PiControl™ is a dashboard for managing OpenElec/Kodi based TV controllers over WebSockets.
It is designed for use with TV's operating as electronic signage, digital billboard or a digital kiosk.
We use Raspberry Pi 2 based devices as a cheap and effective controller, but you can use any OpenElec/Kodi supported hardware.
- Dashboard displaying a screenshot and details of what is playing on each controller.
- Connection handling and auto-reconnect of multiple WebSocket connections.
- Refresh button - reboots the controller.
- Notify button - displays on-screen notification on controller's TV.
- Skip button - plays next item in playlist / skips the current playing item.
- Content recognition - recognises several media types including video, pictures, music and TV and returns details of what is playing.
- WebSockets enabled on OpenElec or Kodi controller
- ffmpeg on web server for thumbnails/screenshots
- PHP 5.5+
- MySQL 5.5+ database server
- Suitable web server, we recommend nginx
- Browser with WebSocket support
- Deploy to your favourite web server.
- Deploy database using the examples/picontrol.sql data and structure file.
- Create a credentials.php file in the www root (refer to examples/credentials.php.example).