Changes for 1.5.0
- Apply the closing penalty before applying the multiplier as per XContest rules (section #4.1) and FFVL CFD rules (section #6) - this change is very important as it has an impact on the scoring (especially for XContest, the impact on the FFVL scores is next to none)
- Folded FlatTriangle bound/score into FAITriangle bound/score resulting an universal Triangle bound/score code
- Added a new hybrid type of flight - Open Triangle - that is scored as a 3 TP distance flight but has a triangle closing rule (no such rules at the moment)
- Added support for 3 TP distance flights with a multiplier different than 1 (no such rules at the moment)
- Exported the binaries to allow using through npm -g (you can use igc-xc-score as a CLI command after npm -g install)
- Display individual leg lengths in the command line version
- Return the start/finish points for 3 TP distance flights in new scoreInfo fields ep['start'] and ep['finish'] to avoid confusion with the cp['in'] and cp['out'] fields that will now always contain the closing distance of the triangle