Challenge Project for the startup Futurestay.
Challenge project created to show the knowledge acquired as UI Developer in frontend technologies like react.js
The initial structure is created by create-react-app, the setup for a modern web app.
Application requires Node.js to run.
Execute the follow commands.
git clone
cd futurestay-challenge-project
yarn install
yarn start
Note | The project is running on port
For the folder organization, is used the metodology structure by features
. I believe that is a easy way to manage the scalability of big project. You can split one big application into the smallest ones divide and conquer
|-- src # Main code.
|-- common # Reusable code between the pages.
|-- assets # Assets to use in the applications. (images,fonts, logos)
|-- components # Reusable components.
|-- hocs # Reusable react hocs.
|-- hooks # Reusable react hooks.
|-- utils # Utils functions.
|-- dashboard # Each application module, is commonly defined by the direction from react-router.
|-- components # Dumb components used in the specific module.
|-- Container.js # Smart component frequently with redux.
|-- index.js # Module Entry point, to expose all the things reusables.
|-- App.js # Application component.
|-- index.css # General styles.
|-- index.js # Application entry point.
Here are the main libraries used in the project.
- react - Modern web library to use in the UI.
- styled-components - Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress.
- react-bootstrap - The most popular front-end framework Rebuilt for React.
- react-placeholder - Nice placeholders while the content is loading.
- react-router - Declarative routing for react.js.
- @craco/craco - Easy and comprehensible configuration layer for create-react-app.
- gh-pages - Publish files to a gh-pages branch on GitHub.
- Implement a
Implemented responsive views on
design using bootstrap's grid system. -
Implemented routing with react-router to navigate in the application.
Added a Dark Theme, Implemented theming in the project, created with a own custom hook
with a persist inlocalStorage
.Note | If your computer or your browser has a dark theme configured, the hook will recognize and will show the application in the dark mode.
- Migrate code to Typescript.
- Add unit testings with Jest
- Generate a library component with Storybook
- Add mobile gestures with Hammer