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Releases: mlverse/torch


14 Feb 22:48
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  • Fixed a regression causing torch to crash on Windows if used within RStudio.


04 Feb 11:55
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Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue when compiling on non-glibc Linux distributions that don't implement RTLD_DEEPBIND (#1268)


30 Jan 21:23
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Breaking changes

  • Updated to LibTorch v2.5.1 (#1204) -- potentially breaking change!

New features

  • Feature: Faster optimizers (optim_ignite_<name>()) are available: Adam, AdamW, Adagrad, RMSprop,SGD.
    These can be used as drop-in replacements for optim_<name> but are considerably
    faster as they wrap the LibTorch implementation of the optimizer.
    The biggest speed differences can be observed for complex optimizers such as AdamW.

Bug fixes

  • torch_iinfo() now support all integer dtypes (#1190 @cregouby)
  • Fixed float key_padding_mask in nnf_multi_head_attention_forward() (#1205)
  • Fix french translation (#1176 @cregouby)
  • Trace jitted modules now respect 'train' and 'eval' mode (#1211)
  • Fix: Avoid name clashes between multiple calls to jit_trace (#1246)


22 May 10:48
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Breaking changes

  • lantern is now distributed over a different URL (
    For most users this shouldn't have any effect, unless you need special authorization
    to access some URL's. (#1162)

New features

  • Added support for a private $finalize_deep_clone() method for nn_module which
    allows to run some code after cloning a module.
  • A compare_proxy method for the torch_tensor type was added
    it allows to compare torch tensors using testthat::expect_equal().
  • Converting torch tensor to R array works when tensor has 'cuda' device (#1130)

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug on using input projection initialization bias in nnf_multi_head_attention_forward (#1154 @cregouby)
  • Bugfix: calling $detach() on a tensor now preserves attributes (#1136)
  • Make sure deep cloning of tensor and nn_module preserves class attributes and the requires_grad field. (#1129)
  • Fixed that parameters and buffers of children of nn_modules were not cloned
  • Cloned objects no longer reference the object from which they were cloned
  • Fixed bug where nn_module's patched clone method was invalid after a call to
    the internal create_nn_module_callable()
  • Printing of grad_fn now appends a new line at the end.
  • Make sure deep cloning preserve state dict attributes. (#1129)
  • Added separate setter and unsetter for the autocast context instead of only allowing local_autocast(). (#1142)
  • Fixed a bug in torch_arange() causing it to return 1:(n-1) values when specific request dtype = torch_int64() (#1160)


24 Jan 11:22
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Breaking changes

  • New torch_save serialization format. It's ~10x faster and since it's based on safetensors, files can be read with any safetensors implementation. (#1071)
  • Updated to LibTorch 2.0.1. (#1085)
  • torch_load no longer supports device=NULL to load weights in the same device they were saved. (#1085)
  • Lantern binaries and torch pre-built binaries are now built on Ubuntu 20.04. (#1124)

New features

  • Added support for CUDA 11.8. (#1089)
  • Added support for iterable datasets. (#1095)

Bug fixes

  • fix printer of torch device (add new line at the end)
  • as.array now moves tensors to the cpu before copying data into R. (#1080)
  • Fixed segfault caused by comparing a dtype with a NULL. (#1090)
  • Fixed incorrect naming of complex data type names, such as torch_cfloat64. (#1091)
  • Fixed name of the out_features attribute in the nn_linear module. (#1097)
  • Fixed issues when loading the state dict of optimizers and learning rate schedulers. (#1100)
  • Fixed bug when cloning nn_modules with empty state dicts. (#1108)
  • distr_multivariate_normal now correctly handles precision matrix's. (#1110)
  • Moved length.torch_tensor implementation to R7 to avoid problems when a torch dataset has the torch_tensor class. (#1111)
  • Fixed problem when deep cloning a nn_module. (#1123)


06 Jun 17:41
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Breaking changes

  • load_state_dict() for optimizers now default to cloning the tensors in the state dict, so they don't keep references to objects in the dict. (#1041)

New features

  • Added nn_utils_weight_norm (#1025)
  • Added support for reading from ordered state dicts serialized with PyTorch. (#1031)
  • Added jit_ops allowing to access JIT operators. (#1023)
  • Added with_device and local_device to allow temporarily modify the default device tensors get initialized. (#1034)
  • nnf_gelu() and nn_gelu() gained the approximate argument. (#1043)
  • Implemented != for torch devices. (#1042)
  • Allows setting the dtype with a string. (#1045)
  • You can now create a named list of modules using nn_module_dict(). (#1046)
  • Faster load_state_dict(), also using less memory. It' possible to use the legacy implementation if required, see PR. (#1051)
  • Export helpers for handling RNG state, and temprarily modifying it. (#1057)
  • Added support for converting half tensors into R with as.numeric(). (#1056)
  • Added new torch_tensor_from_buffer() and buffer_from_torch_tensor() that allow low level creation of torch tensors. (#1061, #1062)


  • Improved documentation for LBFGS optimizer. (#1035)
  • Added a message asking the user to restart the session after a manual installation with install_torch(). (#1055)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug related to handling of non-persistent buffers. They would get added to the state_dict() even if they should not. (#1036)
  • Fixed a typo in the optim_adamw class name.
  • Fixed nn_cross_entropy_loss class name. (#1043)
  • Fixed bug in LBFGS w/ line search. (#1048)
  • Correctly handle the installation when RemoteSha is a package version. (#1058)


  • Started building LibLantern on macOS 11 instead of macOS12 for maximum compatibility. (#1026)
  • Added CXXSTD to Makevars to enable C+11 compilation options.
  • Refactored codepath for TensorOptions and now all tensors initialization are handled by the same codepath. (#1033)
  • Added internal argument .refer_to_state_dict to the load_state_dict() nn_module() method. Allows loading the state dict into the model keeping parmaters as references to that state dict. (#1036)


14 Apr 06:07
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Breaking changes

  • Updated to LibTorch v1.13.1 (#977)

New features

  • Provide pre-built binaries for torch using a GH Action workflow. (#975)
  • Added nn_silu() and nnf_silu(). (#985)
  • Added support for deep cloning nn_modules. (#986)
  • Added local_no_grad() and local_enable_grad() as alternatives for the with_ functions. (#990)
  • Added optim_adamw optimizer. (#991)
  • Added support for automatic mixed precision (#996)
  • Added functionality to temporarily modify the torch seed. (#999)
  • Support for creating torch tensors from raw vectors and back. (#1003)

Bug fixes

  • Dataloaders now preserve the batch dimension when batch_size=1 is used. (#994)


  • Large refactoring of the build system. (#964)
  • Use native symbol registration instead of dynamic lookup. (#976)
  • Returning lists of tensors to R is now much faster. (#993)


23 Jan 20:02
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Breaking changes

  • torch_where now returns 1-based indices when it's called with the condition argument only. (#951, @skeydan)

New features

  • Added support for nonABI builds on CUDA 11.6. (#919)
  • The torch_fft_fftfreq() function is now exported. (#950, @skeydan)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that caused distr_normal$sample() not being able to generate reproducible results after setting seeds. (#938)
  • torch_cat error message now correctly reflects 1-based indexing. (#952, @skeydan)


  • Fixed warnings in R CMD Check generated by the unsafe use of sprintf. (#959, @shikokuchuo)
  • Import, not suggest glue (#960)


24 Oct 18:23
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Breaking changes

  • Updated to LibTorch v1.12.1. (#889, #893, #899)
  • torch_bincount is now 1-based indexed. (#896)
  • torch_movedim() and $movedim() are now both 1-based indexed. (#905)

New features

  • Added cuda_synchronize() to allow synchronization of CUDA operations. (#887)
  • Added support for M1 Macs, including creating Tensors in the MPS device. (#890)
  • Added support for CUDA 11.6 on Linux. (#902)
  • Added cuda_empty_cache() to allow freeing memory from the caching allocator to the system. (#903)
  • Added $is_sparse() method to check wether a Tensor is sparse or not. (#903)
  • dataset_subset now adds a class to the modified dataset that is the same as the original dataset classes postfixed with _subset. (#904)
  • Added torch_serialize() to allow creating a raw vector from torch objects. (#908)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in torch_arange that was causing the end value not getting included in the result. (#885, @skeydan)
  • Fixed bug in window functions by setting a default dtype. (#886, @skeydan)
  • Fixed bug when using install_torch(reinstall = TRUE). (#883)
  • The dims argument in torch_tile() is no longer modified, as it's not meant to be the a 1-based dimension. (#905)
  • nn_module$state_diict() now detaches output tensors by default. (#916)


  • Re-implemented the $ method for R7 classes in C/C++ to improve speed when calling methods. (#873)
  • Re-implemented garbage collection logic when calling it from inside a backward() call. This improves speed because we no longer need to call GC
    everytime backward is called. (#873)
  • We now use a thread pool instead of launching a new thread for backward calls. (#883)
  • Implemented options to allow configuring the activation of garbage collection when allocating more CUDA memory. (#883)
  • Some nnf_ functions have been updated to use a single torch_ kernel instead of the custom implementation. (#896)
  • Improved performance of dataloaders. (#900)
  • We now let LibTorch query the default generator, this allows one to use torch_bernoulli() with device="gpu". (#906)


19 Aug 11:21
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Breaking changes

  • We now prompt the user before installing torch additional dependencies in interactive environments. This was requested by CRAN maintainers. (#864)

New features

  • Dataloaders can now handle logical values. (#858, @ryan-heslin)
  • We now provide builds for Pre CXX11 ABI version of LibTorch. They can be used by setting the environment variable PRECXX11ABI=1. This can be useful in environments with older versions of GLIBC. (#870)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the way errors are passed from dataloaders workers to the main process. Now using new rlang error chaining. (#864)


  • We can now call GC even if from a backward call (ie, from a different thread) which allows for better memory management. (#853)
  • Fix HTML5 Manual information as resquested by CRAN (#869)