An home inventory system to create QR code labels and keep track of boxes and tote contents
- Add a way to add a new item to the inventory
- Add a way to add a new box to the inventory
- Print QR code labels for items
- Search for items
- Delete an item entirely
- Fix the UI
- Fix UI flash before a login
- Edit an items location (remove it from a container and add it to another)
- Edit a container or items name, location or description.
- Delete a container
To get started:
npm init @open-wc
# requires node 10 & npm 6 or higher
runs your app for development, reloading on file changesstart:build
runs your app after it has been built using the build commandbuild
builds your app and outputs it in yourdist
runs your test suite with Web Test Runnerlint
runs the linter for your projectformat
fixes linting and formatting errors
For most of the tools, the configuration is in the package.json
to reduce the amount of files in your project.
If you customize the configuration a lot, you can consider moving them to individual files.