An incredible story, filled with the thrilling adventures of Tux, everyone's favorite penguin. It's goal is to be a unique and interesting story. Check out the outline here.
Descriptions of files in this repository and how they are normally used in open source projects.
- README: This page right here. It serves as an introduction for the project. It will give an overview of what the project does, how to use it, and will point you to other useful documents.
- story: The story outline you can help flesh out. This file is unique to this project, unlike the other ones listed here.
- LICENSE: The type of license determines if the project is open source and tells you how can use their code in your own programs. In this case it's a Creative Commons 0 license.
- CONTRIBUTING: This will explain how to properly contribute to a project. It usually explains where to find an issue, how to style your code, and how to submit code for approval.
- CODE_OF_CONDUCT: This file helps to promote community by setting up guidelines for interacting with others involved with the project. It'll tell you who to contact if there is an issue and consequences of ignoring the Code of Conduct. In this case we're keeping it simple.