- Mitchell Fogelson
- Chris Dare
- Xinkai Chen
- Tony Dong
Date: 11-30-2020
- This project was a course project for Introduction to Deep Learning 11-785 course at CMU Fall 2020.
- The goal of this project was to create a novel poetry generation Deep Learning Model.
- We decided to constrain the problem to the poetry form of Limericks.
- Limericks are rhyming poems of the form: AABBA
Model Architecture:
- We used the GPT2 117M architecture based off the code from nshepperd
- We trained on-top of a pretrained model that learned from general poetry by gwern
- We trained the model on an NVIDIA Tesla V100
Data Base:
- We used a corpus of ~90,000 Limericks thanks to sballas8
- We removed all punctuation
- We converted all numbers to text
- We removed all poems that did not conform to the structure above
- We added <|endoftext|> token to end of each poem
Training Time:
- The model was trained on 24 GPU hrs
- The final loss was ~0.90
Evaluation Metrics:
- We implemented a Rhyming evaluation
- We implemented a Coreference evaluation
- We implemented a Nonsense word evaluation
- We also set up a website HERE where we had human's evaluate poems generated from our model vs. from the training dataset
- This is the best way we can evaluate the success of our system
- From 8000 unconditionally generated poems 1000 were scored well enough to pass the 3 metrics described above and used for user testing
Gwern Blog Poetry Learning with GPT2:
- Teaches how to run GPT2
- Suggestions for improvements
- Experiments
- Good documentation for running GPT2
- How GPT2 Works
Cole Peterson Master's Thesis:
- Useful information about poetry datasets
- Other methods for learning Poetry
Ng Wai Foong's Medium Article:
- Step by step for learning how to train GPT2 Model
117M-Clean (Gwern Model):!2PhghaZD!_IJPpErXIRIDwRI0ktq2UKUZClDEoY7z8UpF28_qme8
117M-Clean-Lym Note:Model is too large to store on github contact Mitch to share
- Train time: 21hrs
- Loss: 0.09
117M-AA: Note:Model is too large to store on github contact Mitch to share
- Train time: 40hrs
- Loss: 0.11
117M-AABB: Note:Model is too large to store on github contact Mitch to share
- Train time: 40hrs
- Loss: 0.1
117M-limerick Note:Model is too large to store on github contact Mitch to share
- Train time: 40hrs
- Loss: 0.26
caboyola's a genus of weeds
that grows near the shore and seeds seeds
or these shrubs found beside
are quite furry each side
a person who's often so rude
takes a tack of a beach that's subdued
in a business the lad
is more childish than bad
an episcopal practice i'm told
is quite certain to fight for our gold
to get gold from the king
to be saved from the thing
this is all about grandma who's proud
of her years in society's crowd
she has got a big raise
in those fungal-type ways
Create corpus of limericks:
[A |$| A]
[B |$| B]
Limericks Definition
- 5 Line Rhyming Poem
- Rhyming Structure: A A B B A
Raw Data Example:
cap'n jack was washed over the side.
his crew searched but found not hair nor hide.
no longer the helm,
but the deep benthic realm,
is where jack will forever reside.
Processed Data Output:
["cap'n jack was washed over the side|$|his crew searched but found not hair nor hide"]
['no longer the helm|$|but the deep benthic realm']
preprocesser.ipynb -> Jupyter Notebook for preprocessing raw data
rhyming_evaluation.ipynb -> Jupyter Notebook to evaluate output samples Rhyming Success
Step 1: Create .env file with required variables. See the .env.sample template for pointers AWS credentials will be on our slack. Will add a script for public download later on. Step 2: Run the setup script
Better preprocessing data now that we know how the GPT2 matches structure of input - Xinkai
Finding ways to evaluate outputs quantitatively
- Rhyming - Chris
- Non-sense words - Mitch
- Pronoun reference - Tony
- Action reference
Change GPT2
- Loss Function
- NOTE: Cannot be done until non-human quantitative evaluation methods are made
Alright, I just figured out that some steps were not needed at all. Should be really simple.
Some details:
Launch instances
- Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-03657b56516ab7912 (64-bit x86) / ami-023b120e01f4779c1 (64-bit Arm)
(The first one in the free tier group)
(Note that the username is ec2-user instead of ubuntu)
(Not recommended because many libraries (including pip, flask) need manual installation)
(Install pip:)
$ curl -O $ python --user
(Probably need to install python3 later for our project???)
On the Configure Security Group page
- Add Rule "Custom TCP Rule", where the Port Range must cover the port number used by our web app
- The source IP can be set to ", ::/0" just for now
- The listening IP should be set to brodcast IP address, i.e. ""