This project uses the Point Cloud Library (PCL) to analyze 3D data points and produce a mesh.
The input data set is a mx3
matrix where each column represents an x, y, and z coordinate respectively. The input file of points is formatted as follows
x_1 y_1 z_1
x_2 y_2 z_2
x_m y_m z_m
with a space between each coordinate of a point on a line.
– CMake build files
– Executables for Intrepid
– 3D scans from the Project Tango tablet
- Converts a .txt file to 2 .pcd files (with/without normals)
- Uses the GreedyTriangulation algorithm to convert the pcd with normals to a vtk mesh
- Uses the Marching Cubes algorithm (Hoppe or RBF) to generate a mesh from a pcd with normals.
- Takes in a .txt file, performs filtering algorithms, normal estimation, and generates a mesh using Greedy, Marching Cubes Hoppe, or Marching Cubes RBF algorithms. It's the "main" program!
Intrepid usesProject Tango tablets to take 3D scans of environments. The MeshBuilder application was modified to save binary files of the scan data to /sdcard/Android/data/com.projecttango.experiments.unitymeshbuilder/files/
, which can be accessible through connecting the tablet to a computer via USB.
In order to convert the binary file to a .txt file with only the depth data, use TangoBinaryDecoder, a Mono C# application.
This subproject takes in input .pcd file and generates a mesh that uses either a radial basis function (RBF) or Hoppe marching cubes as described in Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points (Hoppe et al.)
Copyright (c) 2015. Mohit Deshpande
Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc.