Activates elements for inline editing and live updating from a django-channels backend. This script looks for expected class names and data attributes and adds events and attributes to connect them.
The aim of this script is to be small and easy to use rather than being high-performance of highly featured. Compatibility is for modern browsers.
Any html element containing a representation of a django model can be activated by adding classes to it and its enclosed field values.
On the container:
- class="live"
- data-model="appname.modelname"
- data-id="1" // primay key
On each field:
- class="field" // to enable live udpates
- class="editable" // to enable inline editing
- data-field="fieldname"
This object depends on the channels.WebSocketBinding and should be initialised with the binding url of the demultiplexer set up in channels routing.
Include the script:
<script src="/static/channels/js/websocketbridge.js"></script>
<script src="/static/channelbindjs/activate.js"</script>
And to make a model receive live updates and have inline editing:
<div class="live" data-model="appname.modelname" data-id="1" data-stream="demultiplexer-stream">
<div class="field editable" data-field="title">Rendered content of title field</div>
<div class="field editable" data-field="description">Rendered description</div>
pip install channelbindjs