A set of utilities for quickly and efficiently setup complex optimization problems.
- How to setup an optimization problem
- Installation
- Examples
- Color Correction using an OC dataset
- Camera pose optimization using an OC dataset
- Pose and color optimization using an OC dataset
- Projection based color balancing
- to read json file in your datasets
- Calibration of sensors in the atlascar
- Calibration of sensors in the atlascar (with RVIZ visualization)
- Calibration results visualization
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
The goal of OptimizationUtils is to facilitate the configuration of an optimization problem. The system works by declaring an optimizer class and them proceeding to configure the optimizer before starting up the optimization. To instantiate an optimizer:
import OptimizationUtils.OptimizationUtils as OptimizationUtils
opt = OptimizationUtils.Optimizer()
One of the biggest troubles is the need to put the parameters to be optimized in a list. Often these parameters are very different, and putting them altogether in a list while having to keep track of the indices of each is a cumbersome and uninteresting task.
OptimizationUtils solves this by allowing you to use your own data structures as optimization parameters. This is achieved by maintaining an internal mapping between some of the variables in your data structures (to which we refer as data models) and a list based representation of the parameters which is given to the optimizer.
Suppose you have an instance of a class, containing two variables that you want to optimize:
Class Dog: # declare a class dog
__init__(weight, height):
self.weight = weight
self.height = height
dog = Dog(weigth=5.4, height=0.2) # instantiate a large dog
and that you have two other variables that are also to be optimized, but this time are contained in a dictionary:
cat = {'weight': 3.2, 'height': 0.1} # define a tiny cat using a dictionary
to use these variables you have to provide both data models to the optimizer:
opt.addDataModel('dog', dog)
opt.addDataModel('cat', cat)
Then, we define each of the parameters to be optimized. To do so one must define how the parameter is accessed and written from / to the data model. This is done by defining getters and setters:
def getDogWeightOrHeight(data, property):
if property is 'weight':
return data.weight
elif property is 'height':
return data.height
def setDogWeightOrHeight(data, value, property):
if property is 'weight':
data.weight = value
elif property is 'height':
data.height = value
now the parameters dog weight and dog height can be defined:
from functools import partial
opt.pushParamScalar(group_name='dog_weight', data_key='dog',
getter=partial(getDogWeightOrHeight, property='weight'),
setter=partial(setDogWeightOrHeight, property='weight'))
opt.pushParamScalar(group_name='dog_height', data_key='dog',
getter=partial(getDogWeightOrHeight, property='height'),
setter=partial(setDogWeightOrHeight, property='height'))
It is also possible to define groups of parameters, which are parameters that share the same getter and setter. One typical example of a group of parameters is a pose, which contains variables for the translation and rotation components. Lets define a group of parameters for the cat:
def getCatWeightAndHeight(data):
return [data['weight'], data['height']]
def setCatWeightAndHeight(data, values):
data['weight'] = values[0]
data['height'] = values[1]
opt.pushParamGroup(group_name='cat', data_key='cat',
suffix=['_weight', '_height'])
Now you write the objective function using your own data models, rather than some confusing linear array with thousands of parameters.
This is possible because OptimizationUtils updates the values contained in your own data models by copying from the parameter vector being optimized. This greatly facilitates the writing of the objective function, provided you are any good at defining easy to use data structures, that's on you.
Suppose that you have zero clue about the biometric of cats and dogs and aim to have a dog and a cat that weight the same, and stand at the same height. I know, I known, those sound a bit eccentric or even ridiculous, but hey, those are your whims, not ours, so don't complain. Having this goal in mind you could write the following objective function:
def objectiveFunction(data_models):
dog = data_models['dog']
cat = data_models['cat']
residuals = {}
residuals['weight_diference'] = dog.weight - cat['weight']
residuals['height_diference'] = dog.height - cat['height']
return residuals
Notice we use the argument data_models to extract the updated variables in our own data format. Then, two residuals are created in a dictionary and that dictionary is returned.
We must also define the residuals that are output by the objective function. For each residual we must identify which parameters influence that residual (for sparse optimization problems):
params = opt.getParamsContainingPattern('weight') # get all weight related parameters
opt.pushResidual(name='weight_diference', params=params)
params = opt.getParamsContainingPattern('height') # get all height related parameters
opt.pushResidual(name='height_diference', params=params)
For sparse optimization problems, i.e. those in which not all parameters affect all residuals, a sparse matrix is used to map which parameters affect which residuals. Having such information considerably speeds up the optimization: there is no need to estimate the gradient for nonexistent parameter - residual pairs.
Having defined the parameters and residuals, the sparse matrix is computed automatically. Notice that for large and complex optimization problems computing this matrix is not straightforward:
which, for our dog - cat problem would return this:
| residuals |
parameters | weight_diference | height_diference |
dog_weight | 1 | 0 |
dog_height | 0 | 1 |
cat_weight | 1 | 0 |
cat_height | 0 | 1 |
One important aspect of monitoring an optimization procedure is the ability to visualize the procedure in real time. OptimizationUtils provides two general purpose visualizations which display the evolution of the residuals over time, as well as the evolution of total error over time. These are constructed using the information about parameters and residuals entered before.
Total Error vs Iterations | Residuals vs Iterations |
![]() |
![]() |
Besides these embedded general visualizations, you can design your own visualizations. To do this, create a function that produces the visualization you'd like. This function is called every n times the objective function is called.
To run the optimization use:
opt.startOptimization(optimization_options={'x_scale': 'jac', 'ftol': 1e-6,
'xtol': 1e-6, 'gtol':1e-6, 'diff_step': None})
The optimization is a least squares optimization implemented in scypy. The possible options are listen in the function's page.
You can install from source
git clone https://github.com/miguelriemoliveira/OptimizationUtils.git
cd OptimizationUtils
python setup.py install --user
You can also use pip
to install from source
git clone https://github.com/miguelriemoliveira/OptimizationUtils.git
pip install OptimizationUtils
There are several examples. Here is how to launch them:
Uses the OCDatasetLoader to load an OC dataset and runs a color balancing optimization using images from the cameras.
test/color_balancing_oc_dataset.py -p ~/datasets/red_book2/ -m ~/datasets/red_book2/1528188687058_simplified_decimated.obj -i ~/datasets/red_book2/calibrations/camera.yaml -si 5
Uses the OCDatasetLoader to load an OC dataset and runs a camera pose optimization.
test/camera_pose_oc_dataset.py -p ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/ -m ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/1528885039597.obj -i ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/calibrations/camera.yaml -ms 0.082 -si 15
to view the aruco detections run:
test/camera_pose_oc_dataset.py -p ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/ -m ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/1528885039597.obj -i ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/calibrations/camera.yaml -ms 0.082 -vad -va3d -si 15
and to skip images or select only a few arucos
test/camera_pose_oc_dataset.py -p ~/datasets/lobby2/ -m ~/datasets/lobby2/1553614275334.obj -i ~/datasets/lobby2/calibrations/camera.yaml -ms 0.082 -si 1 -vo -csf 'lambda name: int(name)<20' -mnai 1 -asf 'lambda id: int(id) > 560'
Uses the OCDatasetLoader to load an OC dataset and runs a camera pose plus camera color optimization.
test/pose_and_color_oc_dataset.py -p ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/ -m ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/1528885039597.obj -i ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/calibrations/camera.yaml -ms 0.082 -si 15
clear && test/projection_based_color_balancing_oc_dataset.py -p ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/ -m ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/1528885039597.obj -i ~/datasets/red_book_aruco/calibrations/camera.yaml -ms 0.082 -si 25 -sv 50 -z 0.1 -vo
test/sensor_pose_json.py -json <json_:path_to_your_json>
To generate a dataset
roslaunch atom_calibration atlascar2_calibration.launch read_first_guess:=true
and then:
rosrun atom_calibration collect_data.py -o ~/datasets/calib_complete_fg_v2 -s .5 -c ~/catkin_ws/src/AtlasCarCalibration/atom_calibration/calibrations/atlascar2/atlascar2_calibration.json
You can visualize the json file by copying to
and copy the contents of the ~/datasets/calib_complete_fg_v2/data_collected.json to the left window.
test/sensor_pose_json_v2/main.py -json ~/datasets/calibration_test2/data_collected.json -vo
If you want to filter out some sensors or collections you may use the sensor selection function (ssf) or collection selection function (csf) as follows:
test/sensor_pose_json_v2/main.py -json ~/datasets/calib_complete_fg_v2/data_collected.json -ssf "lambda name: name in ['top_left_camera', 'top_right_camera']"
First launch rviz. There a dedicated launch file for this.
roslaunch atom_calibration atlascar2_view_optimization.launch
test/sensor_pose_json_v2/main.py -json ~/datasets/calibration_test2/data_collected.json -vo -si
Comparing this optimization procedure with some openCV tools:
Calibrating using openCV stereo calibration (https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html?highlight=stereo#cv2.stereoCalibrate):
test/sensor_pose_json_v2/stereocalib_v2.py -json ~/datasets/calib_complete_fg_v2/data_collected.json -cradius .5 -csize 0.101 -cnumx 9 -cnumy 6 -fs top_left_camera -ss top_right_camera
Calibrating using openCV calibrate camera (https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html#calibratecamera):
test/sensor_pose_json_v2/calibcamera.py -json ~/datasets/calib_complete_fg_v2/data_collected.json -cradius .5 -csize 0.101 -cnumx 9 -cnumy 6 -fs top_left_camera -ss top_right_camera
Transforming the kabir2 calibration txt file in a equal json format than the previous mentioned procedures (the original json and the kalibr txt files are required):
test/sensor_pose_json_v2/kalibr2_txt_to_json.py -json ~/datasets/dataset_23_dez_2019/original.json -kalibr ~/datasets/dataset_23_dez_2019/results-cam-for_kalibr2.txt -cnumx 9 -cnumy 6 -csize 0.101
In order to see the difference between the image points and the reprojected points (for each collection, for each procedure) you must run the following:
test/sensor_pose_json_v2/results_visualization.py -json_opt_left test/sensor_pose_json_v2/results/dataset_sensors_results_top_left_camera.json -json_opt_right test/sensor_pose_json_v2/results/dataset_sensors_results_top_right_camera.json -json_stereo test/sensor_pose_json_v2/results/opencv_stereocalib.json -json_calibcam test/sensor_pose_json_v2/results/opencv_calibcamera.json -json_kalibr test/sensor_pose_json_v2/results/kalibr2_calib.json -fs top_left_camera -ss top_right_camera
You should give the final json of each one of the distinct calibration procedures. Beside this, you must choose wich one is the first sensor (fs) and the second sensor (ss). The points will be projected from the first sensor image (pixs) to the second sensor image (pixs), where the difference between the points will be measured.
A 4 hour long workshop on OptimizationUtils took place on the 16th of November, 2021.
Miguel Oliveira
Tiago Madeira
Daniela Rato