RL agent for Pommerman: https://www.pommerman.com/
- Python3: we use Python version 3+ for this project.
- Pipenv: Python package manager and virtual environment. Can be installed with command
pip install pipenv
At the first time, run the following commands:
git clone [email protected]:minfawang/cs221-pommerman.git # Clones repo.
cd cs221-pommerman # Changes your directory to the root of the repo.
# If you use a conda custom Python binary, then you may use the
# command in the comment below:
# pipenv --python /usr/local/bin/python3 install
pipenv --three install # Create a virtual env using Python3.
# Enter virtual env.
pipenv shell
# Set up custom python kernel with correct binary and dependency.
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/47296960
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=cs221-pommerman
cd playground
# Run this command every time before executing the programs below.
# "develop" vs "install": https://stackoverflow.com/a/19048754/4115411
python setup.py develop
# Control agents programmatically
python examples/simple_ffa_run.py
# Control agents from CLI
# See more detailed docs at: playground/docs/CLI.md
pom_battle --agents=player::arrows,test::agents.SimpleAgent,random::null,random::null --times=2
All the learning scripts are under
To start the training, modify the corresponding flags within the .py file, and run with python directly within the virtual environment.
From official research.md:
- Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) [14 Refs, 264 Cites] https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06347
- Multi-Agent DDPG [36 Refs, 86 Cites] https://github.com/openai/maddpg Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02275
- Monte Carlo Tree Search https://gnunet.org/sites/default/files/Browne%20et%20al%20-%20A%20survey%20of%20MCTS%20methods.pdf
- Monte Carlo Tree Search and Reinforcement Learning https://www.jair.org/media/5507/live-5507-10333-jair.pdf
- Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10458-005-2631-2
- Opponent Modeling in Deep Reinforcement Learning [25 Refs, 27 Cites] http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~hal/docs/daume16opponent.pdf https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05559
- Machine Theory of Mind [67 Refs, 7 Cites] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.07740.pdf
- Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.03121.pdf
- Deep Reinforcement Learning from Self-Play in Imperfect-Information Games https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.01121.pdf andhttp://proceedings.mlr.press/v37/heinrich15.pdf
- Autonomous Agents Modelling Other Agents [250 Refs, 7 Cites] http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~pstone/Papers/bib2html-links/AIJ18-Albrecht.pdf