Tunneler is a ssh port forwarder with TOML configuration management.
# We need a Go language compiler and tools (1.8 or later).
$ go get -u github.com/minoritea/tunneler
$ tunneler -c config.toml
Tunneler uses TOML for configuration file format.
# Each top-level keys corresponds each servers which we want to have them forward connections via SSH.
# And each entries must includes connection configurations.
# We can name each entries at will.
# For example, a configuration for a server which named `bastion` is below.
# the server's IP and port
host = ""
port = "22"
# the login user's name
user = "remote_user"
# Tunneler currently supports cert file authentication using PEM format.
# Cert files must be placed in our local machine.
cert_path = "/home/local_user/.ssh/cert.pem"
# `server`.tunnels is a table of settings for port forwarding targets.
# We can name each keys at will.
# the target server's IP and port
remote_host = ""
remote_port = "5432"
# the forwarded local port
local_port = "5432"
# We can adds multiple entries.
Tunneler also supports multi hop SSH tunneling.
host = ""
port = "22"
user = "remote_user"
cert_path = "/home/local_user/.ssh/cert.pem"
# `server`.cascades is a table of settings for intermediate servers.
host = ""
port = "22"
user = "remote_user"
cert_path = "/home/local_user/.ssh/cert.pem"
# We can set multi stage intermediate servers.
host = ""
port = "22"
user = "remote_user"
cert_path = "/home/local_user/.ssh/cert.pem"
remote_host = ""
remote_port = "5432"
local_port = "5432"
Tunneler can resolve hostnames on each forwarding servers.
# ...
host = "foo.example.org"
port = "22"
user = "foo_user"
cert_path = "/home/local_user/.ssh/cert.pem"
# If we want to resolve hostnames on a forwarding server,
# enable `resolve_on_host`.
# In this example, the host `foo.example.org` is resolved on `bastion`.
resolve_on_host = true
host = "bar.example.org"
port = "80"
user = "bar_user"
cert_path = "/home/local_user/.ssh/cert.pem"
# We can also resolve hostnames in tunnels.
# Resolving process will run on the server which forwards the tunnel.
# In this example, the host `bar.example.org` is resolved on `bastion`.
resolve_on_host = true
MIT License (see the attached file: LICENSE)
Copyright (c) 2017 Minori Tokuda