The ArduinoIoTCloud
library is the central element of the firmware enabling certain Arduino boards to connect to the Arduino IoT Cloud. The following boards are supported:
- WiFi:
MKR 1000
,MKR WiFi 1010
,Nano 33 IoT
- GSM:
MKR GSM 1400
- 5G:
MKR NB 1500
- LoRa:
MKR WAN 1300/1310
- Register your Arduino IoT Cloud capable board via Device Manager.
- Create a new logical representation known as a Thing.
Devices: Physical objects built around a board (e.g.
MKR WiFi 1010
). This is the hardware which runs the sketch, reads sensors, controls actuators and communicates with the Arduino IoT Cloud. -
Things: Logical representation of a connected object. They embody inherent properties of the object, with as little reference to the actual hardware or code used to implement them. Each Thing is represented by a collection of Properties (e.g., temperature, light, pressure...).
Properties: Qualities defining the characteristics of a system. A Property can be defined as read-only (
) to indicate that Arduino IoT Cloud can read the data, but cannot change the value of such Property. On the other end, it may be designated to be read-and-write (READWRITE
), allowing Arduino IoT Cloud to remotely change the property’s value and trigger an event notification on the device. It is also possible to mark properties as write-only (WRITE
) which means the cloud can write to this property but not read its value (this limits data transmission for properties which are used to trigger events only).
void onLedChange();
/* ... */
bool led;
int seconds;
/* ... */
void initProperties() {
ArduinoCloud.addProperty(led, WRITE, ON_CHANGE, onLedChange);
ArduinoCloud.addProperty(seconds, READ, ON_CHANGE);
/* ... */
WiFiConnectionHandler ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection("SECRET_SSID", "SECRET_PASS");
#include "thingProperties.h"
void setup() {
while(!Serial) { }
void loop() {
seconds = millis() / 1000;
void onLedChange() {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, led);