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Welcome to Simple Social 👋

This project is a backend API for a social media mock-up built with Django REST Framework. It provides functionalities for user authentication, post management, friend management, and post reactions, offering a rich foundation for building a social media platform.

✨ Setup Instructions

Download and install Docker Engine.

Change directory and go to simple_social

cd simple_social

Run docker compose build command to build the Docker images for the services defined in the docker-compose file.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml build

Run docker compose up command to start and run the containers for the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up

You backend should be up and accessible from here.


1. User Authentication

JWT Authentication

  • Uses JWT for secure authentication.
  • Endpoint to refresh JWT access token by sending a refresh token is available.

Sign Up

  • Endpoint: /account/api/signup/
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a new user to sign up.
  • Request Body:
    "username": "Zve",
    "first_name": "string",
    "last_name": "string",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "country_code": "string",
    "phone_number": "string",
    "password": "string",
    "confirm_password": "string"


  • Endpoint: /account/api/signin/
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a user to log in.
  • Request Body:
    "username": "string",
    "password": "string"

Refresh JWT Token

  • Endpoint: /account/api/signin/refresh/
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a user to refresh their JWT access token by sending a refresh token.
  • Request Body:
    "token": "string"

2. Posts Management

Create a Post

  • Endpoint: /post/api/create/
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a user to create a new post.
  • Request Body:
    "images": [
        "image": "string"
    "tags": [
        "tag": "string",
        "type": "HASHTAG"
    "text_content": "string",
    "share_with": "PUBLIC",
    "is_active": true

Get, update and delete a Post

  • Endpoint: /post/api/{uuid}/
  • This API endpoint allows a user to retrieve a specific post using the GET method, allows a user to update a post using PUT or PATCH methods and allows a user to delete a post using the DELETE method.

Post Reactions

  • Endpoint: /post/api/{uuid}/react/
  • Method: POST
  • The application supports reactions to posts such as LIKE, WOW, SAD, ANGRY, LOVE, and HAHA.
  • Reactions are processed in batches every 10 seconds.
    • Request Body:
    "type": "LIKE"

3. Friendship Management

The application manages friendships using a Neo4J database.

Send a Friend request

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/send_friend_requests/{uuid}/
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a user to send a friend request.

Accept a Friend request

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/accept_friend_requests/{uuid}
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a user to accept a friend request.

Cancel a Friend request

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/cancel_friend_requests/{uuid}/
  • Method: DELETE
  • This API endpoint allows a user to cancel a sent friend request.

Reject a Friend request

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/reject_friend_requests/{uuid}/
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a user to reject a friend request.

Unfriend a user

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/unfriend/{uuid}/
  • Method: POST
  • This API endpoint allows a user to unfriend a user who is already a friend.

Get Sent Friend Requests

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/friend_requests_sent
  • Method: GET
  • This API endpoint allows a user to retrieve the friend requests they have sent.

Get Received Friend Requests

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/friend_requests_received/
  • Method: GET
  • This API endpoint allows a user to retrieve the friend requests they have received.

4. Friend Recommendations

The application provides friend recommendations, which are generally friends of friends.

These recommendations are pre-calculated daily and stored in a Redis cache.

Get Friend Recommendations

  • Endpoint: /relations/api/friend_recommendations/
  • Method: GET
  • This API endpoint allows a user to retrieve friend recommendations.

5. Timeline

The user's timeline is generated and calculated daily, then stored in a Redis cache.

Get User Timeline

  • Endpoint: /retrieve-post/api/timeline/
  • Method: GET
  • This API endpoint allows a user to retrieve their timeline.

Get User's Posts

  • Endpoint: /retrieve-post/api/post_by_user/{uuid}/
  • Method: GET
  • This API endpoint allows a user to retrieve the posts of a specific user.

💻 Tech Stack

Backend: Python Django Django REST Framework

Authentication: JWT

Database: PostgreSQL

Graph Database: Neo4J

Cache: Redis

Async Processing: Celery

🚀 Usage

Detailed API documentationis provided via a dedicated API documentation tool Swagger.

Refer to the documentation for specific endpoint details, request parameters, and response formats here.

You can use tools like curl or Postman to interact with the APIs.

🔥 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes or improvements.

👨🏻‍💻 Author

👤 Prashant Mishra


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