Web Developer Test Assignment
Project has been built with a backend (Nodejs) and front (Reactjs - Redux - Thunk)
Backend divided into 2 routes :
- Search /search
- Analyze results /search/analyze
I did my best to follow the requirements exactly as requests for testing purposes.
Google results have been fetched using google API custom search since crawling google pages may lead to a CORS blocking. Note: I added my google API key for this project in the constants file for facilitating and speed up your testing and deployment process knowing that having created a .env file with all these parameters is the best and secure practice
If i had the chance to follow other ways in implementation, I preferred to :
- Not to download results but analyze them directly and save results in a database
- To make the process as parallel or queue execution
- If I had more time, i was preparing a swagger document for API usage and documentation
Unit tests have been created for all functions and if i had more time i will do much more. Some tests may create files, analyze them and delete them automatically
Notes : After every analyze system will delete created files automatically to save space You will notice that not all files will be created after getting google search result and that's because some websites block us from having its source code Github workflow yml file has been created for testing purposes after every push