Word-bothering made easy: quick text explorations with python
- Do it the way you can remember how to do it, not the nicest possible way
- Try stuff with list and string manipulation before getting fancy
- Put your English dictionaries in Python dictionaries for much faster searches
- If something gets complicated, save it for another day. Algorithm works on words but not sentences? Let's play with words today.
- If something isn't quite right, is it worth the trouble to fix it? My cmudict lookup only gets the first pronunciation of each word.
Good enough. My list of fishes stolen from wikipedia includes some things that aren't fishes.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ >< o>
- Not every exploration comes up with anything interesting.
The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary is my favorite wordlist for word-bothering: http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/cmudict
PronouncingJS is a handy javascript wrapper for the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary: https://github.com/aparrish/pronouncingjs
NLTK is natural language toolkit for python http://www.nltk.org/
PATTERN is ditto for ditto http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/pattern
RITA - language libraries for java and javascript https://rednoise.org/rita/
WORDNIK - online API - access by browser or using API library https://www.wordnik.com/
KIMONO LABS - scrape web sites and extract info for you https://www.kimonolabs.com/
SOWPODS - scrabble dictionary https://code.google.com/p/scrabblehelper/source/browse/trunk/ScrabbleHelper/src/dictionaries/
DARIUS' CORPORA - all kinds of lists of things https://github.com/dariusk/corpora