Google.GData port for mobile platforms!forum/gdata-dotnet-client-library
TODOs: 2012-07-22 Samples WP
0. google gdata api original is for desktop versions
1. added mobile
add project "least common denominator"/"smallest subset"
WP (SIlverlight) took too much time to fix so it is temporarily dropped from schedule
started with MonoMobile (MA and MT)
with Project Linker added links
2. rename google solution structure (directories and projects)
projects w/o extensions are desktop projects (original) with some modifications.
Modifications are perfromed with partial classes and adding classes that would silence
the compiler (System.Diagnostics), or moving some partial implementations to desktop
projects (Registry stuff).
core\ CoreClient\
core\Core Client.csproj CoreClient\CoreClient.csproj
extensions\ CommonDataExtensions\
extensions\Common Data Extensions.csproj CommonDataExtensions\CommonDataExtensions.csproj
gacl\ AccessControl\
gacl\Access Control.csproj gacl\AccessControl.csproj
analytics\ Analytics\
blogger\ Blogger
contentsforshopping\ ContentsForShopping\
documents3\ Documents3\
gapps\ Applications\
gcalendar\ Calendar\
gcontacts\ Contacts\
gphotos\ Picasa\
gspreadsheet\ Spreadsheets\
3. all desktop projects target .net 3.5
MT target 4.0
do not copy MT project under windows and include in solution it has to be
added through MD on mac
4. on
Windows and MacOSX
compiles fine (Trace Problem) w/o referencing our System.Diagnostics.MT project
to make solution rebuild remove System.Diagnostics.MT ref
does not compile w/o referencing our System.Diagnostics.MT project
so add reference on MacOSX or ignore: Thet type T exists in both ...
projects to solve first Common Data Extensions Core Client
for MM (MA+MT)
see Mike Bluestein's sample for YouTube
projects to solve first Common Data Extensions Core Client