A dynamic module for NGINX that provides HTTP API endpoints to manage upstream server states and view upstream configurations.
This project is an independent open-source module for NGINX Open Source and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or associated with NGINX, NGINX Plus, or F5, Inc..
- List all configured upstreams and their server details
- View detailed information about specific upstream configurations
- Dynamically change upstream server states (up/drain)
- RESTful JSON API interface
- This module is intended for use with NGINX Open Source only.
- It does not replicate all features of NGINX Plus.
- NGINX source code
- C compiler (GCC or Clang)
- Basic build tools (make, etc.)
- Download or clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/midorinet/ngx_upstream_mgmt
Download NGINX source code:
wget https://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.26.2.tar.gz
tar -xzvf nginx-1.26.2.tar.gz
Build NGINX with the module:
cd nginx-1.26.2
./configure --add-dynamic-module=../ngx_upstream_mgmt
make install
Add the following to your NGINX configuration:
# Load the dynamic module
load_module modules/ngx_http_upstream_mgmt_module.so;
# Configure upstream groups
upstream backend {
server weight=4 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s;
server weight=2 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s backup;
# Enable the management API
location /api/upstreams {
client_max_body_size 1m;
client_body_buffer_size 16k;
# Add access controls here
deny all;
Lists all configured upstreams and their server details.
Response Example:
"backend": {
"servers": [
"id": 0,
"server": "",
"weight": 1,
"max_conns": 0,
"max_fails": 1,
"fail_timeout": "10s",
"slow_start": "0s",
"backup": false,
"down": false
"id": 1,
"server": "",
"weight": 1,
"max_conns": 0,
"max_fails": 1,
"fail_timeout": "10s",
"slow_start": "0s",
"backup": false,
"down": false
"backend2": {
"servers": [
"id": 0,
"server": "",
"weight": 1,
"max_conns": 0,
"max_fails": 1,
"fail_timeout": "10s",
"slow_start": "0s",
"backup": false,
"down": false
"id": 1,
"server": "",
"weight": 1,
"max_conns": 0,
"max_fails": 1,
"fail_timeout": "10s",
"slow_start": "0s",
"backup": false,
"down": false
Get details for a specific upstream configuration.
**Response Example: **
"servers": [
"id": 0,
"server": "",
"weight": 1,
"max_conns": 0,
"max_fails": 1,
"fail_timeout": "10s",
"slow_start": "0s",
"backup": false,
"down": false
"id": 1,
"server": "",
"weight": 1,
"max_conns": 0,
"max_fails": 1,
"fail_timeout": "10s",
"slow_start": "0s",
"backup": false,
"down": false
Update the state of a specific server in an upstream group.
Request Body:
"drain": true
Response Example:
"status": "success"
- List all upstreams:
curl http://localhost/api/upstreams
- Get specific upstream details:
curl http://localhost/api/upstreams/backend
- Drain a server (mark as down):
curl -X PATCH \
-d '{"drain":true}' \
- Bring a server back up:
curl -X PATCH \
-d '{"drain":false}' \