This is an example of Play using the Scala API with manually wired compile time dependency injection.
The application loader here is MyApplicationLoader
which uses MyComponents
to wire together an injector.
For testing, a MyApplicationFactory
is defined and mixed in:
trait MyApplicationFactory extends FakeApplicationFactory {
override def fakeApplication: Application = {
val env = Environment.simple(new File("."))
val configuration = Configuration.load(env)
val context = ApplicationLoader.Context(
environment = env,
sourceMapper = None,
webCommands = new DefaultWebCommands(),
initialConfiguration = configuration,
lifecycle = new DefaultApplicationLifecycle()
val loader = new MyApplicationLoader()
Once the MyApplicationFactory
is defined, the fake application is used by TestSuite types:
class ServerSpec extends PlaySpec
with BaseOneServerPerSuite
with MyApplicationFactory
with ScalaFutures
with IntegrationPatience {
private implicit val implicitPort = port
"Server query should" should {
"work" in {
whenReady(play.api.test.WsTestClient.wsUrl("/").get) { response =>
response.status mustBe play.api.http.Status.OK