unknown files > exits as expected when there are unsure matches
src/actions/install.test.ts ‑ The install module > when there are unknown files > scans and processes only the non managed files
src/actions/list.test.ts ‑ The list action > calls the correct telemetry
src/actions/list.test.ts ‑ The list action > when all the mods are installed > it should list all the mods sorted
src/actions/list.test.ts ‑ The list action > when some of the mods are not installed > it should list all the mods appropriately
src/actions/prune.test.ts ‑ The prune action > calls the correct telemetry when prune is needed
src/actions/prune.test.ts ‑ The prune action > calls the correct telemetry when prune is not needed
src/actions/prune.test.ts ‑ The prune action > deletes the files
src/actions/prune.test.ts ‑ The prune action > doesn't remove files if not asked to
src/actions/prune.test.ts ‑ The prune action > notifies about no files in the mods folder
src/actions/prune.test.ts ‑ The prune action > notifies about no unmanaged files in the mods folder
src/actions/remove.test.ts ‑ The remove action > calls the correct telemetry
src/actions/remove.test.ts ‑ The remove action > passes the correct inputs to the locator
src/actions/remove.test.ts ‑ The remove action > when in dry-run mode > logs the correct thing when no mods are found
src/actions/remove.test.ts ‑ The remove action > when in dry-run mode > logs the correct things when mods are found
src/actions/remove.test.ts ‑ The remove action > when there are local files for the mods > removes everything
src/actions/remove.test.ts ‑ The remove action > when there are no installations for the mods > removes the mod only from the configuration without touching anything else
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > calls the correct telemetry
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > correctly reports when there are no unmanaged mods
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > properly logs all found mods
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > properly logs found mods
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > should add the new results
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > when there are half-state files in the mods folder > corrects the unsure ones
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > when there are half-state files in the mods folder > finds the files that it is unsure of
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > when there are unexpected errors > logs them correctly
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > when there are unrecognizable files in the mods folder > logs things correctly no scan results but foreign files
src/actions/scan.test.ts ‑ The Scan action > when there are unrecognizable files in the mods folder > logs things correctly with scan results and foreign files
src/actions/testGameVersion.test.ts ‑ The test action > when an incorrect version is supplied > exits with the correct error
src/actions/testGameVersion.test.ts ‑ The test action > when an redundant version is supplied > exits with the correct error
src/actions/testGameVersion.test.ts ‑ The test action > when some of the mods cannot be upgraded safely > reports the error as expected
src/actions/testGameVersion.test.ts ‑ The test action > when the mods can be upgraded safely > should report success for the given version
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > calls the correct telemetry
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > can update based on hashes
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > can update based on release date only
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > can use the release type override
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > does nothing when there are no updates
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > handles unexpected errors
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > logs the update checks for debug mode
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > prints the correct error when an installation is not found
src/actions/update.test.ts ‑ The update action > prints the correct error when the original mod file does not exist
src/env.test.ts ‑ The environment variables > are set to their defaults when they are not overridden
src/env.test.ts ‑ The environment variables > are set to their values when they are overridden
src/errors/UnknownLoaderException.test.ts ‑ The Unknown Loader Exception > records the platform
src/errors/handleFetchErrors.test.ts ‑ The mod fetch error handler > handles when no remote files are found
src/errors/handleFetchErrors.test.ts ‑ The mod fetch error handler > handles when the download fails
src/errors/handleFetchErrors.test.ts ‑ The mod fetch error handler > handles when the mod cannot be found
src/errors/handleFetchErrors.test.ts ‑ The mod fetch error handler > passes on all other errors
src/index.test.ts ‑ The main entry point > alerts when there are updates and still calls the main program
src/index.test.ts ‑ The main entry point > calls the main program when there are no updates
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > should show the correct default for the new file
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > should show the correct messages
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > should show the correct types
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > when the supplied config file already exists > and we are in interactive mode > when the user does not want to overwrite it > it identifies existing files when it validates the user input correctly
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > when the supplied config file already exists > and we are in interactive mode > when the user does not want to overwrite it > it identifies non existing files when it validates the user input correctly
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > when the supplied config file already exists > and we are in interactive mode > when the user does not want to overwrite it > it should use the submitted options
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > when the supplied config file already exists > and we are in interactive mode > when the user wants to overwrite it > it should use the submitted options
src/interactions/configOverwrite.test.ts ‑ The Config Overwrite Interaction > when the supplied config file already exists > and we are in non-interactive mode > it should throw an error
src/interactions/fileToWrite.test.ts ‑ The file writable module > when everything is fine > logs the path for debugging
src/interactions/fileToWrite.test.ts ‑ The file writable module > when everything is fine > returns the input path
src/interactions/fileToWrite.test.ts ‑ The file writable module > when everything is fine > when the file is not writable > handles the inquirer interaction as expected
src/interactions/fileToWrite.test.ts ‑ The file writable module > when everything is fine > when the file is not writable > it exits properly in quiet mode
src/interactions/fileToWrite.test.ts ‑ The file writable module > when everything is fine > when the file is not writable > reports the user input valiator error
src/interactions/fileToWrite.test.ts ‑ The file writable module > when everything is fine > when the file is not writable > successfully validates the user input
src/interactions/getLatestMinecraftVersion.test.ts ‑ The latest Minecraft Version Interaction > when everything is fine > returns whatever the library returns, no questions asked
src/interactions/getLatestMinecraftVersion.test.ts ‑ The latest Minecraft Version Interaction > when in interactive mode > asks for the latest version appropriately
src/interactions/getLatestMinecraftVersion.test.ts ‑ The latest Minecraft Version Interaction > when in quiet mode > exits with the appropriate error
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the game version is supplied > when the correct version is supplied > it should be successfully verified from the command line
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the game version is supplied > when the correct version is supplied > it should be successfully verified from the interactive ui
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the game version is supplied > when the incorrect version is supplied > it should show an error message on the interactive ui
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the game version is supplied > when the incorrect version is supplied > it should throw an error
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the mods folder is supplied > when a non existing folder is given > it should show an error message on the command line
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the mods folder is supplied > when a non existing folder is given > it should show an error message on the interactive ui
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the mods folder is supplied > when an existing folder is given > it should be successfully verified from the command line
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > and the mods folder is supplied > when an existing folder is given > it should be verified from the interactive ui
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > asks for the game version when it isn't supplied
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > asks for the loader when the loader isn't supplied
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > asks for the mods folder when it isn't supplied
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > asks for the release types when they aren't supplied
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > should use the submitted options
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > skips the game version question when it is supplied
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > skips the loader question when the loader is supplied
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > skips the mods folder question when it is supplied
src/interactions/initializeConfig.test.ts ‑ The Initialization Interaction > skips the release types question when they are supplied
src/interactions/modNotFound.test.ts ‑ The mod not found interaction > aborts when the user does not want to modify their search
src/interactions/modNotFound.test.ts ‑ The mod not found interaction > asks the user for a new mod id and platform when the user wants to modify their search
src/interactions/modNotFound.test.ts ‑ The mod not found interaction > shows the correct error message when in quiet mode
src/interactions/noRemoteFileFound.test.ts ‑ The mod not found interaction > aborts when the user does not want to modify their search
src/interactions/noRemoteFileFound.test.ts ‑ The mod not found interaction > shows the correct error message when in quiet mode
src/interactions/noRemoteFileFound.test.ts ‑ The mod not found interaction > when the user wants to modify their search for 'curseforge' > it asks for modrinth when they come from curseforge
src/interactions/noRemoteFileFound.test.ts ‑ The mod not found interaction > when the user wants to modify their search for 'modrinth' > it asks for curseforge when they come from modrinth
src/interactions/shouldAddScanResults.test.ts ‑ The should add scan results interaction > returns true if the add is already set
src/interactions/shouldAddScanResults.test.ts ‑ The should add scan results interaction > should invoke inqurer properly when needed
src/interactions/shouldAddScanResults.test.ts ‑ The should add scan results interaction > should log out the help message when not in add mode but in quiet mode
src/interactions/shouldCreateConfig.test.ts ‑ The should create config interaction > invokes the expected interaction
src/interactions/shouldCreateConfig.test.ts ‑ The should create config interaction > returns the user's selection when it is false
src/interactions/shouldCreateConfig.test.ts ‑ The should create config interaction > returns the user's selection when it is true
src/interactions/shouldPruneFiles.test.ts ‑ The should prune files interaction > returns true if the force is already set
src/interactions/shouldPruneFiles.test.ts ‑ The should prune files interaction > should invoke inqurer properly when needed
src/interactions/shouldPruneFiles.test.ts ‑ The should prune files interaction > should log out the help message when not in force mode but in quiet mode
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > should log errors
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > should log to the console in normal mode
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > should not debug to the console in normal mode
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > should pass exit codes on to the handler
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > when in debug mode > should debug to the console
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > when in debug mode > should log to the console even in quiet mode
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > when the quiet mode > should log to the console when forced
src/lib/Logger.test.ts ‑ The logger > when the quiet mode > should not log to the console
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can determine that a file does not exist
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can determine that a file exists
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can initialize a new config file
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can read from the config file when it exists
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can read the lock file when it exists
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can resolve a relative mod folder
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can resolve an absolute mod folder
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can returns an empty array and creates the file when the lock file does not exist
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can write the config file
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > can write the lock file
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > should invalidate an incorrect ModsJson object
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > should validate a correct ModsJson object
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > throws an error when the config file does not exist
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > throws an error when there are misconfigurations
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > when ensuring that a config exists > and in interactive mode > creates a new one if there is no existing one
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > when ensuring that a config exists > and in interactive mode > throws an error if the user chose to not create one
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > when ensuring that a config exists > and in non-interactive mode > throws an error
src/lib/config.test.ts ‑ The config library > when ensuring that a config exists > returns the existing one if there is one
src/lib/configurationHelper.test.ts ‑ The configuration helper > can answer the question if something has an instalation
src/lib/configurationHelper.test.ts ‑ The configuration helper > can find an installation
src/lib/configurationHelper.test.ts ‑ The configuration helper > can tell if a file is managed by the config
src/lib/configurationHelper.test.ts ‑ The configuration helper > when looking up mods > can find a mod by ID
src/lib/configurationHelper.test.ts ‑ The configuration helper > when looking up mods > can find mods based on a pattern
src/lib/configurationHelper.test.ts ‑ The configuration helper > when looking up mods > can find multiple mods by ID
src/lib/configurationHelper.test.ts ‑ The configuration helper > when looking up mods > returns an empty result set when nothing is found
src/lib/downloader.test.ts ‑ The downloader facade > should invoke the downloader lib as expected
src/lib/downloader.test.ts ‑ The downloader facade > should throw an error if the download fails
src/lib/fallbackVersion.test.ts ‑ The getNextVersionDown function > should decrease the major version by 1 and set minor and patch to max when the major version is greater than 1, minor and patch are 0 or less
src/lib/fallbackVersion.test.ts ‑ The getNextVersionDown function > should decrease the minor version by 1 and set patch to max when the minor version is greater than 1 and patch is 0 or less
src/lib/fallbackVersion.test.ts ‑ The getNextVersionDown function > should decrease the patch version by 1 when the patch version is greater than 1
src/lib/fallbackVersion.test.ts ‑ The getNextVersionDown function > should not change the major version and set minor and patch to max when the major version is 1 or less, minor and patch are 0 or less
src/lib/fallbackVersion.test.ts ‑ The getNextVersionDown function > should not change the minor version and set patch to max when the minor version is 1 or less and patch is 0 or less
src/lib/fallbackVersion.test.ts ‑ The getNextVersionDown function > should not change the patch version when the patch version is 1 or less
src/lib/fileHelper.test.ts ‑ The file helper module > applies the ignore filter
src/lib/fileHelper.test.ts ‑ The file helper module > can handle a relative mods folder
src/lib/hash.test.ts ‑ The hash module > returns the hash of the file
src/lib/hash.test.ts ‑ The hash module > throws an error if the file does not exist
src/lib/hash.test.ts ‑ The hash module > uses the passed in algo
src/lib/ignore.test.ts ‑ The ignore module > can return the not ignored files
src/lib/ignore.test.ts ‑ The ignore module > passes on all patterns to the glob
src/lib/ignore.test.ts ‑ The ignore module > when the ignore file doesn't exist > returns the full input
src/lib/minecraftVersionVerifier.test.ts ‑ The Minecraft version verifier module > should ignore underlying errors
src/lib/minecraftVersionVerifier.test.ts ‑ The Minecraft version verifier module > should return false if the Minecraft version is invalid
src/lib/minecraftVersionVerifier.test.ts ‑ The Minecraft version verifier module > should return the latest Minecraft version
src/lib/minecraftVersionVerifier.test.ts ‑ The Minecraft version verifier module > should return true if the Minecraft version is valid
src/lib/minecraftVersionVerifier.test.ts ‑ The Minecraft version verifier module > should return true when the list of versions cannot be fetched
src/lib/minecraftVersionVerifier.test.ts ‑ The Minecraft version verifier module > should throw an error when the Minecraft versions could not be fetched for listing
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should handle dev builds
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should prioritize releases over prereleases
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should return the current version if there is no update
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should stay silent if the latest version cannot be fetched
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should throw an error if the fetch errors
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should work for 'prerelease' only > should return the new version when there is a 'major' update
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should work for 'prerelease' only > should return the new version when there is a 'minor' update
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should work for 'prerelease' only > should return the new version when there is a 'patch' update
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should work for 'release' only > should return the new version when there is a 'major' update
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should work for 'release' only > should return the new version when there is a 'minor' update
src/lib/mmmVersionCheck.test.ts ‑ The MMM Version Check module > should work for 'release' only > should return the new version when there is a 'patch' update
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > calls the error handler on failure
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > calls the response handler on success
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > can operate without an error handler
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > can retry
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > can return the host
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > ignores the retry if it is high enough
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > rejects properly
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > returns on a successful fetch
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > returns the default retry rate
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > sets the retry time to the default time if there is none
src/lib/rateLimiter/FetchJob.test.ts ‑ The FetchJob class > sets the retry time to the rate limit time
src/lib/rateLimiter/Retry.test.ts ‑ The retry exception > can return the last response
src/lib/rateLimiter/index.test.ts ‑ The Rate Limiting Library > can handle a suddenly empty queue
src/lib/rateLimiter/index.test.ts ‑ The Rate Limiting Library > can handle multiple hosts
src/lib/rateLimiter/index.test.ts ‑ The Rate Limiting Library > can queue multiple requests to the same host
src/lib/rateLimiter/index.test.ts ‑ The Rate Limiting Library > can reject successfully
src/lib/rateLimiter/index.test.ts ‑ The Rate Limiting Library > can resolve successfully
src/lib/rateLimiter/index.test.ts ‑ The Rate Limiting Library > can throw successfully
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > can accept an item
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > can be instantiated
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > can clear the queue
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > can handle larger sizes
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > can peek the top item
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > can report isEmpty for a new queue
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > can return an item
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > has an initial size of 0
src/lib/rateLimiter/queue.test.ts ‑ The queue > returns undefined when peeking an empty queue
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when all files are managed > returns an empty array
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are no files in the mods folder > returns an empty array
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > and the mod details cannot be fetched > skips the mods in error for general mod not found
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > and the mod details cannot be fetched > skips the mods in error for the curseforge bug
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > and the mod details fetching dies to an error > skips the mods in error
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > and the preferred platform has no results > returns the first hits
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > and the preferred platform has results > adds all results to the response
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > and the preferred platform has results > returns the preferred platform results
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > passes the correct inputs to the hashing functions
src/lib/scan.test.ts ‑ The scan library > when there are unmanaged files in the mods folder > passes the correct inputs to the lookup
src/lib/updater.test.ts ‑ The updater module > should safely update to a new file
src/lib/updater.test.ts ‑ The updater module > should safely update to the same file file
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > should delegate the correct information to the details fetching
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > when all mods support the given version > should report everything fine
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > when an invalid game version is used > should report the invalid version
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > when some mods don't support the given version > should report the affected mods
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > when some mods don't support the given version > when the force option is used > should report everything fine
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > when the same game version is used as the one in the current config > should report that the version is already set
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > when there are no mods configured in the config > should report that everything is fine
src/lib/verifyUpgrade.test.ts ‑ The Upgrade Test Module > when using the "latest" keyword as the version > uses the latest available minecraft version
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > can stop the execution
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has add hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has initialize hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has install hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has list hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has the change hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has the prune hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has the remove action hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has the scan hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has the test hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > has update hooked up to the correct function
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > is set up correctly
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > sets the logger to debug when the debug option is supplied
src/mmm.test.ts ‑ The main CLI configuration > sets the logger to quiet when the quiet option is supplied
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > can convert a CF file to Remote Mod Details
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > returns the file when a perfect game version match is found
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > returns the most recent file for a given game version
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when CF returns an invalid release type
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when CF returns with no valid hash
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when no files are available
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when no files match the release type
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when no files match the requested game version
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when no files match the requested loader
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when the curseforge does not provide a dl url
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when the files cannot be fetched
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > throws an error when the mod details could not be fetched
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when a specific mod version is requested > returns the correct version
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when game version fallback is allowed and the available game version is one lower game version > it finds 1.19.1 correctly instead of 1.19.2
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when game version fallback is allowed and the available game version is the previous major game version > it finds 1.19 correctly instead of 1.19.2
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 1 > throws an error for 1
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 11 > throws an error for 11
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 12 > throws an error for 12
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 13 > throws an error for 13
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 14 > throws an error for 14
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 15 > throws an error for 15
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 2 > throws an error for 2
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 3 > throws an error for 3
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 5 > throws an error for 5
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 6 > throws an error for 6
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 7 > throws an error for 7
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 8 > throws an error for 8
src/repositories/curseforge/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge repository > when the file status is 9 > throws an error for 9
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > calls through to the fetching module
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > calls through to the lookup module
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > when converting loaders > can identify Fabric
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > when converting loaders > can identify Forge
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > when converting loaders > can identify Liteloader
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > when converting loaders > can identify NeoForge
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > when converting loaders > can identify Quilt
src/repositories/curseforge/index.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Repository class > when converting loaders > fails on an unknown platform
src/repositories/curseforge/lookup.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Lookup module > correctly calls the curseforge api
src/repositories/curseforge/lookup.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Lookup module > logs the failed attempt correctly
src/repositories/curseforge/lookup.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Lookup module > transforms the response correctly
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when fetching mod details > and the platform is curseforge > calls the correct implementation for curseforge
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when fetching mod details > and the platform is modrinth > calls the correct implementation for modrinth
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when fetching mod details > throws an exception when an unknown platform is used
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > and there are multiple results to the same hash > ignores results wihtout a download url
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > and there are multiple results to the same hash > processes multiple results properly
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > can handle an empty input
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > finds the appropriate repository for curseforge
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > finds the appropriate repository for modrinth
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > ignores incorrect platforms
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > processes a single result properly
src/repositories/index.test.ts ‑ The repository facade > when looking up mods > when a lookup fails > ignores the failure
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > returns the file when a perfect game version match is found
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > returns the most recent file for a given game version
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > throws an error when Modrinth returns an invalid release type
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > throws an error when no files are available
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > throws an error when no files match the release type
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > throws an error when no files match the requested game version
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > throws an error when no files match the requested loader
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > throws an error when the mod details could not be fetched
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > throws an error when the mod version could not be fetched
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > when a specific mod version is requested > returns the correct file when the version exists
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > when game version fallback is allowed and the available game version is a one lower game version > it finds 1.19.1 correctly instead of 1.19.2
src/repositories/modrinth/fetch.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth repository > when game version fallback is allowed and the available version is the next major game version > it finds 1.19 correctly instead of 1.19.2
src/repositories/modrinth/index.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth Repository class > calls through to the fetching module
src/repositories/modrinth/index.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth Repository class > calls through to the lookup module
src/repositories/modrinth/index.test.ts ‑ The Modrinth Repository class > has the correct api headers
src/repositories/modrinth/lookup.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Lookup module > correctly calls the modrinth api
src/repositories/modrinth/lookup.test.ts ‑ The Curseforge Lookup module > transforms the response correctly
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should call cleanup on process exit events
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should capture command correctly
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should capture event correctly
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should flush correctly
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should handle edge cases in capture method
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should handle edge cases in captureCommand method
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should handle errors in capture method
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should handle errors in captureCommand method
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should handle errors in flush method
src/telemetry/telemetry.test.ts ‑ Telemetry > should initialize correctly