A simple macro for LibreOffice to highlight errors with suggestions and links to explanations provided by the open source After the deadline (ATD) language checking service. This macro is hard-coded to use that server on localhost.
There is an unmaintained java-based LibreOffice extension which I'm sure is better than this software, but does not work with LibreOffice 5+ called atd-openoffice.
Tested in LibreOffice 5.2 and 5.3dev.
Copy the GrammarAlert.py script to your LibreOffice python scripts folder. The site varies per platform. For example, OSX and in recent nightly build:
Install and run the ATD server
The macro will appear in:
Tools > Macros > Organise Macros > Python
GrammarAlert will appear under 'LibreOffice Macros'. Run the check function to check the current document.
Use the LibreOffice python to run the tests.
Run ATD service on localhost.
Run LibreOffice in server mode, listening on port 2002.
Highlighting with non-destructive underlines like spellcheck.
Providing suggestions in a contextual menu instead of mangling the text.
ATD service only supports English US. ATD spelling errors not highlighted to give compatibility with other English variants.
ATD service ignores curly quotes and reports them as errors because they are missing. There is a simple filter for them included to replace them with their ASCII equivalents. Other extended characters are likely to cause similar problems.