npm install @misskey-dev/summaly
As a function:
import { summaly } from 'summaly';
summaly(url[, opts])
As Fastify plugin:
(will listen GET
of /
import Summaly from 'summaly';
fastify.register(Summaly[, opts])
Run the server:
git clone
cd summaly
NODE_ENV=development npm install
npm run build
npm run serve
Property | Type | Description | Default |
lang | string | Accept-Language for the request | null |
followRedirects | boolean | Whether follow redirects | true |
plugins | plugin[] (see below) | Custom plugins | null |
agent | Got.Agents | Custom HTTP agent (see below) | null |
userAgent | string | User-Agent for the request | SummalyBot/[version] |
responseTimeout | number | Set timeouts for each phase, such as host name resolution and socket communication. | 20000 |
operationTimeout | number | Set the timeout from the start to the end of the request. | 60000 |
contentLengthLimit | number | If set to true, an error will occur if the content-length value returned from the other server is larger than this parameter (or if the received body size exceeds this parameter). | 10485760 |
contentLengthRequired | boolean | If set to true, it will be an error if the other server does not return content-length. | false |
interface SummalyPlugin {
test: (url: URL) => boolean;
summarize: (url: URL) => Promise<Summary>;
urls are WHATWG URL since v4.
You can specify agents to be passed to Got for proxy use, etc.
(Summaly usually rejects local IPs.)
(Summaly currently does not support http2.)
A Promise of an Object that contains properties below:
※ Almost all values are nullable. player should not be null.
Property | Type | Description |
title | string | null | The title of the web page |
icon | string | null | The url of the icon of the web page |
description | string | null | The description of the web page |
thumbnail | string | null | The url of the thumbnail of the web page |
sitename | string | null | The name of the web site |
player | Player | The player of the web page |
sensitive | boolean | Whether the url is sensitive |
activityPub | string | null | The url of the ActivityPub representation of that web page |
fediverseCreator | string | null | The pages fediverse handle |
url | string | The url of the web page |
Omit<SummalyResult, "url">
Property | Type | Description |
url | string | null | The url of the player |
width | number | null | The width of the player |
height | number | null | The height of the player |
allow | string[] | The names of the allowed permissions for iframe |
Currently the possible items in allow
See Permissions Policy in MDN for details of them.
import { summaly } from 'summaly';
const summary = await summaly('');
will be ... ↓
"title": "【アイドルマスター】「Stage Bye Stage」(歌:島村卯月、渋谷凛、本田未央)",
"icon": "",
"description": "Website▶▶年7月18日発売予定THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS CG STAR...",
"thumbnail": "",
"player": {
"url": "",
"width": 200,
"height": 113,
"allow": [
"sitename": "YouTube",
"sensitive": false,
"activityPub": null,
"url": ""
npm run test