The hereby repository aims at showing several data plots across various aspects of our User Tests & Analysis 7 (UTA7) results. The purpose of this repository is to give visualization to several statistics that plot and show data regarding our source of the User Tests & Analysis 7 (UTA7) results from both MIDA and MIMBCD-UI projects. The repository is part of the work done by SIPg, an ISR-Lisboa research group and M-ITI, two R&D Units of LARSyS. The project also involves the collaborative effort of INESC-ID. Both ISR-Lisboa and INESC-ID are Associate Laboratories of IST from ULisboa.
The following list is showing the set of dependencies for this project. Please, install and build in your machine the recommended versions.
List of dependencies for this project:
To clone the hereby repository follow the guidelines. It is easy as that.
1.1. Please clone the repository by typing the command:
git clone
1.2. Get inside of the repository directory:
cd uta7-statistical-analysis-charts/
1.3. To know how to open the source code results, follow the next steps;
2.1. Go to the src/
cd src/
2.2. Now, open the index.html
file on a browser;
We need to plot several results, by addressing the thereby information. Therefore, it is of chief importance to scale this solution supported by the presented repository.
The present repository is under the terms of MIT and the hereby information is covered by this. You are free to make changes and use this in either personal or commercial projects. Attribution is not required, but it is welcomed. A little "Thanks!" (or something to that affect) would be much appreciated.
A special thanks to Chris Hafey, the propelling person of CornerstoneJS, who also developed the cornerstoneDemo. Not forgetting the three supporters of the CornerstoneJS library, Aloïs Dreyfus, Danny Brown and Erik Ziegler. We also would like to give a special thanks to Erik Ziegler who support several issues during this path.