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mikmart committed Oct 9, 2024
2 parents aa5f873 + 56a46a0 commit 532c837
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,013 additions and 204 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: ggragged
Title: Ragged Grids for 'ggplot2'
Version: 0.2.0
person("Mikko", "Marttila", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"))
Description: Extend 'ggplot2' facets to panel layouts arranged in a grid
Expand Down
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
# ggragged (development version)
# ggragged 0.2.0

## New features

* Facets gain a `strips` parameter to control how strips are drawn between panels.
* Facets gain an `axes` parameter to control how axes are drawn between panels.
* Facets gain an `align` parameter to control how panels are positioned within rows/columns.
* Added a vignette showing examples of usage in broader context.
* Fixed an issue that caused the package to fail to build (with an "argument is
missing" error message) when an older version of ggplot2 was installed.
* Added new parameters `strips` and `axes` to facets that control whether strips
and axes respectively are drawn between adjacent panels.

## Bug fixes

* Fixed an issue that caused some axes to be rendered incorrectly when using
free scales with `coord_flip()` (#2).
* Fixed an issue that caused the package to fail to build (with an "argument is
missing" error message) when an older version of ggplot2 was installed.

# ggragged 0.1.0

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179 changes: 90 additions & 89 deletions R/facet_ragged.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
#' nested or partially crossed relationships between faceting variables.
#' @param rows,cols A set of variables or expressions quoted by [ggplot2::vars()],
#' the combinations of which define the panels to be included in the layout.
#' the combinations of which define the panels in the layout.
#' @param ... Arguments reserved for future use.
#' @param scales Should all panels share the same scales (`"fixed"`), x-axes
#' vary (`"free_x"`), y-axes vary (`"free_y"`), or both (`"free"`)? Panels
#' @param scales Determines which panels share axis ranges. By default (`"fixed"`),
#' all panels share the same scales. Use `"free_x"` to let x-axes vary, use
#' `"free_y"` to let y-axes vary, or `"free"` to let both axes vary. Panels
#' within groups always share the scale along the grouping dimension.
#' @param switch Determines how facet label strips are positioned. By default
#' (`"none"`), strips are drawn to the top and right of the panels. Use `"x"`
Expand All @@ -23,42 +24,35 @@
#' between panels will be suppressed if they are fixed. Use `"all_x"` to
#' always draw x-axes, `"all_y"` to always draw y-axes, or `"all"` to always
#' draw both axes.
#' @param align Determines how panels are positioned within groups. By default
#' (`"start"`), panels in groups are densely packed from the start. Use
#' `"end"` to instead pack panels to the end of the group.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::facet_wrap
#' @returns A `Facet` that can be added to a `ggplot`.
#' @examples
#' p <- ggplot(Indometh, aes(time, conc)) + geom_line()
#' p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, cty)) + geom_point()
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl))
#' p + facet_ragged_cols(vars(cyl), vars(drv))
#' \donttest{
#' # Allow axes to vary between panels
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), scales = "free_y")
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), scales = "free")
#' # Panels for each subject, with cohorts on separate rows
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(
#' vars(Cohort = 1 + Subject %in% 3:6),
#' vars(Subject = as.character(Subject)),
#' labeller = label_both
#' )
#' # Change strip label positions
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), switch = "y")
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), switch = "both")
#' # Independent y-axes between rows of cohorts
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(
#' vars(Cohort = 1 + Subject %in% 3:6),
#' vars(Subject = as.character(Subject)),
#' labeller = label_both,
#' scales = "free_y"
#' )
#' # Draw strips between panels
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), strips = "all")
#' # Panels for each subject, with cohorts in separate columns
#' p + facet_ragged_cols(
#' vars(Subject = as.character(Subject)),
#' vars(Cohort = 1 + Subject %in% 3:6),
#' labeller = label_both
#' )
#' # Independent y-axes for all subjects
#' p + facet_ragged_cols(
#' vars(Subject = as.character(Subject)),
#' vars(Cohort = 1 + Subject %in% 3:6),
#' labeller = label_both,
#' scales = "free_y"
#' )
#' # Draw axes between panels
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), axes = "all_x")
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), axes = "all")
#' }
#' # Change panel alignment
#' p + facet_ragged_rows(vars(drv), vars(cyl), align = "end")
#' @name facet_ragged

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +94,7 @@ FacetRagged <- ggproto("FacetRagged", Facet,
table <- self$init_gtable(panels, layout, ranges, coord, theme, params)
table <- self$attach_axes(table, layout, ranges, coord, theme, params)
table <- self$attach_strips(table, layout, theme, params)
table <- self$finalise_gtable(table, layout, params)

Expand All @@ -125,7 +120,7 @@ FacetRagged <- ggproto("FacetRagged", Facet,

attach_axes = function(table, layout, ranges, coord, theme, params) {
axes <- render_axes(ranges, ranges, coord, theme)
axes <- render_unique_axes(layout, ranges, coord, theme)
axes <- list(
t = lapply(axes$x, `[[`, "top"),
b = lapply(axes$x, `[[`, "bottom"),
Expand All @@ -139,7 +134,7 @@ FacetRagged <- ggproto("FacetRagged", Facet,
# Render strips with faceting variable data
cols_data <- layout[names(params$cols)]
rows_data <- layout[names(params$rows)]
strips <- render_strips(cols_data, rows_data, params$labeller, theme)
strips <- render_unique_strips(cols_data, rows_data, params$labeller, theme)
strips <- c(strips$x, strips$y)

# Zero out strips which shouldn't be added
Expand All @@ -155,52 +150,74 @@ FacetRagged <- ggproto("FacetRagged", Facet,

render_unique_axes <- function(layout, ranges, coord, theme) {
if (inherits(coord, "CoordFlip")) {
# Switch the scales back
layout[c("SCALE_X", "SCALE_Y")] <- layout[c("SCALE_Y", "SCALE_X")]

# Identify groups
SCALE_X <- match(layout$SCALE_X, unique(layout$SCALE_X))
SCALE_Y <- match(layout$SCALE_Y, unique(layout$SCALE_Y))

# Render representatives
x_rep <- ranges[match(unique(SCALE_X), SCALE_X)]
y_rep <- ranges[match(unique(SCALE_Y), SCALE_Y)]
axes <- render_axes(x_rep, y_rep, coord, theme)

# Distribute to groups
axes$x <- axes$x[SCALE_X]
axes$y <- axes$y[SCALE_Y]

render_unique_strips <- function(x, y, labeller, theme) {
# Identify groups
STRIP_X <- vctrs::vec_match(x, vctrs::vec_unique(x))
STRIP_Y <- vctrs::vec_match(y, vctrs::vec_unique(y))

# Render representatives
x_rep <- vctrs::vec_slice(x, match(unique(STRIP_X), STRIP_X))
y_rep <- vctrs::vec_slice(y, match(unique(STRIP_Y), STRIP_Y))
strips <- render_strips(x_rep, y_rep, labeller, theme)

# Distribute to groups
strips$x <- lapply(strips$x, function(x) x[STRIP_X])
strips$y <- lapply(strips$y, function(y) y[STRIP_Y])

add_panel_decorations <- function(table, layout, grobs, kind) {
kind <- rlang::arg_match0(kind, c("axis", "strip"))

# Add rows for horizontal decorations
for (t in rev(panel_rows(table)$t)) {
table <- gtable_add_rows(table, max_height(grobs$t), t - 1)
table <- gtable_add_rows(table, max_height(grobs$b), t + 1)
height_t <- max_height(grobs$t)
height_b <- max_height(grobs$b)
for (t in sort(panel_rows(table)$t, decreasing = TRUE)) {
table <- gtable_add_rows(table, height_t, t - 1)
table <- gtable_add_rows(table, height_b, t + 1)

# Add columns for vertical decorations
for (l in rev(panel_cols(table)$l)) {
table <- gtable_add_cols(table, max_width(grobs$l), l - 1)
table <- gtable_add_cols(table, max_width(grobs$r), l + 1)
width_l <- max_width(grobs$l)
width_r <- max_width(grobs$r)
for (l in sort(panel_cols(table)$l, decreasing = TRUE)) {
table <- gtable_add_cols(table, width_l, l - 1)
table <- gtable_add_cols(table, width_r, l + 1)

# Find panel positions after layout changes
panel_rows_pos <- panel_rows(table)
panel_cols_pos <- panel_cols(table)

t <- panel_rows_pos$t[layout$ROW] - 1
b <- panel_rows_pos$b[layout$ROW] + 1
l <- panel_cols_pos$l[layout$COL] - 1
r <- panel_cols_pos$r[layout$COL] + 1
panel_pos <- gtable_get_grob_position(table, sprintf("panel-%d", layout$PANEL))

# Add decorations around panels
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$t, t, l + 1, name = sprintf("%s-t-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$b, b, l + 1, name = sprintf("%s-b-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$l, t + 1, l, name = sprintf("%s-l-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$r, t + 1, r, name = sprintf("%s-r-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$t, panel_pos$t - 1, panel_pos$l, name = sprintf("%s-t-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$b, panel_pos$b + 1, panel_pos$l, name = sprintf("%s-b-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$l, panel_pos$t, panel_pos$l - 1, name = sprintf("%s-l-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))
table <- gtable_add_grob(table, grobs$r, panel_pos$t, panel_pos$r + 1, name = sprintf("%s-r-%d", kind, layout$PANEL))


set_strip_viewport <- function(strip, side) {
strip$vp <- switch(
substr(side, 1, 1),
# TODO: `clip = "off"` not needed in ggplot2 dev version (, could be removed in the future.
t = grid::viewport(clip = "off", height = grid::grobHeight(strip), y = unit(0, "npc"), just = "bottom"),
b = grid::viewport(clip = "off", height = grid::grobHeight(strip), y = unit(1, "npc"), just = "top"),
l = grid::viewport(clip = "off", width = grid::grobWidth(strip), x = unit(1, "npc"), just = "right"),
r = grid::viewport(clip = "off", width = grid::grobWidth(strip), x = unit(0, "npc"), just = "left"),
stop("internal error: invalid side: ", side)

cull_inner_panel_decorations <- function(table, layout, sides, kind) {
kind <- rlang::arg_match0(kind, c("axis", "strip"))
for (side in sides) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,26 +245,8 @@ cull_inner_panel_decorations <- function(table, layout, sides, kind) {

panels_with_neighbour <- function(layout, side) {
neighbour <- switch(
t = list(PANEL = layout$PANEL, ROW = layout$ROW - 1, COL = layout$COL),
b = list(PANEL = layout$PANEL, ROW = layout$ROW + 1, COL = layout$COL),
l = list(PANEL = layout$PANEL, ROW = layout$ROW, COL = layout$COL - 1),
r = list(PANEL = layout$PANEL, ROW = layout$ROW, COL = layout$COL + 1),
stop("internal error: invalid side: ", side)
merge(layout[c("ROW", "COL")], neighbour)$PANEL

margin_panels <- function(layout, side) {
setdiff(layout$PANEL, panels_with_neighbour(layout, side))

shift_inner_margin_axes <- function(table, layout, side) {
for (panel in margin_panels(layout, side)) {
if (is_panel_on_outer_margin(layout, panel, side)) next

for (panel in inner_margin_panels(layout, side)) {
# Get the strip and axis, bailing if either isn't there
strip_name <- sprintf("strip-%s-%d", side, panel)
strip <- gtable_get_grob(table, strip_name)
Expand All @@ -271,13 +270,15 @@ shift_inner_margin_axes <- function(table, layout, side) {

is_panel_on_outer_margin <- function(layout, panel, side) {
t = layout[match(panel, layout$PANEL), "ROW"] == min(layout$ROW),
b = layout[match(panel, layout$PANEL), "ROW"] == max(layout$ROW),
l = layout[match(panel, layout$PANEL), "COL"] == min(layout$COL),
r = layout[match(panel, layout$PANEL), "COL"] == max(layout$COL),
set_strip_viewport <- function(strip, side) {
strip$vp <- switch(
substr(side, 1, 1),
# TODO: `clip = "off"` not needed in ggplot2 dev version (, could be removed in the future.
t = grid::viewport(clip = "off", height = grid::grobHeight(strip), y = unit(0, "npc"), just = "bottom"),
b = grid::viewport(clip = "off", height = grid::grobHeight(strip), y = unit(1, "npc"), just = "top"),
l = grid::viewport(clip = "off", width = grid::grobWidth(strip), x = unit(1, "npc"), just = "right"),
r = grid::viewport(clip = "off", width = grid::grobWidth(strip), x = unit(0, "npc"), just = "left"),
stop("internal error: invalid side: ", side)
23 changes: 12 additions & 11 deletions R/facet_ragged_cols.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
#' @include facet_ragged_rows.R
#' @rdname facet_ragged
#' @export
facet_ragged_cols <- function(rows, cols, ..., scales = "fixed", switch = "none", strips = "margins", axes = "margins", labeller = "label_value") {
facet_ragged_cols <- function(rows, cols, ..., scales = "fixed", switch = "none", strips = "margins", axes = "margins", align = "start", labeller = "label_value") {
switch <- switch %||% "none" # Compatibility with old default value NULL

scales <- rlang::arg_match0(scales, c("fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free"))
switch <- rlang::arg_match0(switch, c("none", "x", "y", "both"))
strips <- rlang::arg_match0(strips, c("margins", "all"))
axes <- rlang::arg_match0(axes, c("margins", "all_x", "all_y", "all"))
align <- rlang::arg_match0(align, c("start", "end"))

Expand All @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ facet_ragged_cols <- function(rows, cols, ..., scales = "fixed", switch = "none"
switch = switch,
strips = strips,
axes = axes,
align = align,
labeller = labeller
Expand All @@ -38,29 +40,28 @@ FacetRaggedCols <- ggproto("FacetRaggedCols", FacetRagged,
drop = TRUE
panels <- vctrs::vec_sort(panels)
layout <- layout_ragged_cols(panels[names(cols)], params$free)
layout <- layout_ragged_cols(panels[names(cols)], params$free, params$align)

cbind(layout, panels)

attach_axes = function(table, layout, ranges, coord, theme, params) {
table <- FacetRagged$attach_axes(table, layout, ranges, coord, theme, params)

finalise_gtable = function(table, layout, params) {
if (!params$axes$x)
table <- cull_inner_panel_decorations(table, layout, sides = c("t", "b"), kind = "axis")

if (!params$axes$y && !params$free$y)
table <- cull_inner_panel_decorations(table, layout, sides = c("l", "r"), kind = "axis")


attach_strips = function(table, layout, theme, params) {
table <- FacetRagged$attach_strips(table, layout, theme, params)

if (params$strips == "margins")
table <- cull_inner_panel_decorations(table, layout, sides = c("t", "b"), kind = "strip")


layout_ragged_cols <- function(x, free = list(), align = "start") {
layout <- layout_ragged(x, groups = "cols", align = align)
layout$SCALE_X <- if (!isTRUE(free$x)) 1L else layout$COL
layout$SCALE_Y <- if (!isTRUE(free$y)) 1L else layout$PANEL

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