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Merge pull request #14 from samoht/rw
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New RO and RW signatures
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hannesm authored Feb 24, 2019
2 parents 558fe38 + 2a5f91e commit c4720f6
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Showing 7 changed files with 310 additions and 29 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ env:
- PINS=""
- OCAML_VERSION=4.03 PACKAGE="mirage-kv-lwt"
- OCAML_VERSION=4.04 PACKAGE="mirage-kv-lwt"
- OCAML_VERSION=4.05 PACKAGE="mirage-kv-lwt"
- OCAML_VERSION=4.06 PACKAGE="mirage-kv-lwt"
- OCAML_VERSION=4.07 PACKAGE="mirage-kv-lwt"
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion lwt/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,4 +22,8 @@

module type RO = Mirage_kv.RO
with type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
and type page_aligned_buffer = Cstruct.t
and type value = string

module type RW = Mirage_kv.RW
with type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
and type value = string
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions mirage-kv.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ build: [
["dune" "subst"] {pinned}
["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]

build-test: [
["dune" "runtest" "-p" name]
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
"ocaml" {>= "4.05.0"}
"dune" {build}
"mirage-device" {>= "1.0.0"}
"alcotest" {test}

synopsis: "MirageOS signatures for key/value devices"
synopsis: "MirageOS signatures for key/value devices"
72 changes: 64 additions & 8 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,18 +16,74 @@

type error = [`Unknown_key of string]
module Key = struct

type t = string list
(* Store the path as a reverse list to optimise basename and (/)
operations *)

let err_invalid_segment x = Fmt.failwith "%S is not a valid segment" x

let check_segment x =
String.iter (function '/' -> err_invalid_segment x | _ -> ()) x;

let empty = []
let v s = List.filter ((<>)"") @@ List.rev (String.split_on_char '/' s)
let add t v = (check_segment v) :: t
let ( / ) = add
let append x y = y @ x
let ( // ) = append
let segments = List.rev
let basename = List.hd
let parent =
let compare = compare
let equal = (=)
let pp ppf l = ppf "/%a" Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "/") string) (List.rev l)
let to_string = Fmt.to_to_string pp

type key = Key.t

type error = [
| `Not_found of key
| `Dictionary_expected of key
| `Value_expected of key

let pp_error ppf = function
| `Unknown_key k -> ppf "key %s not present in the store" k
| `Not_found k -> ppf "Cannot find the key %a" Key.pp k
| `Dictionary_expected k -> ppf "Expecting a dictionary for the key %a" Key.pp k
| `Value_expected k -> ppf "Expecting a value for the key %a" Key.pp k

module type RO = sig
type error = private [> `Unknown_key of string]
type nonrec error = private [> error]
val pp_error: error Fmt.t
include Mirage_device.S
type page_aligned_buffer
val read: t -> string -> int64 -> int64 ->
(page_aligned_buffer list, error) result io
val mem: t -> string -> (bool, error) result io
val size: t -> string -> (int64, error) result io
type key = Key.t
type value
val exists: t -> key -> ([`Value | `Dictionary] option, error) result io
val get: t -> key -> (value, error) result io
val list: t -> key -> ((string * [`Value | `Dictionary]) list, error) result io
val last_modified: t -> key -> (int * int64, error) result io
val digest: t -> key -> (string, error) result io

type write_error = [ error | `No_space | `Too_many_retries of int ]

let pp_write_error ppf = function
| #error as e -> pp_error ppf e
| `No_space -> ppf "No space left on device"
| `Too_many_retries n -> ppf "Aborting after %d attempts to apply the batch operations." n

module type RW = sig
include RO
type nonrec write_error = private [> write_error]
val pp_write_error: write_error Fmt.t
val set: t -> key -> value -> (unit, write_error) result io
val remove: t -> key -> (unit, write_error) result io
val batch: t -> ?retries:int -> (t -> 'a io) -> 'a io
193 changes: 179 additions & 14 deletions src/mirage_kv.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,36 +22,201 @@

(** {1 Mirage_kv} *)

type error = [`Unknown_key of string]
(** MirageOS key-value stores are nested dictionaries, associating
structured {{!Key}keys} to either dictionaries or values. *)

module Key: sig

(** {1 Structured keys} *)

type t
(** The type for structured keys. *)

val empty: t
(** [empty] is the empty key. It refers to the top-level
dictionary. *)

val v : string -> t
(** [v s] is the string [s] as a key. A key ["/foo/bar"] is
decomposed into the segments ["foo"] and ["bar"]. The initial
["/"] is always ignored so ["foo/bar"] and ["/foo/bar"] are
equal. *)

val add : t -> string -> t
(** [add t s] is the concatenated key [t/s]. Raise
[Invalid_argument] if [s] contains ["/"]. *)

val ( / ) : t -> string -> t
(** [t / x] is [add t x]. *)

val append : t -> t -> t
(** [append x y] is the concatenated key [x/y]. *)

val ( // ) : t -> t -> t
(** [x // y] is [append x y]. *)

val segments : t-> string list
(** [segments t] is [t]'s list of segments. *)

val basename : t -> string
(** [basename t] is the last segment of [t]. [basename empty] is
the empty string [""]. *)

val parent : t -> t
(** [parent t] is the key without the last segment. [parent empty]
is [empty].
For any [t], the invariant have [parent t / basename t] is [t].

val compare : t-> t -> int
(** The comparison function for keys. *)

val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** The equality function for keys. *)

val pp : t Fmt.t
(** The pretty printer for keys. *)

val to_string: t -> string
(** [to_string t] is the string representation of [t]. ["/"] is used
as separator between segements and it always starts with
["/"]. *)


type key = Key.t
(** The type for keys. *)

type error = [
| `Not_found of key (** key not found *)
| `Dictionary_expected of key (** key does not refer to a dictionary. *)
| `Value_expected of key (** key does not refer to a value. *)
(** The type for errors. *)

val pp_error: error Fmt.t
(** [pp_error] is the pretty-printer for errors. *)

module type RO = sig

type error = private [> `Unknown_key of string]
(** {1 Read-only key-value stores} *)

type nonrec error = private [> error]
(** The type for errors. *)

val pp_error: error Fmt.t
(** [pp_error] is the pretty-printer for errors. *)

include Mirage_device.S

type page_aligned_buffer
(** The type for memory buffers.*)
type key = Key.t
(** The type for keys. *)

type value
(** The type for values. *)

val exists: t -> key -> ([`Value | `Dictionary] option, error) result io
(** [exists t k] is [Some `Value] if [k] is bound to a value in [t],
[Some `Dictionary] if [k] is a prefix of a valid key in [t] and
[None] if no key with that prefix exists in [t].
{!exists} answers two questions: does the key exist and is it
referring to a value or a dictionary.
An error occurs when the underlying storage layer fails. *)

val get: t -> key -> (value, error) result io
(** [get t k] is the value bound to [k] in [t].
The result is [Error (`Value_expected k)] if [k] refers to a
dictionary in [t]. *)

val list: t -> key -> ((string * [`Value | `Dictionary]) list, error) result io
(** [list t k] is the list of entries and their types in the
dictionary referenced by [k] in [t].
The result is [Error (`Dictionary_expected k)] if [k] refers to a
value in [t]. *)

val last_modified: t -> key -> (int * int64, error) result io
(** [last_modified t k] is the last time the value bound to [k] in
[t] has been modified.
The modification time [(d, ps)] is a span for the signed POSIX
picosecond span [d] * 86_400e12 + [ps]. [d] is a signed number of
POSIX days and [ps] a number of picoseconds in the range
When the value bound to [k] is a dictionary, the modification
time is the latest modification of all entries in that
dictionary. This behaviour is only one level deep and not recursive. *)

val digest: t -> key -> (string, error) result io
(** [digest t k] is the unique digest of the value bound to [k] in
When the value bound to [k] is a dictionary, the digest is a
unique and deterministic digest of its entries. *)


type write_error = [
| error
| `No_space (** No space left on the device. *)
| `Too_many_retries of int (** {!batch} has been trying to commit [n] times
without success. *)

val pp_write_error: write_error Fmt.t
(** [pp_write_error] is the pretty-printer for write errors. *)

module type RW = sig

(** {1 Read-write Stores} *)

(** There is a trade-off between durability and performance. If you
want performance, use the {!batch} operation with a chain of sets
and removes. They will be applied on the underlying storage layer
all at once. Otherwise {!set} and {!remove} will cause a flush in
the underlying storage layer every time, which could degrade
performance. *)

include RO

type nonrec write_error = private [> write_error]
(** The type for write errors. *)

val pp_write_error: write_error Fmt.t
(** The pretty-printer for [pp_write_error]. *)

val set: t -> key -> value -> (unit, write_error) result io
(** [set t k v] replaces the binding [k -> v] in [t].
Durability is guaranteed unless [set] is run inside an enclosing
{!batch} operation, where durability will be guaranteed at the
end of the batch. *)

val remove: t -> key -> (unit, write_error) result io
(** [remove t k] removes any binding of [k] in [t]. If [k] was bound
to a dictionary, the full dictionary will be removed.
Durability is guaranteed unless [remove] is run inside an
enclosing {!batch} operation, where durability will be guaranteed
at the end of the batch. *)

val read: t -> string -> int64 -> int64 ->
(page_aligned_buffer list, error) result io
(** [read t key offset length] reads up to [length] bytes from the
value associated with [key]. If less data is returned than
requested, this indicates the end of the value. *)
val batch: t -> ?retries:int -> (t -> 'a io) -> 'a io
(** [batch t f] run [f] in batch. Ensure the durability of
val mem: t -> string -> (bool, error) result io
(** [mem t key] returns [true] if a value is set for [key] in [t],
and [false] if not so. *)
Since a batch is applied at once, the readings inside a batch
will return the state before the entire batch. Concurrent
operations will not affect other ones executed during the batch.
val size: t -> string -> (int64, error) result io
(** Get the value size. *)
Batch applications can fail to apply if other operations are
happening concurrently. In case of failure, [f] will run again
with the most recent version of [t]. The result is [Error
`Too_many_retries] if [f] is run for more then [retries] attemps
(default is [13]). *)

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(name test)
(package mirage-kv)
(libraries mirage-kv alcotest))
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
open Mirage_kv

let key = Alcotest.testable Key.pp Key.equal

let path_v () =
let check s e = Alcotest.(check string) s e Key.(to_string @@ v s) in
check "/foo/bar" "/foo/bar";
check "/foo" "/foo";
check "/" "/";
check "foo/bar" "/foo/bar";
check "" "/"

let path_add () =
let check p b exp =
let f = p ^ "/" ^ b in
let vp = Key.v p in
Alcotest.(check string) f exp Key.(to_string @@ vp / b);
Alcotest.(check key) f vp Key.(parent @@ vp / b);
Alcotest.(check string) f b Key.(basename @@ vp / b)
let check_exn p b =
let _ = Key.(v p / b) in
Alcotest.failf "%s is not a valid segment, should fail" b
with Failure _ -> ()
check "" "bar" "/bar";
check "/" "foo" "/foo";
check "/foo" "bar" "/foo/bar";
check "/foo/bar" "toto" "/foo/bar/toto";
check_exn "" "foo/bar"

let path_append () =
let check x y =
let f = x ^ "/" ^ y in
let vf = Key.v f in
Alcotest.(check key) f vf Key.(v x // v y);
Alcotest.(check string) x Key.(basename vf) Key.(basename @@ v y)
check "" "/foo/bar";
check "/foo" "bar";
check "/foo/bar" "/toto/foox/ko"

let () = "mirage-kv" [
"path", [
"Path.v" , `Quick, path_v;
"Path.add_seg", `Quick, path_add;
"Path.append" , `Quick, path_append;

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