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Add std/cli, move std/getopt there
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Import a bunch of CLI utilities from gerbil-utils into std/cli;
tweak them, document them, test them:
  - multicall to support multiple subcommands in a more modular way
  - getopt translation to Scheme calling convention
  - print-exit to print results of Scheme computation at the CLI
  - shell to support escaping strings for the shell

Add a few corresponding utilities to std/error

Move std/getopt to std/cli/getopt with its brothers;
leave a compatibility shim at std/getopt.
fare committed Nov 4, 2023
1 parent 10864a8 commit cb821d7
Showing 16 changed files with 1,396 additions and 587 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions doc/.vuepress/config.js
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@@ -121,6 +121,17 @@ module.exports = {

{ title: "Unix Command Line Interface",
path: "/reference/std/cli/",
children: [

{ title: "Databases and Key-Value Stores",
path: "/reference/std/db/",
children: [
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Unix Command Line Interface

The following libraries are provided to support the Unix Command Line Interface (CLI):
- [:std/cli/getopt](
- [:std/cli/shell](
- [:std/cli/print-exit](
- [:std/cli/multicall](
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# Command Line Argument Parsing

The `:std/cli/getopt` library provides facilities for command line argument parsing.

::: tip usage
(import :std/cli/getopt)

This library used to be available as `:std/getopt` up to Gerbil v0.18,
and is still available under that name for now, but its use is deprecated.

## Interface

### getopt
(getopt <specifier> ...)
=> <parser>
(command id [help: text] <cmd-specifier>)
<cmd-specifier> ...
(flag id short [long])
(option id short [long] [help: text] [value: proc] [default: value])
(argument id [help: text] [value: proc])
(optional-argument id [help: text] [value: proc] [default: value])
(rest-arguments id [help: text] [value: proc])

`getopt` creates a command line parser, which can be used to parse arguments
with `getopt-parse`.

### getopt-parse
(getopt-parse <parser> args)
=> (values cmd-id options)

`getopt-parse` accepts a parser and a list of string arguments and parses
according to the parser specification. If it is parsing a specification with
subcommands, it returns two values, the command id and a hash table with the
parsed options. Otherwise it just returns the hash table with the parsed options.
An exception is raised if parsing the arguments fails.

### getopt-error?
(getopt-error? obj)
=> boolean

If parsing fails, then a `getopt-error` is raised, which can be guarded with

### getopt-display-help
(getopt-display-help <tip> program-name [port = (current-output-port)])

The procedure `getopt-display-help` can be used to display
a help message for a getopt error according to the argument specification.

### getopt-display-help-topic
(getopt-display-help-topic <parser> topic program-name [port = (current-output-port)])

The procedure `getopt-display-help-topic` can be used to display a help page
for a subcommand.

### getopt?
(getopt? obj)
=> boolean

Returns true if the object is a getopt parser

### getopt-object?
(getopt-object? obj)
=> boolean

Returns true if the object is a getopt command or command specifier.

### call-with-getopt
(call-with-getopt proc args
program: program
help: (help #f)
exit-on-error: (exit-on-error? #t)
. gopts)

This shim around getopt parsing eliminates all the repetitive
boilerplate around argument parsing with getopt.

It creates a getopt parser that parses with options `gopts`, automatically
including a help option or command accordingly.

It then uses the parser to pare `args`, handling the exceptions and
displayin help accordingly; if `exit-on-error` is true (the default),
then parsing errors will exit the program.

If the parse succeeds it invokes `proc` with the output of the parse.

## Example

For an example, here the a command line parser for the `gxpkg` program:
(def (main . args)
(def install-cmd
(command 'install help: "install one or more packages"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to install")))
(def uninstall-cmd
(command 'uninstall help: "uninstall one or more packages"
(flag 'force "-f" help: "force uninstall even if there are orphaned dependencies")
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to uninstall")))
(def update-cmd
(command 'update help: "update one or more packages"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to update; all for all packages")))
(def link-cmd
(command 'link help: "link a local development package"
(argument 'pkg help: "package to link")
(argument 'src help: "path to package source directory")))
(def unlink-cmd
(command 'unlink help: "unlink one or more local development packages"
(flag 'force "-f" help: "force unlink even if there are orphaned dependencies")
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to unlink")))
(def build-cmd
(command 'build help: "rebuild one or more packages and their dependents"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to build; all for all packages")))
(def clean-cmd
(command 'clean help: "clean compilation artefacts from one or more packages"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to clean")))
(def list-cmd
(command 'list help: "list installed packages"))
(def retag-cmd
(command 'retag help: "retag installed packages"))
(def search-cmd
(command 'search help: "search the package directory"
(rest-arguments 'keywords help: "keywords to search for")))
(call-with-getopt gxpkg-main args
program: "gxpkg"
help: "The Gerbil Package Manager"
(def (gxpkg-main cmd opt)
(let-hash opt
(case cmd
(install-pkgs .pkg))
(uninstall-pkgs .pkg .?force))
(update-pkgs .pkg))
(link-pkg .pkg .src))
(unlink-pkgs .pkg .?force))
(build-pkgs .pkg))
(clean-pkgs .pkg))
(search-pkgs .keywords)))))

### getopt-parse-&gt;function-arguments
(getopt-parse->function-arguments getopt h) => list-of-arguments

This function takes a `getopt` specification and table `h` of arguments
resulting from calling `getopt-parse`, and returns a list of argument
with which to call a Scheme function that has an analogous call convention:
- supplied positional arguments are passed in order
- they are followed by all the rest arguments
- they are followed by the remaining specified keyword arguments.

Omitted option arguments without default will be omitted.
Omitted option arguments with a default will be included with the default value;
the programmer must ensure that this default value is the same as
the default value from the Scheme function being called, or there will be
a semantic discrepancy between the CLI interface and the underlying Scheme function.

NB: `h` will be modified in place, removing positional and rest arguments.
Make sure to use `hash-copy` if you want to preserve the original data.

TODO: add examples

### call-with-getopt-parse
(call-with-getopt-parse gopt hash fun) => results-of-fun

Given a getopt specification `gopt`, the `hash` resulting from calling
`getopt-parse` on some provided command-line arguments, and a function `fun`
that has a calling convention analogous to that specified by `gopt`,
call the function with arguments that correspond to those provided by `hash`,
as per `getopt-parse->function-arguments`.

TODO: add examples, discuss abort-on-error behavior,
lack of automatic help, etc.

### call-with-processed-command-line
(call-with-processed-command-line processor command-line function) => results-of-function

Generic function of three arguments:
- a `processor` that describes a `getopt` specification,
- a `command-line`, list of strings as provided by the invoking process, and
- a `function` to be called with the results of processing the command-line.

The function is generic in the first argument.
The default method recognizes a `getopt` specification as first argument,
and appropriately calls `getopt-parse` and `call-with-getopt-parse`
to process the command-line. It also recognizes a list as being arguments
to which to apply `getopt` to obtain a specification,
with which to proceed as above.

You may define more methods, to work with your own variant of `getopt`,
or with innovative ways to incrementally compose `getopt` specifications
e.g. with prototype objects like `gerbil-poo`.

TODO: add examples, discuss abort-on-error behavior,
lack of automatic help, etc.

### -&gt;getopt-spec
(->getopt-spec arg) => list-of-getopt-arguments
Given an argument `arg`, return a list *lst* of getopt arguments
to which one can `(apply getopt lst)` to specify a getopt object to parse with.

Default behavior:
- If `arg` is a list, `flatten` it.
- If `arg` is a natural integer *n*,
specify a list of *n* positional `argument`s.
- If `arg` is `#f`, specify a single `rest-argument` named `rest`,
i.e. let it be a passthrough to be processed by the function being called.
- Otherwise, raise an error.

This function is useful for calls not just to `getopt` directly,
but also to `command` that itself calls `getopt`, etc.
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# Multicall Binaries

The `:std/cli/multicall` module provides facilities to define multicall binaries
the behavior of which differs depending on the name of the binary,
just like the gerbil binary itself, or famously like `busybox`.

::: tip usage
(import :std/cli/multicall)

An earlier version of this library used to be available as `:clan/multicall`
in gerbil-utils.

## Interface

### current-program
(def current-program (make-parameter []))
A parameter that contains the name of the current program or subprogram,
as a list in reverse of the successive subcommands used to invoke it.

### current-program-string
(def current-program (make-parameter []))
Return as a string of space-separated commands and subcommands in order
the name of the current program or subprogram.

### entry-points
entry-points => table
A table, indexed by symbols, of `entry-point` structs,
describing the available shell entry points.

### entry-point
(defstruct entry-point (name function help getopt) transparent: #t)
A struct type describing an available entry-point:
- `name` is a symbol, whose `symbol->string` is used as command or subcommand
to select the entry-point from the CLI.
- `function` is the Scheme function to call if the entry-point is selected.
- `help` is a short help string describing the purpose of the entry-point,
to be displayed to the user when help is requested.
- `getopt` is a `getopt-spec`
based on which the rest of the command-line will be parsed, and
based on which help about the available options is displayed.

### entry-points-getopt-spec
(entry-points-getopt-spec [table])
Given a `table` of entry-points which default to the variable `entry-points`,
return a getopt-spec (suitable to be passed to `(apply getopt ...)`) of
`command` specifiers, one for each registered entry-point, in asciibetical order.

### register-entry-point
(register-entry-point function
[id: #f] [name: #f] [help: #f] [getopt: #f])
Register the function as entry-point,
with given `name` (argument passed to `make-symbol`),
or if not specified, a symbol made of only the
[`easy-shell-characters?`]( of `id`.
The entry-point will have the given `help` and `getopt` fields.

### define-entry-point
(define-entry-point (id . formals) (options ...) body ...)
Syntax that expands to both
1. defining in the current scope function with the given name `id`
and specified Scheme function formals, and the given `body`.
2. register an entry-point for that function,
with given `id` and `options`.

### multicall-default
A mutable variable that contains the default function to call
if the command doesn’t match any of the specified commands.

### set-default-entry-point!
(set-default-entry-point! symbol)
Set the default entry-point in `multicall-default` as given `symbol`.

### help
(help [command])
Global entry-point to print a help message (about the command, if specified)
about the current overall command and subcommands.

### meta
Global entry-point to print the available completions for the command,
for use with CLI syntax autodetection.

### version
(version [all?: #f] [layer])
Global entry-point to print the current version.
If `all?` (flag `-a`) is passed, print all components from build manifest.
If `layer` (flag `-l`) is passed, print the thus-named component.

### call-entry-point
(call-entry-point . args)
Call an entry point as specified by `args`,
or else the `multicall-default` entry point.

### define-multicall-main
Define `call-entry-point` as a suitable `main` function
in the current scope.
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@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Print results and Exit

The `:std/cli/print-exit` module helps you write functions that can be
invoked either from the Scheme REPL or the Unix CLI, and in either case
will print their computation results after their invocation.

::: tip usage
(import :std/cli/print-exit)

The facilities are named in a way reminiscent of REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop),
except that instead of a form being Read and Eval'ed,
a function is called or a body is evaluated as in `begin`,
and after the Print part we Exit rather than Loop.

## Interface

### value-printer
(define value-printer (make-parameter prn))
This parameter will return a function called on each value received
by `print-exit` or `print-values`
(unless there is a single value `(void)` that isn't printed).

Defaults to `prn`. You could instead use `writeln` or `displayln`.

### print-values
(print-values . vs) => (void)
Process a list of values `vs` from a previous computation
(as per `(call-with-values thunk print-values)`), and
print each of those values (as applicable) using `(value-printer)`,
unless there is a single value that is `(void)`
in which case don't print anything
(also don't print anything if provided no values as per `(values)`).

Any values but `(void)` and `(values)` will thus cause the values to be printed,
one by one, using `(value-printer)`, similar to how the Scheme REPL works.
However, the Scheme REPL would use [`writeln`](../misc/ as its
value printer, but the default `(value-printer)` above is
[`prn`](../misc/ which we found to be more useful in this situation.

### print-exit
(print-exit . vs) => [exit]

Process a list of values `vs` from a previous computation
(as per `(call-with-values thunk print-exit)`), and
(1) print those values using `print-values`, then
(2) exit with an according exit code.

Any values but `#f` and `(values)` will cause the exit code 0 to be returned,
which the Unix shell will interpret as success or true.
The values `#f` and `(values)` will cause the exit code 1 to be returned,
which the Unix shell will interpret as failure or false.

The value `(void)` will thus indicate a silent success,
wherein nothing is printed and success is assumed, as is customary in Scheme.
The value `(values)` meanwhile will thus indicate a silent failure,
wherein nothing is printed and failure is assumed, of which however
only the first part (nothing printed) is customary in Scheme, whereas the
failure assumed is not customary in Scheme (but a false value would be assumed in e.g. CL).

### silent-exit
(silent-exit success?) => void-or-values

Takes a boolean `success?` and returns a multiple values
that when passed to `print-exit` will not be printed, yet
will cause return an error code that the Unix shell will interpret
as success or true if the boolean is true, and
failure or false if the boolean is false.

`(void)` is the silent true exit returned if `success?` is true,
and `(values)` is the silent false exit returned if it is false.

### call-print-exit
(call-print-exit fun) => [exit]
Call a function, print the resulting values (if applicable),
and exit with an according exit code, as per `print-exit`.
If an error occurs during execution,
exit with an error code as per

### begin-print-exit
(begin-print-exit body ...) => [exit]
Evaluates the `body` as in an anonymous function called by `call-print-exit`.

This macro is named in a way reminiscent of REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop),
except instead of a form being Read and Eval'ed, the body is evaluated
like `begin`, and after the Print part it Exits rather than Loops.
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@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Shell Command Support

The `:std/cli/shell` library provides facilities for working with Unix shell code

::: tip usage
(import :std/cli/shell)

An earlier version of this library used to be available as `:clan/shell`
in gerbil-utils.

## Interface

### easy-shell-character?
(easy-shell-character? character) => bool

Returns true if the `character` if a string may contain the character in any position
without that this fact requiring the string to be quoted in any shell.
This include alphanumeric characters and those in `"@%-_=+:,./"`
(not including the double quotes).

All other ASCII characters may require the string to be quoted.
For good measure we also quote strings containing non-ASCII characters.

::: tip Examples:
> (string-for-each (lambda (c) (or (easy-shell-character? c) (error "foo")))
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ012345678@%-_=+:,./") ;; no error
> (string-for-each (lambda (c) (or (not (easy-shell-character? c)) (error "foo")))
"!`~#$^&*()[{]}\\|;'\"<>? \r\n\t\v") ;; no error either

### needs-shell-escape?
(needs-shell-escape? string) => bool
Returns true if the `string` is known not to require quoting in a Unix shell.

The current implementation only trusts strings where every character
satisfies `easy-shell-character?` to not require quoting.

::: tip Examples:
> (map needs-shell-escape ["foo?" "~user" "$1" "*.*" "!1" "ab\\cd" "{}" "a;b" "&amp;" "|" "a b c"])
(#t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t)
> (map needs-shell-escape ["foo" "%-_=+:,./" "1" "..." "abcd" "x=y:z,t.z/u+v_w"])
(#f #f #f #f #f #f)

### escape-shell-token
(escape-shell-token string) => shell-escaped-string
Given a `string`, returns a shell-escaped-string that,
when included in a Unix shell command, will expand into the input `string`.

::: tip Examples:
> (map escape-shell-token ["foo?" "~user" "$1" "*.*" "!1" "ab\\cd" "{}" "a;b" "&amp;" "|" "a b c"])
("\"foo?\"" "\"~user\"" "\"\\$1\"" "\"*.*\"" "\"!1\"" "\"ab\\\\cd\"" "\"{}\"" "\"a;b\"" "\"&amp;\"" "\"|\"" "\"a b c\"")
> (let (l ["foo" "%-_=+:,./" "1" "..." "abcd" "x=y:z,t.z/u+v_w"])
(equal? l (map escape-shell-token l)))

### -&gt;envvar
(->envvar . str) => environment-variable-name
Given a list of arguments `str`, return a string to be used as
a shell environment variable name following the convention of having
only upper-case ASCII letters and digits and underscores.

The arguments are passed to `as-string` then uppercased, and
any non-empty sequence of characters other than letters and digits
are replaced by a single underscore.

::: tip Examples:
``` scheme
> (->envvar "foo")
> (->envvar "bar baz")
> (->envvar '("bar " "+!@#$") #(#\@ #\! "#") "baz")
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@@ -426,7 +426,23 @@ displaying the exception with `display-exception`).

Invokes `thunk` with an exception handler that dumps the exception
stack trace with `dump-stack-trace!`.
stack trace with `dump-stack-trace!`
if `(dump-stack-trace?)` is true (the default).

### dump-stack-trace?
(define dump-stack-trace? (make-parameter #t))
A parameter that controls whether `with-exception-stack-trace`
will actually dump a stack trace to standard error.

You can `(dump-stack-trace? #f)`
or locally `(parameterize ((dump-stack-trace? #f)) ...)`
to disable this stack trace dump,
in case you are building a program for end-users rather than for developers,
and want to control what limited error output they see.
Or you can re-enable them based on a debug flag at the CLI
in cases you want them to provide you with extra debugging information.

### dump-stack-trace!
@@ -435,3 +451,38 @@ stack trace with `dump-stack-trace!`.

Displays the exception `exn`, dumping the stack trace of continuation
`cont` if there is no stack trace information in the exception itself.

### exit-with-error
(exit-with-error exception) => [exit]
Display the `exception` to current error port and exit with error code 2.

### exit-on-error?
(def exit-on-error? (make-parameter #t))
This parameter controls whether `call-with-exit-on-error`, `with-exit-on-error`,
`call-with-getopt`, and any function that indirectly uses them,
will exit if an error is caught, rather than pass on the error
and return to the REPL (or let a more fundamental function exit).

### call-with-exit-on-error
(call-with-exit-on-error thunk)
Calls the `thunk` in an environment wherein if an error is caught and
`(exit-on-error)` is true, `exit-with-error` will be called,
causing an error message to be printed and the process to exit with exit code 2.
If `(exit-on-error)` is false, the error will simply be raised again.

This mechanism enables users to modify the parameter
(e.g. via a flag passed at the Unix CLI or a change made at the Scheme REPL)
and control whether to exit with an error (e.g. for end-users)
or enter a debugger REPL (e.g. for developers).

### with-exit-on-error
(with-exit-on-error body ...)
Evaluates the `body` as in a `thunk` passed to `call-with-exit-on-error`.
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# Command Line Argument Parsing

The `:std/getopt` library provides facilities for command line argument parsing.
This is the old name of the `:std/cli/getopt` module,
that provides facilities for command line argument parsing.

::: tip usage
(import :std/getopt)

## Interface

### getopt
(getopt <specifier> ...)
=> <parser>
(command id [help: text] <cmd-specifier>)
<cmd-specifier> ...
(flag id short [long])
(option id short [long] [help: text] [value: proc] [default: value])
(argument id [help: text] [value: proc])
(optional-argument id [help: text] [value: proc] [default: value])
(rest-arguments id [help: text] [value: proc])

`getopt` creates a command line parser, which can be used to parse arguments
with `getopt-parse`.

### getopt-parse
(getopt-parse <parser> args)
=> (values cmd-id options)

`getopt-parse` accepts a parser and a list of string arguments and parses
according to the parser specification. If it is parsing a specification with
subcommands, it returns two values, the command id and a hash table with the
parsed options. Otherwise it just returns the hash table with the parsed options.
An exception is raised if parsing the arguments fails.

### getopt-error?
(getopt-error? obj)
=> boolean

If parsing fails, then a `getopt-error` is raised, which can be guarded with

### getopt-display-help
(getopt-display-help <tip> program-name [port = (current-output-port)])

The procedure `getopt-display-help` can be used to display
a help message for a getopt error according to the argument specification.
As of Gerbil v0.19 this name is deprecated and
you should be using the new library instead,
but the old name remains available for now
for the sake of backward compatibility.

### getopt-display-help-topic
(getopt-display-help-topic <parser> topic program-name [port = (current-output-port)])

The procedure `getopt-display-help-topic` can be used to display a help page
for a subcommand.

### getopt?
(getopt? obj)
=> boolean

Returns true if the object is a getopt parser

### getopt-object?
(getopt-object? obj)
=> boolean

Returns true if the object is a getopt command or command specifier.

### call-with-getopt
::: tip usage
(call-with-getopt proc args
program: program
help: (help #f)
exit-on-error: (exit-on-error? #t)
. gopts)
(import :std/cli/getopt)

This shim around getopt parsing eliminates all the repetitive
boilerplate around argument parsing with getopt.

It creates a getopt parser that parses with options `gopts`, automatically
including a help option or command accordingly.

It then uses the parser to pare `args`, handling the exceptions and
displayin help accordingly; if `exit-on-error` is true (the default),
then parsing errors will exit the program.

If the parse succeeds it invokes `proc` with the output of the parse.

## Example

For an example, here the a command line parser for the `gxpkg` program:
(def (main . args)
(def install-cmd
(command 'install help: "install one or more packages"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to install")))
(def uninstall-cmd
(command 'uninstall help: "uninstall one or more packages"
(flag 'force "-f" help: "force uninstall even if there are orphaned dependencies")
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to uninstall")))
(def update-cmd
(command 'update help: "update one or more packages"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to update; all for all packages")))
(def link-cmd
(command 'link help: "link a local development package"
(argument 'pkg help: "package to link")
(argument 'src help: "path to package source directory")))
(def unlink-cmd
(command 'unlink help: "unlink one or more local development packages"
(flag 'force "-f" help: "force unlink even if there are orphaned dependencies")
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to unlink")))
(def build-cmd
(command 'build help: "rebuild one or more packages and their dependents"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to build; all for all packages")))
(def clean-cmd
(command 'clean help: "clean compilation artefacts from one or more packages"
(rest-arguments 'pkg help: "package to clean")))
(def list-cmd
(command 'list help: "list installed packages"))
(def retag-cmd
(command 'retag help: "retag installed packages"))
(def search-cmd
(command 'search help: "search the package directory"
(rest-arguments 'keywords help: "keywords to search for")))
(call-with-getopt gxpkg-main args
program: "gxpkg"
help: "The Gerbil Package Manager"
(def (gxpkg-main cmd opt)
(let-hash opt
(case cmd
(install-pkgs .pkg))
(uninstall-pkgs .pkg .?force))
(update-pkgs .pkg))
(link-pkg .pkg .src))
(unlink-pkgs .pkg .?force))
(build-pkgs .pkg))
(clean-pkgs .pkg))
(search-pkgs .keywords)))))
<!-- See [:std/cli/getopt](cli/ for the module documentation. -->
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/std/
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@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@
(gxc: "interface" ,@(include-gambit-sharp))
;; cli
;; stdio
455 changes: 455 additions & 0 deletions src/std/cli/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions src/std/cli/
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
;; -*- Gerbil -*-
;;;; Support for building a single multicall binary that has all the fricfrac functionality.

(export #t)

(only-in :std/cli/print-exit begin-print-exit)
(only-in :std/cli/shell easy-shell-character?)
(only-in :std/format format)
(only-in :std/generic defgeneric)
(only-in :std/getopt getopt getopt-display-help-topic getopt-display-help
call-with-processed-command-line ->getopt-spec
command flag option argument optional-argument rest-arguments)
(only-in :std/iter for/collect)
(only-in :std/misc/hash hash->list/sort)
(only-in :std/misc/list flatten)
(only-in :std/misc/number nat?)
(only-in :std/misc/string as-string<?)
(only-in :std/sort sort)
(only-in :std/srfi/13 string-filter)
(only-in :std/sugar defrule with-id))

(def current-program (make-parameter []))
(def entry-points (make-hash-table))

(def (current-program-string (program (current-program)))
(string-join (reverse (flatten program)) " "))

(defstruct entry-point (name function help getopt) transparent: #t)

(def (entry-points-getopt-spec (h entry-points))
(for/collect (([name . e] (hash->list/sort h as-string<?)))
(apply command name help: (entry-point-help e)
(->getopt-spec (entry-point-getopt e)))))

;; TODO: allow registering a getopt: structure and/or other command information,
;; so we can show detailed help and automatically parse arguments?
;; TODO: also allow a preprocess: function to further process the result of getopt (if specified)
;; or the raw arguments (if no getopt specified).
(def (register-entry-point function
id: (id #f) name: (name #f) help: (help #f)
getopt: (getopt #f))
(let (name (make-symbol (or name (string-filter easy-shell-character? (as-string id)))))
(hash-put! entry-points name (make-entry-point name function help getopt))))

;; TODO: syntax to specify not just help, but getopt, etc.
(defrule (define-entry-point (id . formals) (options ...) body ...)
(begin (def (id . formals) body ...)
(register-entry-point id id: 'id options ...)))

(defmutable multicall-default 'help)

(def (set-default-entry-point! x)
(set! multicall-default x))

(define-entry-point (help (command #f))
(help: "Print help about available commands"
getopt: [(optional-argument 'command help: "subcommand for which to display help")])
(displayln (display-build-manifest (build-manifest/head)))
(def gopt (getopt (entry-points-getopt-spec)))
(def program (current-program-string (cdr (current-program))))
(if command
(getopt-display-help-topic gopt (make-symbol command) program)
(getopt-display-help gopt program)))

;; TODO: also handle getopt specifications?
(define-entry-point (meta)
(help: "Print meta-information for completion purposes"
getopt: [])
(displayln (string-join (sort (map as-string (hash-keys entry-points)) string<?) " ")))

;; TODO: add a flag for short?
(define-entry-point (version all?: (all? #f) layer: (layer #f))
(help: "Print software version"
getopt: [(flag 'all? "-a" "--all" help: "also show versions of previous layers")
(option 'layer "-l" "--layer" help: "show versions for specified layer")])
(display-build-manifest (cond (all? build-manifest)
(layer (build-manifest/layer layer))
(else (build-manifest/head))))

(def (call-entry-point/internal command args)
(match (hash-get entry-points (make-symbol command))
(#f (raise (format "Unknown command ~s. Try command help.\n" command)))
((entry-point _name fun _help getopt)
(parameterize ((current-program (cons command (current-program))))
(call-with-processed-command-line getopt args fun)))))

(def (call-entry-point . args)
(match args
([] (call-entry-point/internal multicall-default []))
([command . args] (call-entry-point/internal command args)))))

(defrules define-multicall-main ()
((_ ctx) (with-id ctx (main) (define main call-entry-point)))
((d) (d d)))
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/std/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
;; -*- Gerbil -*-
;;;; Support for building main functions that handle exiting nicely

(export #t)


(def value-printer (make-parameter prn))

(def (print-values . vs)
(unless (equal? vs [(void)])
(for-each (value-printer) vs))
(ignore-errors (force-current-outputs))

;; Print resulting values, and exit with an according value.
(def (print-exit . vs)
(apply print-values vs)
(exit (if (or (null? vs) (and (length=n? vs 1) (not (car vs)))) 1 0)))

;; Return a magic value that will be not be printed but will return an error code.
;; (void) is silent success, because it's what successful side-effecting functions return.
;; (values) is failure, because it's the other naturally silent return thing, and it's abnormal enough.
(def (silent-exit (bool #t))
(if bool (void) (values)))

;; Execute a function, print the result (if applicable), and exit with an according value.
;; (void) prints nothing and counts as false. #f is printed and counts as false.
;; (values) prints nothing and counts as true. All other values are printed and count as true.
;; If you want to print #f and return true, then print it then return (values).
;; True is returned as exit code 0, false as exit code 1.
;; Any uncaught exception will be printed then trigger an exit with code 2.
(def (call-print-exit fun)
(with-exit-on-error (call/values fun print-exit)))

;; Evaluate the body ... as in an anonymous function called by `call-print-exit`
;; This macro is named in a way reminiscent of REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop),
;; except instead of Read-Eval it evaluates forms like `begin`, and
;; after the Print part it Exits rather than Loops.
(defrule (begin-print-exit body ...) (call-print-exit (lambda () body ...)))
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/std/cli/
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
(export shell-test)

:std/misc/string :std/srfi/13
:std/pregexp :std/misc/repr :std/sugar :std/format

(def shell-test
(test-suite "test :std/misc/shell"
(test-case "easy-shell-character?"
(string-for-each (lambda (c) (check (easy-shell-character? c) => #t))
(string-for-each (lambda (c) (check (easy-shell-character? c) => #f))
"!`~#$^&*()[{]}\\|;'\"<>? \r\n\t\v"))
(test-case "needs-shell-escape?, escape-shell-token"
(defrules checks+1 ()
((_ (s e)) (begin
(check (needs-shell-escape? s) => #t)
(check (escape-shell-token s) => (string-append "\"" e "\""))))
((_ s) (begin
(check (needs-shell-escape? s) => #t)
(check (escape-shell-token s) => (string-append "\"" s "\"")))))
(defrule (checks+ x ...)
(begin (checks+1 x) ...))
(checks+ "foo?" "~user" ("$1" "\\$1") "*.*" "!1" ("ab\\cd" "ab\\\\cd")
"{}" "a;b" "&amp;" "|" "a b c")
(defrule (checks- s ...) (begin (check (needs-shell-escape? s) => #f) ...))
(checks- "foo" "%-_=+:,./" "1" "..." "abcd" "x=y:z,t.z/u+v_w"))
(test-case "->envvar"
(defrule (checks (s e) ...)
(begin (check (->envvar s) => e) ...))
(checks ("foo" "FOO")
("bar baz" "BAR_BAZ"))
(check (->envvar '("bar " "+!@#$") #(#\@ #\! "#") "baz") => "BAR_BAZ"))))
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/std/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
;; Support for Unix shells
;; TODO: If Windows shell support is needed, add it here, too.

(export #t)

:std/srfi/13 :std/stxutil :std/text/char-set)

(def (easy-shell-character? x)
(or (char-ascii-alphanumeric? x) (and (string-index "%+,-./:=@_" x) #t)))

(def (needs-shell-escape? token)
;; maybe also accept ^ and ~ in non-start position?
(not (string-every easy-shell-character? token)))

(def (escape-shell-token token)
(if (needs-shell-escape? token)
(call-with-output-string []
(lambda (port)
(def (p x) (display x port))
(p #\")
(lambda (c) (when (string-index "$`\\\"" c) (p #\\)) (p c))
(p #\")))

(def (escape-shell-tokens tokens)
(string-join (map escape-shell-token tokens) " "))

(def (->envvar . args)
(lambda (p)
(def alpha? #t)
(lambda (c)
(def caa? (char-ascii-alphanumeric? c))
(when caa?
(unless alpha? (write-char #\_ p))
(write-char c p))
(set! alpha? caa?))
(string-upcase (as-string args))))))
38 changes: 36 additions & 2 deletions src/std/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -29,7 +29,12 @@
(rename: raise-bug BUG)

;; utility macro for definint error classes
(defsyntax (deferror-class stx)
@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@
(IOError message irritants: [irritants ...]))

(defraise/context (raise-premature-end-of-input where irritants ...)
(PrematureEndOfInput "premature end of input" irritants: [irritants ...]))
(PrematureEndOfInput "premature end of input" irritants: [irritants ...]))

(defraise/context (raise-io-closed where message irritants ...)
(Closed message irritants: [irritants ...]))
@@ -352,3 +357,32 @@


(def exit-on-error? (make-parameter #t))

(def (exit-with-error e)
(def port (current-error-port))
(defrules ignore-errors () ((_ body ...) (with-catch void (lambda () body ...))))
(ignore-errors (force-output port))
(ignore-errors (display-build-manifest build-manifest port))
(ignore-errors (newline port))
(ignore-errors (display-exception e port))
;; If the stack trace was printed, making the message out of reach of the user,
;; then redundantly print the error message at the bottom without the stack trace.
(when (and (dump-stack-trace?) (StackTrace? e))
(parameterize ((dump-stack-trace? #f))
(display-exception e port))))
(ignore-errors (force-output port))
(exit 2))

(def (call-with-exit-on-error thunk)
(lambda (e)
(if (exit-on-error?)
(exit-with-error e)
(raise e)))

(defrules with-exit-on-error ()
((_ body ...) (call-with-exit-on-error (lambda () body ...))))
407 changes: 4 additions & 403 deletions src/std/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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