Releases: mitchcamza/SolarSimulationReboot
Releases · mitchcamza/SolarSimulationReboot
What's Changed
- Set controls folder default status to closed by @mitchcamza in #62
Full Changelog: v2024-08-22-00...v2024-08-22-01
What's Changed
- Refactor by @mitchcamza in #42
- Dev by @mitchcamza in #43
- Refactor planet creation by @mitchcamza in #46
- Add raycaster for selecting planets; Add camera animation to focus on… by @mitchcamza in #47
- Dev by @mitchcamza in #48
- Add vertex and fragment shader for sun to incorporate perlin noise by @mitchcamza in #50
- Dev by @mitchcamza in #51
- Add and implement sun shaders by @mitchcamza in #54
- Update sun shaders; Increase noise speed for sun by @mitchcamza in #55
- Feature/controls by @mitchcamza in #57
- Add hemisphere light to scene by @mitchcamza in #58
- Refactor moons.js and planets.js by @mitchcamza in #59
- Update; Update code documentation by @mitchcamza in #60
- Dev by @mitchcamza in #61
Full Changelog: v2024-05-09-00...v2024-08-22-00
What's Changed
- Initial project setup: initialize scene; add solar system group with … by @mitchcamza in #1
- Add orbit controls by @mitchcamza in #2
- Add planets to scene; Add debug gui for camera by @mitchcamza in #3
- Feature/animation by @mitchcamza in #4
- Fix venus orbital direction by @mitchcamza in #5
- Add implement speed controls to control the speed of the simulation by @mitchcamza in #6
- Remove buggy camera follow controls and add to WIP by @mitchcamza in #7
- Add debug folder to controls. Debug controls include toggles for orbi… by @mitchcamza in #9
- Add skybox background by @mitchcamza in #11
- Add pointLight to the origin of the scene; Modify materials to intera… by @mitchcamza in #12
- Fix crash on mobile by changing sun material from MeshStandardMateria… by @mitchcamza in #16
- Update GUI: restructure camera folder; add helpers folder; add perfor… by @mitchcamza in #17
- Add axes helper for all meshes by @mitchcamza in #18
- Feature/scene by @mitchcamza in #19
- WIP: Add follow folder to GUI and buttons to get the camera to follow… by @mitchcamza in #20
- Feature/scene by @mitchcamza in #21
- Add documentation by @mitchcamza in #22
New Contributors
- @mitchcamza made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: