An easy to use python framework for web artisans.
This is Tosi framework that provides a web service for python developers. it`s an easy to understand web framework with some unique features to run as our desire customizable web framework.
#views you can copy your user interfaces files like html in view folder and add styles like css file in view/styles folder in me if your route calling confront with an error it will show a crying baby face and exactly explane that error if you want to change this picture you can delete error.png file in Views/Images and put a new error.png file instead of it also you can design your own custome error page and put that instead of error.html in Views folder instead of error.html file notice if u want to this u should specify {Error} and {Error_message} varrible to let me dump error id and exact error text to your custome html page otherwise u will get a Tosi error
#models you can add your models in Config/model.xlsx file for adding a new model u can add a new sheet in this file with fields_name , type and length coloumns and add fields of your model as default i have a user model with user and password coloumn you can see its pattern and also you can add more coloumns to user model (like phone and address) !attention : when you add a model, i automaticly add a /{Model_name} route
!Attention : for applying changes call /APPLY route