A Webpack loader for Angular that allows async importing of chunks, especially useful for fetching and using entryComponents across feature modules
npm install angular-chunk-loader --save-dev
Add the angular-chunk-loader
to your typescript loaders
loaders: [
test: /\.ts$/,
loaders: [
In your source files, use System.import()
with a relative path to your lazy loaded angular module.
System.import('./app/module/+my-feature/my-feature.module').then((chunk: { MyFeatureModule: Type<any>, MyFeatureModuleNgFactory: NgModuleFactory<any> }) => {
let compiledModule: NgModuleFactory<any>;
if (chunk.RequisitionModuleNgFactory instanceof NgModuleFactory) {
compiledModule = chunk.RequisitionModuleNgFactory; // AOT
} else {
compiledModule = this.compiler.compileModuleSync(chunk.RequisitionModule);
// further process - eg. lookup component factory and instantiate components
This loader was forked from the following project:
angular-router-loader by brandonroberts
This loader was inspired by the following projects.
es6-promise-loader by PatrickJS