My name is Michel Gokan Khan & I'm a computer science researcher. I'm currently conducting research as a PostDoc at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in collaboration with AstraZeneca in ML-Driven Optimization of Production in Industry 5.0. I have a PhD in computer science from KAU Sweden 🇸🇪. My focus was optimizing service function chains in the context of cloud native computing with use cases in 5G networks and NFV through deep learning.
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I recieved BSc degree in applied mathematics and continued with MSc in computer engineering @ Iran University of Science and Technology. I started my PhD journey with the Distributed Systems and Communications lab (DISCO) @ Karlstad University (KAU) in Sweden. During my PhD, I worked in Ericsson research and development department as a research intern and directly contributed to the projects related to optimizing both the 4G-LTE and the 5G core.
I have a established publications and inventions record. To know more about me and get access to the most recent information and updates about my research, please visit my Linkedin profile or follow me on Twitter.