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ENH: Add actions to fetch data from BV-BRC. (bokulich-lab#202)
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LGTM! Thank you @VinzentRisch!
VinzentRisch authored Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 4f7ab4b commit 58a0ef6
Showing 4 changed files with 2,619 additions and 2 deletions.
1,638 changes: 1,638 additions & 0 deletions rescript/

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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions rescript/citations.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -178,3 +178,14 @@ @article{nilsson2019unite
pmcid = {PMC6324048},
pmid = {30371820},

title={Introducing the bacterial and viral bioinformatics resource center (BV-BRC): a resource combining PATRIC, IRD and ViPR},
author={Olson, Robert D and Assaf, Rida and Brettin, Thomas and Conrad, Neal and Cucinell, Clark and Davis, James J and Dempsey, Donald M and Dickerman, Allan and Dietrich, Emily M and Kenyon, Ronald W and others},
journal={Nucleic acids research},
publisher={Oxford University Press}
188 changes: 186 additions & 2 deletions rescript/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@

import importlib

from q2_types.genome_data import GenomeData, Loci, Proteins
from q2_types.genome_data import GenomeData, Loci, Proteins, Genes, DNASequence
from q2_types.metadata import ImmutableMetadata
from qiime2.core.type import TypeMatch
from qiime2.plugin import (Str, Plugin, Choices, List, Citations, Range, Int,
Float, Visualization, Bool, TypeMap, Metadata,
MetadataColumn, Categorical)
MetadataColumn, Categorical, Numeric)

from .bv_brc import get_bv_brc_genomes, get_bv_brc_metadata, \
get_bv_brc_genome_features, data_fields_bvbrc
from .subsample import subsample_fasta
from .trim_alignment import trim_alignment
from .merge import merge_taxa
@@ -1235,6 +1238,187 @@

bv_brc_rql_query = ('Query in RQL format. To download all data '
'for genome_ids "224308.43" and "2030927.4755", the RQL '
'query looks like this: "in(genome_id,(224308.43,'
'2030927.4755))". While "in" is an RQL operator, '
'"genome_id" is a data field and "224308.43,'
'2030927.4755" are the values. It is important to percent '
'encode values if they contain illegal characters like '
'spaces. The values "Bacillus subtilis" and '
'"Bacteroidales bacterium" have to be provided with '
'percent encoded quotes (%22) and spaces (%20) like '
'this: "in(species,(%22Bacillus%20subtilis%22,'
'%22Bacteroidales%20bacterium%22))". Check '
' for documentation on '
'data types and corresponding data fields.')

bv_brc_ids_metadata = ('A metadata column obtained with the action '
'get-bv-brc-metadata that can be used as a query.')
bv_brc_ids = ('IDs/values of the corresponding data field. This parameter can '
'only be used in conjunction with the "data-field" parameter. '
'Retrieves all data associated with these IDs/values in the '
'specified data field.')
bv_brc_data_field = ('Data field of the corrsponding data type. This '
'parameter can only be used in conjunction with the '
'"ids" parameter. Retrieves all data associated with '
'the IDs/values specified in parameter "ids" in this '
'data field.')

'ids_metadata': MetadataColumn[Numeric | Categorical],
'rql_query': Str,
'data_field': Str,
'ids': List[Str],
'ranks': List[Str % Choices(_allowed_ranks)],
'rank_propagation': Bool,
outputs=[('genomes', GenomeData[DNASequence]),
('taxonomy', FeatureData[Taxonomy])],
'ids_metadata': bv_brc_ids_metadata,
'rql_query': bv_brc_rql_query,
'data_field': 'Data field of the data type "genome_sequence". This '
'parameter can only be used in conjunction with the '
'"ids" parameter. Retrieves all genomes associated '
'with the IDs/values specified in parameter "ids" in '
'this data field. Check '
' for '
'allowed data fields.',
'ids': bv_brc_ids,
'ranks': 'List of taxonomic ranks for building a taxonomy. '
"[default: '" +
"', '".join(_default_ranks) + "']",
'genomes': 'Genome sequences for specified query.',
'taxonomy': 'Taxonomy data for all sequences.'
name='Get genome sequences from the BV-BRC database.',
description="Fetch genome sequences from BV-BRC. BV-BRC (Bacterial and "
"Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center) is a database for "
"bacterial and viral genomes, annotations, and metadata. "
"There are three ways to query data: You can use an RQL "
"query to refine your search and get targeted genomes. By "
"providing IDs/values and a corresponding data field, "
"you can retrieve all genomes associated with those specific "
"values in that data field. And as a third option a metadata "
"column can be provided, to use metadata obtained with the "
"action get-bv-brc-metadata as a new query. Check "
" for documentation.",

'ids_metadata': MetadataColumn[Numeric | Categorical],
'data_type': Str % Choices(list(data_fields_bvbrc.keys())),
'rql_query': Str,
'data_field': Str,
'ids': List[Str],
outputs=[('metadata', ImmutableMetadata)],
'ids_metadata': bv_brc_ids_metadata,
'data_type': 'BV-BCR data type for which metadata should be '
'downloaded. Check '
'for documentation.',
'rql_query': bv_brc_rql_query,
'data_field': 'Data field of the specified "data-type". This '
'parameter can only be used in conjunction with the '
'"ids" parameter. Retrieves metadata associated '
'with the IDs/values specified in parameter "ids" in '
'this data field. Check '
' for allowed data '
'fields in the specified "data-type".',
'ids': bv_brc_ids,
'metadata': 'BV-BCR metadata of specified data type.'
name='Fetch BV-BCR metadata.',
description="Fetch BV-BCR metadata for a specific data type. BV-BRC ("
"Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center) is a "
"database for bacterial and viral genomes, annotations, "
"and metadata. There are three ways to query data: You can "
"use an RQL query to refine your search and get targeted "
"results. By providing IDs/values and a corresponding data "
"field, you can retrieve all metadata associated with those "
"specific values in that data field. And as a third option a "
"metadata column can be provided, to use the results from "
"other data types as a new query. Check "
" for documentation.",

'ids_metadata': MetadataColumn[Numeric | Categorical],
'rql_query': Str,
'data_field': Str,
'ids': List[Str],
'ranks': List[Str % Choices(_allowed_ranks)],
'rank_propagation': Bool,
('genes', GenomeData[Genes]),
('proteins', GenomeData[Proteins]),
('taxonomy', FeatureData[Taxonomy]),
('loci', GenomeData[Loci])
'ids_metadata': bv_brc_ids_metadata,
'rql_query': bv_brc_rql_query,
'data_field': 'Data field of the data type "genome_feature". This '
'parameter can only be used in conjunction with the '
'"ids" parameter. Retrieves all data associated with '
'the IDs/values specified in parameter "ids" in this '
'data field. Check '
' for '
'allowed data fields.',
'ids': bv_brc_ids,
'ranks': 'List of taxonomic ranks for building a taxonomy '
"[default: '" + ', '.join(_default_ranks) + "']",
'genes': 'Gene',
'proteins': 'proteins',
'taxonomy': 'Taxonomy data for all sequences.',
'loci': 'loci',
name='Fetch genome features from BV-BRC.',
description='Fetch DNA and protein sequences of genome features from '
'BV-BRC. BV-BRC (Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource '
'Center) is a database for bacterial and viral genomes, '
'annotations, and metadata. There are three ways to query '
'data: You can use an RQL query to refine your search and '
'get targeted features. By providing IDs/values and a '
'corresponding data field, you can retrieve all features '
'associated with those specific values in that data field. '
'And as a third option a metadata column can be provided, '
'to use metadata obtained with the action '
'get-bv-brc-metadata as a new query. Check '
' for documentation.',

# Registrations
plugin.register_semantic_types(SILVATaxonomy, SILVATaxidMap)
784 changes: 784 additions & 0 deletions rescript/tests/

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