Yet another yeoman generator for scaffolding a simple MEAN stack application using some material design elements.
The generator supports group based ACL's and communication with the server API.
$ npm install generator-material-app
To quickly scaffold an application use the following commands (Answer all questions with hitting the enter key):
$ mkdir app && cd $_
$ yo material-app
$ gulp build
$ npm start
Will generate something like this:
Create user dialog
Navigate to http://localhost:9001 to see the generated application where you can administer the users of your application
This will add a server API and a corresponding client route to manage your cats including test stubs and documentation:
$ yo material-app:api cat
$ yo material-app:apiroute cat
$ gulp build
$ npm start
The documentation is by now generated for server side code only:
gulp jsdoc
For running the generated test start the following gulp tasks
gulp unit:server
gulp unit:client
For now, run commands:
NODE_ENV=production gulp build
NODE_ENV=production npm start
And manually seed database with NODE_ENV=production npm run seed
if you choosed to auth your app.
You can't sign into app without any users. You can specify users and seed data in server/config/seed.js
- MONGO_URI || 'mongodb://localhost/' + process.env.DATABASE_NAME
Modefy factory YourResourceDefinition in your-resource.service.js. For example:
name: {type: 'text', required: true},
info: 'text',
nested: {
name: {
type: 'text',
desc: 'Nested Name'
For detail options.
Application scaffold
(alias formaterial-app:app
) - The directory name will be used as the application name
Server API
- Pass the name of the API items as an argument
Client Generators
- Pass the name of the route as an argumentmaterial-app:decorator
- Pass the name of the decorator as an argumentmaterial-app:directive
- Pass the name of the directive as an argumentmaterial-app:route
- Pass the name of the route as an argumentmaterial-app:controller
- Pass the name of the controller as an argumentmaterial-app:filter
- Pass the name of the filter as an argumentmaterial-app:service
- Pass the name of the service as an argumentmaterial-app:provider
- Pass the name of the provider as an argumentmaterial-app:factory
- Pass the name of the factory as an argument
- types supported now:
- types for input(corresponding Mongoose type in
), like'text'
), 'select'
- type values in options array correspond to mongoose type'select/resource'
- mongooseObjectId
, useresource
to simulate mongooseref
- types for input(corresponding Mongoose type in
- common options
- type - different types of property
name: {type: 'text'}
can be short inname: 'text'
buttype: {type: 'text'}
can't - desc - name of prop displayed in form, detail and list
- default is capitalized last name of nested name
- displayKey - key to display in
- default is 'name' when
type === 'select/resource'
- default is 'name' when
- displayPriority - when set to
, field in list will auto-hide when- when screen width is less than 1200 because of css class
in ModelViewGroup is true
- when screen width is less than 1200 because of css class
- type - different types of property
- validation options
- required -
- format - regex for
- remoteUnique - resource name to check unique from server
- repeatInput - force repeat field, usually for
- validators - for
, above validations can be written invalidators
uniformly- required
- pattern
- remote-unique
- repeat-input
- required -
- special config options for
options - static options for select
valueKey - key to value in
- default is '_id' when
type === 'select/resource'
- default is '_id' when
resource - static resource for
- only work when
type === ''
- only work when
params - static params for
getOptions - async function returns a promise to load options upon
is open, resource and params can be dynamic with this
Below is an example with all options, which can be generated into app with the demo option
var typeMap = {
User: User,
ClientModelDoc: ClientModelDoc
return ModelDefinitions({
name: {
type: 'text',
format: {
value: /^[a-zA-Z]{6,18}$/,
error: 'Should be 6-18 letters.'
required: true,
remoteUnique: 'ClientModelDoc'
repeatName: {
type: 'text',
repeatInput: 'name',
desc: 'Repeat Name',
displayPriority: 'low'
wholeName: {
type: 'text',
validators: {
required: true,
'remote-unique': {
value: 'ClientModelDoc',
error: 'Override default error'
pattern: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8,12}$/
user: {
type: 'select/resource',
required: true,
resource: User
rootUser: {
type: 'select/resource',
resource: User,
params: {
role: 'root'
displayKey: '_id'
anyType: {
type: 'select',
options: ['User', 'ClientModelDoc']
anyTypeRef: {
type: 'select',
getOptions: function(model) {
var resource = typeMap[model.anyType];
if (!resource || !resource.query) return $q.when([]);
return resource.query().$promise;
displayKey: 'name',
valueKey: '_id'
important: 'text',
notImportant: {
type: 'text',
desc: 'Not Important',
displayPriority: 'low'
nested: {
name: 'text',
repeatName: {
type: 'text',
repeatInput: '',
desc: 'Nested Repeat Name',
displayPriority: 'low'
wholeName: {
type: 'text',
desc: 'Whole Name',
remoteUnique: 'ClientModelDoc',
auto: function (nestedModel) {
return nestedModel.nested.firstName + ' ' + nestedModel.nested.secondName;
firstName: {
type: 'text',
desc: 'First Name',
displayPriority: 'low'
secondName: {
type: 'text',
desc: 'Second Name',
displayPriority: 'low'
info: 'text',
//active: 'boolean'
This generator is suited for prototyping simple CRUD applications. The generated code is somehow following John Papa's Styleguide for Angular applications. Every generator generates a test stub for easily adding tests to your application. Note that there is not much material design in the layout yet, despite the use of the Angular Material Design components.
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Express
- mongoose
- Angular.js
- ui.router
- Gulp