Topbeat is the Beat used for server monitoring. It is a lightweight agent that installed on your servers, reads periodically system wide and per process CPU and memory statistics and indexes them in Elasticsearch.
There are two types of documents exported:
type: system
for system wide statisticstype: proc
for per process statistics. One per process is generated.
{ "_index": "topbeat-2015.08.27", "_type": "system", "_id": "AU9uLFz1sHueqcsbvZmh", "_source": { "count": 1, "cpu": { "user": 9129745, "user_p": 85.11, "nice": 0, "system": 1878287, "system_p": 14.64, "idle": 17645082, "iowait": 0, "irq": 0, "softirq": 0, "steal": 0 }, "load": { "load1": 6.52392578125, "load5": 6.5341796875, "load15": 7.10791015625 }, "mem": { "total": 16777216, "used": 11466136, "free": 5311080, "used_p": 68.34, "actual_used": 11064836, "actual_free": 5712380 }, "shipper": "mar.localdomain", "swap": { "total": 2147483648, "used": 931135488, "free": 1216348160, "used_p": 43.36, "actual_used": 0, "actual_free": 0 }, "timestamp": "2015-08-27T08:00:45.044Z", "type": "system" } } { "_index": "topbeat-2015.08.27", "_type": "proc", "_id": "AU9uLi3MsHueqcsbve66", "_source": { "count": 1, "proc.cpu": { "user": 21149958, "user_p": 334.62, "system": 272950, "total": 21422908, "start_time": "22:29" }, "proc.mem": { "size": 145164088, "rss": 276, "rss_p": 0, "share": 0 }, "": "burn", "": 24090, "proc.ppid": 24087, "proc.state": "running", "shipper": "mar.localdomain", "timestamp": "2015-08-27T08:02:44.077Z", "type": "proc" } }
To apply topbeat template:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_template/topbeat' -d@etc/topbeat.template.json